单词 | cash crop |
释义 | cash crop [英 [k?? kr?p] 美 [k?? krɑp] ] cash crop的意思、解释 复数形式:cash crops; cash crop 基本解释 名词商品作物 cash crop 网络解释 1. 经济作物:Capital tie-up: 资本滞结 | Cash crop: 经济作物 | Cash on delivery: 货到付款 (COD) 2. 经济作物;现金作物:case study个案研究;学习事例 | cash crop经济作物;现金作物 | cash tenancy现金租用耕地制 3. cash crop的近义词 3. 商品作物,经济作物:商品蔬菜农场/truck farm | 商品作物,经济作物/cash crop | 赏钱,酒钱/drink money cash crop 双语例句 1. In many cases, they will not provide cash grain bids for 2008-2010 new crop production. 在很多情况下,他们不给2008-2010新粮产提供谷钱买价。 2. cash crop 2. Ancient people would harvest grain, melon and fruit, vegetables and Cash crop, through kinds of work such as selecting field, opening up wasteland, renovating field, selecting seeds, planting, protecting young seedling, weeding, irrigation, fertilization, reaping, solarizing and airing, storing and so on. 通过相土、开荒、整地、选种、播种、保苗、除草、灌溉、除虫、施肥、收割、晾晒、入仓等一系列耕种过程和管理方法的实施,先民将会收获麦、黍、稷、稻、粱、菽等粮食作物和瓜果菜蔬以及桑、麻、葛等经济作物,并将这些农耕生产所得广泛用于饮食、祭祀、酿酒、养蚕等各个领域。 3. There are oil in its tubers and it has become an industrial crop for biodiesel production, Chufa is actually a cash crop with multiple uses. 油莎豆为莎草科多年生草本,全生育期110~130d,块茎产量高且富含油脂,已成为生产生物柴油的原料植物。 4. The general model form isThe Cash variable is used to represent those producers that predominantly sell their crop at harvest with no use of advanced marketing procedures. 一般的模型形式isThe现金变量是用来表示这主要是那些生产商与销售先进的营销程序没有使用他们在收获作物。 5. 5. Rapeseed is the very important cash crop in China and Canada. 油菜在中国和加拿大都是非常重要的经济作物。 6. It is further proposed to grow Indian Hemp, a new cash crop with a rapidly growing market. Agriverde有限公司将提议增加种植印度大麻,这种新的经济作物有快速增长的市场需求。 7. Tomato was an important cash crop and a model plant in molecular biology field. 番茄是重要的经济作物和分子生物学研究中的重要的模式植物。 8. In 2002, the implementation of the town a total of 23, 756 acres of crop sown area, of which an area of 4806 mu of grain crops, 3227 acres less than the previous year, an area of 18, 950 mu of cash crops, 3227 acres more than the previous year, adjusted the structure of 20:80 ratio ofliang jing. 大力调整种植结构,为农民增收奠定坚实基础。2002年,全镇共落实农作物播种面积23756亩,其中粮食作物面积4806亩,比上年减少3227亩,经济作物面积18950亩,比上年增加3227亩,结构调整后粮经比达到20∶80。 9. Results show 1 the total water requirement of the crops in the Jinghe Watershed is 740543.20×10^4 m^3, accounting for 41.58% of the total water requirement of the region; 2 of the two major groups of crops, grain crops are higher than cash crops in water requirement quotas; and among specific crops, vegetables, melons, rice and cotton are higher and sunflower, potato and benne are lower than other crops; 3 water requirement per hectare varies from county to county with the highest being 5682m^3hm^(-2), in Jingyang County, and the lowest 4022 m^3hm^(-2) in Dingbian County, averaged to 4583 m^3hm^(-2), but the water requirement quota of a crop does not vary with the county, so calculation of water requirement quota of a county is closely related to its cropping structure; and 4 because of serious waste of water in farming, the actual water consumption in agriculture in the region is much higher than the calculated crop water requirement. 结果表明,泾河流域农作物需水量总计740543.20万立方公尺,农作物需水占总需水量的比例较高,为41.58%。粮食作物需水定额较经济作物高;就具体作物而言,菜、瓜类、水稻、棉花等需水定额较高,向日葵、薯类、胡麻等较低。各县单位面积需水量差异较大,平均值为4583立方公尺hm^(-2);泾阳县最高,为5682立方公尺hm^(-2),定边县最低,为4022立方公尺hm^(-2)。由于事先设定大多数作物的需水定额不随县的改变而改变,因此需水量与作物结构密切相关。