词语 | 我的学校英语日记 |
释义 | 我的学校英语日记 篇1 my school is at haimen town.it is very big and beautiful.there are forty-three classes in it.when you come to our school, you can see the modern teaching building。 our teachers work and do practice in it.behind the building, there are two classroom buildings and a school library.in the library there are thousands and thousands of books.after class you can borrow the books you want and also you can read them in the reading room at any time。 beside our classroom, there is a big playground.at about 4:30 p。m.every day, many students play football, basketball and some of them play tennis.all the playground is alive。 our school is a model school in jiangsu.i like my school very much。 我的学校英语日记 篇2 My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest or sat by the lake listening music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. 中文翻译: 我的梦想学校看起来像一个大花园。有各种各样的花和树在教室的`建筑。我们可以躺在草地上休息或者坐在海边听音乐。 这里的老师都是有益的。他们不仅是我们的老师而且还是我们的朋友。 猜你喜欢1:初二英语日记 Li Bin is my good friend. He was born on the 12th of September,1990. His mother is an English teacher. So he started to learn English when he was six . He started to play basketball at the age of nine. He played well and he joined the school boys’ basketball team in 20xx. Last year he won the first prize of the English Speech Contest at school. 猜你喜欢2:夸夸我的学校日记 读小学的时候,很多次跟随父母经过虹桥路上徐汇中学总校的校门,每一次父母都告诉我:吴一一,这就是你以后要上的初中哦,这可是全上海最黄金地段的中学了,希望你以后的“含金量”能配得上这所学校、这个地段。 从那时起,徐汇中学就已经成为我心目中最好、最向往的中学了。而当我真正成为一名“汇学”少年之后,我更是由衷地爱上了她。 徐汇中学的美丽和优雅,当然是有目共睹的。我们校歌的第一句就是“徐汇校园,到处苗木青葱”,确实如此。校园里处处都是美丽的风景:高高的尚学楼、重德楼、砺行楼、崇思楼,红的墙砖不知见证了多少学生的青春;校园里的绿树、红墙、柱子上的石雕花朵,引得我和同学们经常徜徉其中,心中充满喜乐;活泼喧闹的操场,我们曾在这里挥洒过汗水,也收获过成功和友谊……放眼望去,还能看到不远处徐汇天主教堂的尖顶。漫步校园,你根本不会觉得自己身处繁华的徐家汇,而是一个安静深邃的学习殿堂。 除了这些人人都能看得到的风景,徐汇中学的美丽和优雅,还在于她有丰富的“内在美”。徐汇中学有171年的历史,首开我国科学文化教育的先河,在我国教育史上拥有特殊地位,被誉为“西洋办学第一校”;徐汇中学培育出了一代又一代的优秀校友,如著名教育家马相伯、翻译家傅雷、戏剧家洪深、当代作家叶辛等等。他们既是徐汇中学的骄傲,也是后来汇学人的榜样。 当然,一所学校之所以被称为“好学校”,更重要的`是她有优秀的老师、优秀的课程、以及优秀的教育理念。“培养高尚情操,树立时代新风;发展多彩个性,开拓创新为重”,校歌也唱出了徐汇中学的重要特色。在常规课程之外,徐汇中学有丰富多彩的特色课程,比如我们七(5)班的特色拓展课就是二胡与合唱。作为一个从小五音不全、父母认为我这辈子都不会接触乐器的孩子,我竟然能在半年学习之后,能够用二胡奏一曲《送别》,我自己都觉得不可思议。 每当说起“我是徐汇中学的学生”,我都能收获很多人的“羡慕”:“哇,那么好的学校!”是的,今天我以徐汇中学为荣,希望未来的某一天,徐汇中学能够以我为荣。到那时,我该多高兴啊。 |
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