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成语 慷慨赴义

慷慨赴义(kāng kǎi fù yì)

Pronunciation: kāng kǎi fù yì

Basic Meaning: To generously offer assistance or help

Detailed Explanation: 慷慨赴义 describes someone who willingly and generously offers help or assistance to others without hesitation. It implies a selfless act of kindness and a strong sense of moral responsibility to help those in need.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom can be used to praise someone who is willing to go out of their way to help others, even at personal cost or sacrifice. It is often used to describe heroic actions or acts of bravery in times of crisis or danger.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the "Book of Songs" (《诗经》), an ancient collection of Chinese poems. In one of the poems, it describes a person who selflessly offers assistance to others in times of need, embodying the spirit of 慷慨赴义.

Structure of the Idiom: This idiom is made up of two parts: 慷慨 (kāng kǎi) and 赴义 (fù yì). 慷慨 means generous or open-minded, and 赴义 means to offer help or assistance.

Example Sentences:

1. 他慷慨赴义,毫不犹豫地捐赠了一大笔钱款给慈善机构。

Translation: He generously offered assistance and donated a large sum of money to a charitable organization without hesitation.

2. 在地震灾区,许多人慷慨赴义,积极参与救援工作。

Translation: In the earthquake-stricken area, many people generously offered assistance and actively participated in rescue work.

Memory Techniques: To remember this idiom, you can associate the sound of "慷慨赴义" with the image of a generous person rushing to help others. Visualize someone selflessly offering assistance with a generous heart.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of 慷慨赴义, you can read stories or watch movies that depict acts of selflessness and heroism. Reflect on the importance of helping others and the impact it can have on individuals and society.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我的朋友慷慨赴义,帮助我修好了自行车。

Translation: My friend generously offered assistance and helped me fix my bicycle.

2. Teenagers: 在这次义卖活动中,我们团队的成员都慷慨赴义,积极参与,为慈善机构筹集了很多善款。

Translation: During this charity sale event, all the members of our team generously offered assistance and actively participated, raising a lot of money for the charitable organization.

3. Adults: 在这个社区,人们总是慷慨赴义,互相帮助,建立了一个和谐的社会环境。

Translation: In this community, people always generously offer assistance and help each other, creating a harmonious social environment.





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