单词 | bald |
释义 | bald [英 [b?:ld] 美 [b?ld] ] bald的意思、解释 bald 基本解释 bald的反义词 形容词秃头的; 光秃的; 单调的,枯燥的; 赤裸裸的,毫无掩饰的 bald 相关例句 形容词 1. When he grew bald he bought a toupee. 他头发日渐稀少,于是买了假发。 2. bald 2. He's as bald as a coot. 他濯濯童山。 3. bald的翻译 3. This is a bald falsehood. 这是赤裸裸的谎言。 4. Your tire is bald and unsafe. 你的轮胎磨平了,不安全。 不及物动词 1. I am starting to bald noticeably. 我头顶明显地开始变秃了。 bald 情景对话 相貌 A:I’ve got good news for you! 我有好消息告诉你。 B:Yes, what is it? 是吗,什么消息? A:I’m going to set you up on a blind date! 我给你安排了一次相亲。 bald的意思 B:Oh, I don’t know about that. Blind dates can be awful. 噢,我还不知道这事儿。相亲有时会很糟糕。 A:Have you ever been on one? 你有过这种经历吗? B:No. 没有。 A:Well, then, why don’t you just give it a try? 那么,你为什么不试一试呢? B:Ok, what does she look like? 好吧。她长得什么样? A:Well, she’s got a lovely figure. 呵,她身材很棒。 B:Is she overweight? 她超重吗? A:No, she’s actually quite slim. She has curly brown hair and green eyes.. 不,她其实很苗条。她有一头棕色卷发和一双绿色的眼睛。 B:What did you tell her about me? 你是怎么向她介绍我的? A:I told her that you were tall and well-built. 我告诉她,你个子高而且体形好。 bald的翻译 B:Did you tell her that I’m bald? 你告诉她我秃头了吗? bald的解释 A:No, but she won’t care. Some women find bald men attractive, you know. 没有。但她不会介意的。你知道吗,一些女士反而认为秃头的男人有吸引力。 B:Hmm, she sounds alright. 嗯,听起来还可以。 A:Just one thing. When you meet her, I think you should try to look a little less scruffy. Maybe you could shave your beard and put on a nice suit. 有一点说明,当你见她时,你应该尽量使自己看起来不那么邋遢。或许你应该刮下胡子,换身漂亮的西装。 bald是什么意思 B:No, I think I’ll go looking like myself. If she doesn’t like who I am, then she’s not the right woman for me! 不,我想还是以我本来的面目去吧。如果她不喜欢我这样,那她就不是适合我的人。 bald的意思 A:Suit yourself! Here’s her number. 随你自己吧!这是她的电话号码。 bald 网络解释 1. 秃的:vacant 空洞的,言之无物 | bald 秃的 | bare 部分赤裸 bald 双语例句 1. But their magnificent achievement wasn`t all down to the man with the monk hairstyle; it was another type of habit that made all the difference - defensive rock Laurent Blanc`s routine of planting a sloppy kiss on Fabien Barthez`s bald bonce before every game. 不过,法国队的胜利并不完全归功于这位有点谢顶的球星,真正令法国创造历史的原因,来自于法国队里的一个习俗——后防中坚布兰科在每场比赛前,都会轻轻的吻一下门将巴特斯的光头。 2. bald的解释 2. I notice that he is fat and bald. On his gental face, there is a mild, pure and favorable expression. 我注意到他身材肥胖,秃了顶,在他那安详的面容上带着一种讨人喜欢的温和纯朴的表情。 3. For her buskins, the bald boss squatted down to serve her personally. 一个高度近视的女博士去擦鞋店擦高统靴,秃头老板亲自蹲下来给她效劳。 4. And if the hair fall from his forehead, he is bald before and clean. 若人头顶上的头发掉了,成了前脑秃的人,他是洁净的。 5. Now, with social development, for the bald... 现在随着社会的发达,针对秃顶的。。。 6. 6. I don't think you'll grow bald, Jack. 我认为你不会秃顶的,杰克。 7. My son, Bill, is bald as well. 我的儿子比尔也是秃顶了。 8. Death became her: with her £3, 500 Mota dress her bald head looked perfect and beautiful. 当死亡来临时:价值3500镑的Mota礼服让光头的她看上去那么的完美和美丽。 9. I think everyone should shave off their hair and go bome bald at least for a week. 我认为每个人应该剃光头发,成为光头至少一个星期。 10. bald 10. During the War of Resistance Against Japan in the Dongjiang Column in the mountains north of bald chicken village arsenal, and the foot of the mountain of food. 在抗日战争时期东江纵队曾在山北鸡公秃村办兵工厂,并在山下种过粮食。 11. I often think when I white-haired (my current rate of hair loss, and so I am getting old and is likely to be a bald old lady, huh), the only wheelchair in the sun, my life back, I can The quiet smile in return? 我常想,我满头白发(我国目前的脱发,所以我很老很可能是一个光秃秃的老太太,许),唯一的轮椅在阳光下,我的生活后,我可以安静微笑的回报? 12. bald的近义词 12. Baby for more than three months, and the phenomenon of occipital bald hair grown slowly awakened to sleep easy. 宝宝三个多月了,有枕秃现象头发长得很慢,睡觉易惊醒。 