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词语 邮筩

邮筒(Yóu Tǒng)

邮筩(Yóu Tǒng)

Pronunciation: yóu tǒng

Basic Meaning: A mailbox used for sending letters.

Detailed Explanation: 邮筩 refers to a mailbox used for sending letters. It is usually a cylindrical container made of metal or plastic with an opening on the top for people to put in their letters. The mailbox is then collected by postal workers who deliver the letters to their intended recipients.

Usage Scenarios: 邮筩 is commonly seen on the streets or in public areas, where people can easily drop off their letters to be sent. It is an essential part of the postal system, providing a convenient way for people to send their mail.

Story Origin: The term 邮筩 originated from the combination of the characters 邮 (yóu) meaning "mail" and 筩 (tǒng) meaning "cylinder." The term was created to describe the mailbox used in the postal system.

Structure of the Idiom: The idiom 邮筩 is a compound word formed by combining the characters 邮 (yóu) and 筩 (tǒng).

Example Sentences:

1. 我把明信片投进了邮筩。

Translation: I dropped the postcard into the mailbox.

2. 请你帮我把这封信投进邮筩。

Translation: Can you help me put this letter into the mailbox?

Memory Techniques: To remember the term 邮筩, you can associate it with the image of a mailbox. Visualize yourself dropping a letter into the mailbox and the sound it makes as the letter falls inside. This visual and auditory association can help you remember the term more effectively.

Extended Learning: To further explore the topic of 邮筩, you can learn about the history of the postal system in China and how it has evolved over time. You can also research the different types of mailboxes used in different countries and compare them to 邮筩.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我把明信片放进邮筩里,希望它能快快地送到朋友那里。

Translation: I put the postcard in the mailbox, hoping it will be delivered quickly to my friend.

2. Teenagers: 我在邮筩里投了一封情书,希望能传达我的心意。

Translation: I dropped a love letter in the mailbox, hoping to convey my feelings.

3. Adults: 我每天都在邮筩里投递工作信件,确保及时送达。

Translation: I drop work letters in the mailbox every day to ensure timely delivery.





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