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词语 废话

废话(fèi huà)

Pronunciation: fèi huà

Basic Meaning: nonsense, rubbish talk

Detailed Explanation: 废话 refers to meaningless or irrelevant talk that has no substance or value. It often refers to words or statements that are not helpful or necessary in a given context.

Usage Scenarios: 废话 is commonly used to express annoyance or impatience towards someone who is speaking without purpose or making irrelevant remarks. It can also be used to dismiss or reject someone's argument or opinion as being nonsensical.

Story Origin: The origin of 废话 is not clear, but it has been widely used in the Chinese language for a long time.

Structure of the Idiom: The structure of 废话 is simple, consisting of the characters 废 (waste) and 话 (words).

Example Sentences:

1. 别废话了,我们需要快点行动。

Translation: Stop talking nonsense, we need to act quickly.

2. 他说的都是废话,根本不值得听。

Translation: What he said was all nonsense and not worth listening to.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 废话, you can associate it with the idea of wasting words. Think of someone talking endlessly, but their words have no value or importance, as if they are just wasting their breath.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of 废话, you can explore related idioms and expressions, such as 废话连篇 (endless nonsense talk) or 废话满天飞 (nonsense flying all over the sky).

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 老师,别废话了,我们要开始上课了。

Translation: Teacher, stop talking nonsense, we need to start the class.

2. Teenagers: 他一直废话,根本不知道我们在关心什么。

Translation: He keeps talking nonsense, he has no idea what we care about.

3. Adults: 这个会议一直在废话,根本没有讨论到实质问题。

Translation: This meeting has been all about nonsense talk, it hasn't discussed the real issues.





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