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词语 异骨

异骨(yì gǔ)

Pronunciation: yì gǔ

Basic Meaning: different bones

Detailed Explanation: The idiom "异骨" refers to people who have different opinions or ideas. It describes individuals who think differently from others and have unique perspectives. These people often have their own set of values and beliefs, and they may stand out or be seen as unconventional.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom can be used to describe someone who has a different approach to solving problems, has a unique perspective on life, or has unconventional ideas. It can also be used to express admiration for individuals who dare to be different and think outside the box.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the ancient Chinese book "Zuo Zhuan," which records historical events during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). In one of the stories, a minister named Zichan advised the ruler to choose talented and capable individuals based on their abilities rather than their family background. He used the phrase "异骨" to emphasize the importance of selecting people with different ideas and perspectives.

Structure of the Idiom: This idiom is formed by combining the characters "异" (yì) meaning "different" and "骨" (gǔ) meaning "bones."

Example Sentences:

1. 他的想法总是异骨于常人,但却常常给出出人意料的好建议。

(His ideas are always different from others, but he often gives unexpected good advice.)

2. 作为一名艺术家,他的作品总是异骨于众,充满了独特的创意。

(As an artist, his works are always different from others, full of unique creativity.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of this idiom, you can imagine a person with different bones, symbolizing someone who thinks differently from others. Visualize this person standing out in a crowd, representing their unique perspective and ideas.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of "异骨," you can explore other related idioms such as "独具慧眼" (dú jù huì yǎn, having a unique insight) and "异军突起" (yì jūn tū qǐ, emerging as a new force).

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 异骨的小朋友总能带来新奇有趣的游戏。

(Children with different bones always bring interesting and exciting games.)

2. Teenagers: 在学校里,异骨的学生常常成为领导者,带领大家做出创新和改变。

(In school, students with different bones often become leaders, leading everyone to make innovations and changes.)

3. Adults: 在工作中,我们需要欣赏和尊重异骨的同事,因为他们能为团队带来新的思路和创意。

(In the workplace, we need to appreciate and respect colleagues with different bones because they can bring new ideas and creativity to the team.)





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