单词 | badly |
释义 | badly [英 [?b?dli] 美 [?b?dli] ] badly的意思、解释 badly 基本解释 badly的近义词 副词非常,在很大程度上; 坏,拙劣地; 不利地,有害地 badly什么意思 badly 相关例句 副词 1. My back hurts badly. 我的背疼得厉害。 2. He slept badly. 他睡得不好。 3. She was badly hurt when she fell from the ladder. 她从梯子上跌下来,伤得很厉害。 4. To steal is to act badly. 偷窃是恶劣行为。 5. He is badly down; something unhappy must have happened to him. 他情绪很不好,一定是发生什么不愉快的事情了。 badly 网络解释 1. badly的解释 1. 不好地:control 控制 | badly 不好地 | really 真正地,确实地 2. badly 2. 恶劣地/非常:away 离开 | badly 恶劣地/非常 | afraid 害怕的 badly 双语例句 1. Sometimes i wish i could brush aside the cobwebs of time go back and give you a warm hug on the days your heart hurt so badly sometimes i wish i could step through a rift in lost intervals stroll through yesterday to see your smile, and, let you know, it was a special part of my life. 懷舊 *。爱情听着怀旧的歌。。回忆着怀旧的爱情。。。属于我的一点一滴。。一点一滴的浪漫。。深圳的雨点,蒙蒙的天气,显得特别的伤感。。。。。这是悲伤的开始?还是幸福的结束?。。。 2. But he's gunshy about having another wife after his first marriage turned out so badly. 但是,由于比尔第一次结婚结局很坏,所以他对再次结婚感到很迟疑。 3. But he's gunshy about having another wife after hisfirst marriage turned out so badly. 但是,由于比尔第一次结婚结局很坏,所以他对再次结婚感到很迟疑。 4. Gunshy:迟疑 All his freinds kept telling my borther bill that he ought to get married again, but he is gunshy about having another wife after his first marriage turned out so badly 非也。只是外国人不了解文化背景,无法理解而已。 5. 5. I did not think this is brushstroke trades badly, no matter the price how, we are willing to sell a company. 我从来就没认为这是一笔不好的交易,无论价格如何,我们都愿意出售公司。 6. badly 6. I picked up the apples, some of which are badly bruised. 用一点搽剂可使你那青肿的膝部消肿。 7. badly的反义词 7. The whole lot race down towards the alley and as they reach it, one bloodied and badly beaten survivor of the previous twenty crawls out of the alley and waves frantically at them. 整个一帮利物浦人都冲了过来,到了街区里,发现了一个前面的20个爪牙中的幸存者,他浑身血淋林,严重受伤,只剩一口气,疯狂的向他们挥手:回去! 8. If you step on a stingray and get the spine inside your leg, it hurts very badly. 如果你踩在刺鳐的身上或刺扎你腿,后果都会不堪设想的。 9. badly的意思 9. Somehow, we badly need an antidote for both the inflated attention granted a Nobel Laureate in areas outside his competence and the inflated ego each of us is in so much danger of acquiring. 我认为以专业之外的事情干扰诺贝尔奖得主,固然亟需痛下针砭,但我们这些桂冠得主对过度自我膨胀也应有所戒慎恐惧。 10. 10. To see a mallet shows that you will be treated badly while in ill health. 看到一个槌表明,你将处理严重,而在健康欠佳。 11. The vibration originated from the rotor's unbalance mass impacts on the dynamic properties and stable function badly. So unbalance compensation on the rotating machine has important practical meaning, especially in the case of suspended spindle. 在旋转机械中,由于转子质量的不平衡会导致沿旋转方向的振动,严重影响了系统的动态特性及安全运行,特别是对具有较高速度的悬浮转子来说,不平衡补偿具有重要的现实意义。 12. badly 12. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. 我们的国家在战斗,对手是影响深遥的暴力和憎恨;国家的经济也受到严重的削弱,原因虽有一些人的贪婪和不负责任,但更为重要的是我们作为一个整体在一些重大问题上决策失误,同时也未能做好应对新时代的准备。 13. Atlantic Puffin was one of the species badly hit by the Erika oil disaster, which killed about 72, 000 birds. 大西洋海鹦是受到Erika石油灾害严重影响的种类之一,有大约72,000只死亡。 14. Look at me now, in Chile here, 5 days already, everything total USD 60 dollars including cough syrup, by the way, too cold and windy here, I cough badly. 看看我现在,在智利已经呆了5天了,所有的花费加起来才60美金,包括咳嗽糖浆。对了,这是因为我得了重感冒。这边太冷了,风也很大。 15. 15. He's faring well/badly. 他过的很好/不太好。 16. I got into a head-on collision in a borrowed car and was hurt so badly, I was in the hospital for three months. 我开着借的车出了车祸,头被撞的很严重,住了三个月的医院。 17. The balance of a buttonhole and stitch are badly adjusted. 钮孔和针脚的平衡被厉害地调节。 18. However, in 1856 after the Crimean War, Russia badly hurt and Czar Alexander II`s determination not to sell this piece of land to make money. 但是,1856年克里米亚战争后,俄国元气大伤,沙皇亚历山大二世决心卖掉这块不挣钱的土地。 19. badly 19. We found the package of the goods on the wood pallet were badly damaged. 我们发现木托盘上的货物包装有大量破损。 20. The failure to operate and undesired tripping of bus-bar protection will jeopardize all system badly. 母线保护的拒动或误动将给电力系统带来严重危害。 badly 词典解释 1. 坏;差;拙劣地;不成功地 If something is done badly or goes badly, it is not very successful or effective. e.g. I was angry because I played so badly... 我很生气,因为自己的表现实在是太差了。 e.g. The whole project was badly managed... 整个项目管理不善。 2. 严重地;厉害地;剧烈地 If someone or something is badly hurt or badly affected, they are severely hurt or affected. e.g. The bomb destroyed a police station and badly damaged a church... 