13. When the winter visits the Barclay Memorial Park, Taiwan Goldenrain tree and the common bald cypress are stepping into winter's stage, but big cosmos is already impatient before the spring approached, blooming the multi-colored flowers. 当冬天造访巴克礼公园时,台湾栾树和落羽松却不肯向命运屈服,勇敢的登上冬天的舞台,白千层应景的穿上了雪白的衣裳,但大波斯菊却已迫不及待的在春天还未来临之前就绽放著五彩缤纷的花朵了。 14. When the winter visits the Barclay Memorial Park, Taiwan Goldenrain tree and the common bald cypress are stepping into winter's stage, but big cosmos is already impatient before the spring approached, blooming the multi-colored flowers. checked by T. Doris 当冬天造访巴克礼公园时,台湾栾树和落羽松却不肯向命运屈服,勇敢的登上冬天的舞台,白千层应景的穿上了雪白的衣裳,但大波斯菊却已迫不及待的在春天还未来临之前就绽放著五彩缤纷的花朵了。 15. bald是什么意思 15. She stood with one hand on her thin hip and the other rattling the newspaper at his bald head. 她站着,一只手叉在瘦瘦的腰上,另一只手拿着报纸冲着他的秃顶挥动,弄得唏哩哗啦直响。 16. 16. There is a line of bald tree silhouette against the horizon. 在地平线上现出一排光秃秃的树。 17. The background wasn`t beautiful enough. There were a bald tree and a small lake. 背景不算美,光秃秃的一棵树,不大的一处水面。 18. 18. The background wasn`t beautiful enough. Because there were a bald tree and a small lake. 背景不算美,光秃秃的一棵树,不大的一处水面。 19. And it turned out to be like a bald tree. 看起来是不是很不扎实,好像秃了的树喔。 20. 20. He wrote about thunder, bald tree and dreary moon to express his sadness. 他通过雷电、秃树、大月等意象,表现内心的孤寂和压抑。 bald 词典解释 1. 秃头的;秃顶的 Someone who is bald has little or no hair on the top of their head. e.g. The man's bald head was beaded with sweat... 这个男人的光头上满是汗珠。 e.g. She is going bald. 她开始谢顶。 baldness He wears a cap to cover a spot of baldness. 他戴帽以遮斑秃。 2. (轮胎表面)磨平了的,磨光了的 If a tyre is bald, its surface has worn down and it is no longer safe to use. bald在线翻译 3. 不加修饰的;直截了当的;赤裸裸的 A bald statement is in plain language and contains no extra explanation or information. e.g. The announcement came in a bald statement from the official news agency... 官方通讯社发表了直截了当的声明。 e.g. The bald truth is he's just not happy. 事实明摆着,他就是不开心。 baldly 'The leaders are outdated,' he stated baldly. 'They don't relate to young people.' “这些领导都落伍了,”他直言不讳地说,“他们不了解年轻人的想法。”bald 单语例句 1. Radio station billboards that featured unflattering photos of a bald, scowling Britney Spears have been taken down after the pop star's attorneys threatened legal action. 2. She replied in the affirmative and pointed out her boyfriend with the bald head. 3. At first glance, it seems that rich men are disproportionately bald. 4. Nearly bald and hunchbacked, the senior was surprisingly agile with his camera. 5. Bald eagles have never been protected in Alaska under the Endangered Species Act because their populations here have been too healthy to warrant listing. 6. Reese Witherspoon has lavished praise on Jack Nicholson for " bringing sexy back " with his new bald hairstyle. 7. Despite Joe's claims his son was in good shape prior to his death, leaked autopsy reports suggest he was frail and almost bald. 8. Ling recalls dying her hair bright red, while Zeng shaved himself bald. 9. You're bald and that thing on your head isn't fooling anyone. 10. Bald women are still fair game to make fun of, too. bald 英英释义 verb 1. grow bald lose hair on one's head e.g. He is balding already bald是什么意思 adj 1. lacking hair on all or most of the scalp e.g. a bald pate a bald-headed gentleman Synonym: bald-headedbald-pated 2. without the natural or usual covering e.g. a bald spot on the lawn bare hills Synonym: denudeddenudate 3. with no effort to conceal e.g. a barefaced lie Synonym: barefaced |
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