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词语 淤积

淤积(yū jī)

Pronunciation: yū jī

Basic Meaning: To accumulate or gather in large quantities

Detailed Explanation: The term "淤积" is composed of two characters. "淤" means to accumulate or gather, while "积" means to pile up or store. Together, they refer to the act of accumulating or gathering something in large quantities. This idiom is often used to describe the process of things gradually building up or accumulating over time.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is commonly used in various contexts to describe the accumulation of physical objects, such as sediment in rivers or dirt in a pipeline. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the accumulation of problems, difficulties, or negative emotions.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. It is said that during the reign of Emperor Gaozu of Han, a river in the capital city began to accumulate sediment and became shallow, hindering navigation and causing flooding. The emperor ordered officials to dredge the river and remove the accumulated sediment, which led to the use of the term "淤积" to describe the process of accumulation.

Structure of the Idiom: 淤积 is a verb-object idiom. The verb "淤" represents the action of accumulating or gathering, while the object "积" signifies the result or state of accumulation.

Example Sentences:

1. 这个池塘已经淤积了很多泥沙,需要清理。

(This pond has accumulated a lot of mud and sand and needs to be cleaned.)

2. 过去几年,他心中的怨恨不断淤积,终于爆发了出来。

(Over the past few years, the resentment in his heart has been accumulating and finally burst out.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of "淤积," you can visualize a river slowly filling up with sediment, symbolizing the process of accumulation. You can also associate the pronunciation "yū jī" with the sound of a river flowing and accumulating.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of "淤积," you can explore related topics such as sedimentation in rivers, the impact of accumulation on ecosystems, or the psychological effects of emotional buildup.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (age 8-12): 河里的淤积物让鱼儿无法游动。

(The accumulation of sediment in the river prevents the fish from swimming.)

2. Teenagers (age 13-18): 我的抱怨一直在心里淤积,我需要找个出口释放。

(My complaints have been accumulating in my heart, and I need to find an outlet to release them.)

3. Adults (age 25+): 这个项目的问题已经淤积多年,我们需要采取行动解决。

(The problems with this project have been accumulating for years, and we need to take action to resolve them.)





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