炸弹摧毁了一处警察局,并使一座教堂严重受损。 e.g. One man was killed and another badly injured... 一人死亡,一人重伤。 3. 非常;极度 If you want or need something badly, you want or need it very much. e.g. Why do you want to go so badly?... 为什么你这么想走? e.g. Planes landed at Bagram airport today carrying badly needed food and medicine. 运载急需食物和药品的飞机今天在巴格拉姆机场降落。 4. 不友好地;令人不快地;恶劣地 If someone behaves badly or treats other people badly, they act in an unkind, unpleasant, or unacceptable way. e.g. They have both behaved very badly and I am very hurt... 他们俩都很不友善,让我非常难过。 e.g. I would like to know why we pensioners are being so badly treated. 我想知道为什么我们这些领养老金的人受到如此恶劣的对待。 5. 不利地;负面地;有损名声地 If something reflects badly on someone or makes others think badly of them, it harms their reputation. e.g. Teachers know that low exam results will reflect badly on them... 老师知道考试成绩不好将对他们不利。 e.g. The male sex comes out of the film very badly... 这部影片中男性的形象非常负面。 6. (报酬)低;(钱)少 If a person or their job is badly paid, they are not paid very much for what they do. e.g. You may have to work part-time, in a badly paid job with unsociable hours... 你或许只能做个薪水低、非正常工作时间上班的兼职。 e.g. This is the most dangerous professional sport there is, and the worst paid. 这是最危险的职业体育运动,但报酬却是最低的。 7. see also: worse;worst badly 单语例句badly的解释 1. His father had 5 years earlier burned him very badly in an act of revenge against his former wife. 2. The only potential downside for England were leg injuries to Butt and striker Emile Heskey, although neither looked badly hurt. 3. Sick of being badly treated, the father killed his son that day by accident while being abused again by him. 4. His domestic popularity has been badly damaged by the Iraq war, which many of his electors view as unnecessary and unjust. 5. A senior British Cabinet minister resigned yesterday, dealing a blow to Prime Minister Gordon Brown whose popularity is flagging badly. 6. How could he wreck his Cadillac Escalade so badly coming out of the driveway? 7. We should train and attract more people with expertise in all fields, especially people of a high calibre and with expertise badly needed in China. 8. STOCKHOLM - The snowy weather has caused traffic chaos in Sweden's capital city of Stockholm as flights and local traffic were badly affected on Wednesday. 9. The Caribbean festival of cricket badly needed a lift after host West Indies lost for the third time in a row on Sunday. 10. The lottery case is a reminder that an overhaul is badly needed to put the notary system on a healthy track. badly在线翻译badly 英英释义 adv 1. (`ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner not well e.g. he was ill prepared it ill befits a man to betray old friends the car runs badly he performed badly on the exam the team played poorly ill-fitting clothes an ill-conceived plan Synonym: illpoorly 2. with unusual distress or resentment or regret or emotional display e.g. they took their defeat badly took her father's death badly conducted himself very badly at the time of the earthquake 3. unfavorably or with disapproval e.g. tried not to speak ill of the dead thought badly of him for his lack of concern Synonym: ill 4. in a disadvantageous way to someone's disadvantage e.g. the venture turned out badly for the investors angry that the case was settled disadvantageously for them Synonym: disadvantageously 5. without skill or in a displeasing manner e.g. she writes badly I think he paints very badly 6. to a severe or serious degree e.g. fingers so badly frozen they had to be amputated badly injured a severely impaired heart is gravely ill was seriously ill Synonym: severelygravelyseriously 7. very much strongly e.g. I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it the cables had sagged badly they were badly in need of help he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it Synonym: bad 8. with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly') e.g. the injury hurt badly the buildings were badly shaken it hurts bad we need water bad Synonym: bad 9. in a disobedient or naughty way e.g. he behaved badly in school he mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room Synonym: mischievouslynaughtily 10. evilly or wickedly e.g. treated his parents badly to steal is to act badly |
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