农业用水浪费严重,使泾河流域农作物实际用水量远高于需水量的理论计算值。 10. cash crop 10. Cotton is an important cash crop in the world and plays an important role in our life. 棉花是一种重要的经济作物,在人们的生活中占有重要地位。 11. cash crop 11. Tobacco was an important cash crop and it was important in the national economy of China. 烟草是一种重要的经济作物,在我国国民经济中占有重要地位。 12. The threat comes at a time when potatoes have become an important staple food and a lucrative cash crop in many developing countries. 威胁到来时正值马铃薯已成为许多发展中国家一种重要的主食和赢利的经济作物。 13. cash crop什么意思 13. To separate cereal crop from forage crop and build a cropping system of cereal-cash-forage three units structure is an inevitable choice of solving grain problem in the Loess Plateau. 粮料分流,建立种植业三元结构是解决黄土高原粮食问题的必然选择。 14. ABSTRACT Cotton is an important cash crop in the world. 棉花是重要的纺织工业原料。 15. In many countries, as well as in China, tea plant is an important cash crop. 茶叶是世界上最流行的无酒精饮品之一,具有许多生理保健作用。 16. 16. What is the main cash crop? 那主要的收入是什么呢? 17. Watermelon is an important cash crop and occupies a significant position in agricultural production system of China. 西瓜是重要的经济作物,在农业生产中占有重要地位。 18. 18. These fast cash loans cover your small and unexpected expenses that crop up from time to time. 这些小快你意想不到的现金支付贷款费用不时出现。 19. cash crop的解释 19. It includes the adjustment of the agriculture`s internal construction, needing more cash crop and forestry, animal husbandry and fishery which densely used labor rather than cereal crop and palnt products industry which densely used land; The farming investment construction adjusts, enlargeing the investment within the scope of national, and promoting to consume, at the same time, making a point of and enlarging investment on Rural Infrastructure; The farming and disforming labor construction adjust, by means of making use of the village business enterprise and small town, we should accelerate the village surplus labor transfering into town, at the same time increasing income but not agriculture income; The three parties of industrial structure adjusts, strongly develop the third party industry etc. 包括农业内部结构调整,要大力发展相对劳动密集型的经济作物和林牧渔业而非相对土地密集型的粮食作物和种植业;农业投资结构调整,在加大全国范围内投资,以促进消费的同时,注重并加大对农业基础设施等方面的投资建设;农业与非农劳动力结构调整,利用乡镇企业和小城镇建设等手段,加速我国剩余农业劳动力的非农转移,同时增加非农收入;三次产业结构调整,大力发展第三产业等方面。 20. Is an important cash crop, and many SSR markers have been developed from genomic and EST in Gossypium. 是重要的经济作物,已经从基因组和EST开发了大量SSR分子标记。 cash crop 词典解释 1. 经济作物 A cash crop is a crop that is grown in order to be sold. e.g. Cranberries have become a major cash crop. 越橘已经成了主要经济作物。 cash crop 单语例句cash crop 1. Princess Diana's brother fears she will always be the perfect " cash crop ". 2. China is the world's largest producer of potatoes and this humble tuber is the fifth most important cash crop in the country. 3. The roses soon became a lucrative cash crop as local farmers found a growing demand from the food processing industry. 4. Palm trees not only serve as a major cash crop, but also provide local people with other gifts. 5. The province has the highest plantation acreage, output and cash crop production in the country. 6. He said the farmers were enthusiastic about growing mushrooms as a cash crop. cash crop什么意思cash crop 英英释义 noun 1. a readily salable crop that is grown and gathered for the market (as vegetables or cotton or tobacco) |
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