单词 | riot |
释义 | riot [英 [?ra??t] 美 [?ra??t] ] riot的意思、解释 过去式:rioted; 过去分词:rioted; 现在分词:rioting; 复数形式:riots; riot 基本解释 名词骚乱,暴动,暴乱,骚动,混乱; 放荡,闹饮,嘈闹的宴会,喝酒狂闹; 五色缤纷,喧嚣嘈杂; (想像,感情等的)奔放 不及物动词暴动,闹事; 放荡 及物动词浪费; 挥霍 riot什么意思 riot 同义词 名词rebelrise upmutinyrevoltbrawl riot 反义词 名词peace riot 相关词组 1. run riot : 跟错踪迹, 胡闹, 肆无忌惮, 茂盛; riot 相关例句 不及物动词 1. They rioted in the streets. 他们在大街上闹事。 名词 1. The new show is a riot. 新的演出获得成功。 2. The garden was a riot of colour. 花园竞艳,五彩缤纷。 3. The play was a riot when it was first produced on Broadway. 这个剧本在百老汇首演时极为轰动。 4. 4. In May 1968 there was a massive wave of student riots. 一九六八年五月曾发生过大规模的学生骚乱。 riot 网络解释 1. 暴动:分为六幅:、、、、和,其中(Riot)被认为是艺术手法运用得最完善的一幅. 织工从四面八方聚拢,他们的位置以及挥舞的手臂在构图上连贯成一条条向心的 2. riot是什么意思 2. riot:remote input output terminal; 远程输入输出终端 3. riot:retrieval of information via on – line terminal; 联机终端信息检索系统(英国原子能委员会研制) 4. riot的近义词 4. riot:real – time input – output transducer; 实时输入输出传感器 riot 双语例句 1. A swarm of Jurassic insects and reptiles, allegory of the long terrestrial migration the Pendulum was tracing, aimed at me like angry archons with their long archeopterix-beaks; the planes of Bréguet, Blériot, Esnault, and the helicopter of Dufaux. 一群侏罗记岩石的昆虫和爬虫,是傅科摆所遵循的漫长地域迁移的的预言,如忿怒的统治者般以其始祖鸟的鸟喙对准了我。 2. A much publicized raid on a Yardie stronghold had first been simulated at riot city. 在暴乱城市第一次模拟了对亚迪要塞的公开搜捕。 3. Athens, Greece: Riot police officers guard the christmas tree in Syntagma square, where protesters hung rubbish during a demonstration 希腊,雅典:在宪法广场上,防爆警察正列队保护着圣诞树,那里抗议者正通过悬挂垃圾以向政府示威。 4. riot的近义词 4. The only two articles which I will never supply, are the profusion of low riot, and the idle lavishness of negligence and laziness. 唯一的两篇文章,我将永远不会供应,是低骚乱丰富,而闲置,浪费的疏忽和懒惰。 5. Helen: What do you want me to do: order closed visits and risk having a riot on our hands? 你期望我做什麼,难道要禁见,冒著引起骚动的风险? 6. All of these riot of colors were her own toil and handiwork during the previous several days and nights. 兜肚'。''啦,花花绿绿的都是她自己熬得几天几夜的心血做成的。 7. A riot of questions filled my mind. 一个问题萦回在我的脑海中。 8. It only took a single incident to spark the riot. 而1943年的暴动正是这种压抑情绪的标志,成为暴动的导火索。 9. Hi guys! Finally Smegma Riot, Yidali Zhongma Pengkedui, in town! 大家好!意大利种马朋克乐队Smegma Riot终于来啦! 10. A lone Buddhist monk confronts a line of riot police preventing access to Yangon's Shwedagon Pagoda on September 26, 2007, the first day of a crackdown by Myanmar's military junta on the biggest pro-democracy uprising in nearly 20 years. 2007年9月26日,在缅甸仰光,一名缅甸僧人和阻止示威者进入大金塔的一排防暴警察对峙。当天是缅甸军政府镇压近20年来最大的民主起义的第一天。 11. There, I would become an architect, that builds a magnificent castle, then a landscape painter, that draws a clear rivulet, some verdurous trees, and some flowers with a riot with colors, with my magic fingers. 在那里,我要成为建筑师,为你造出华丽的城堡,然后成为风景画家,用我神奇的手指,画下清澈的溪流,蓊郁的树木,和缤纷的花朵。 12. True riot grrrl bands ― Bratmobile, 7 Year Bitch, the queercore outfit Team Dresch, and the center of the riot grrrl universe, Kathleen Hannas Bikini Kill ― never even approached popular acceptance. 和40,50年代的人声爵士演唱家汲取了摇摆舞的风格一样,后波普歌手们也用他们自己的经验来演绎疯狂的节拍,实验爵士器乐演奏家的独奏。 13. Fifthly、insurance encouragement policy. 1、Bring the export credit insurance into full play to provide non-commercial insurance and political hazard insurance (include war、riot、government confiscation) for external process and installation items and products. 2、To businesses` installation、equipment、raw material and fragmentary parts, provide insurance according to conditions of long period of export credit insurance. 3、Suitably raise export credit insurance quota to the Latin America、Africa and other high hazard areas. 五是政策性保险鼓励政策。1、发挥出口信用保险的作用,为境外带料加工装配等国家鼓励的项目、产品提供政治风险(包括战争、动乱、政府征用)及非商业性风险保障;2、对境外带料加工装配项下出口的设备、技术、零配件、原材料等,可比照中长期出口信用保险的条件提供保险;3、适当提高对拉美、非洲等高风险地区的出口信用保险国家限额。 14. Another lesson is that survivors are generally too dazed and weak to riot. 另外一个经验就是幸存者基本上还是处于一种精神恍惚、身体虚弱的状态,因此不会发生骚乱。 15. 15. During this time, the most notable action occurred in 1917 when columns of the Assam Rifles were despatched to Patna, to restore law and order in the riot-torn city. 在此期间,最显着的行动发生在1917年时的阿萨姆步枪列被派往巴特那,恢复法律和秩序的暴乱蹂躏的城市。 16. SBD series riot mode LED of street lamps can fit for industry standard MT221-2005 and has design the newest riot street lamps. SBD系列隔爆型LED巷道灯是我公司完全按照行业标准MT221-2005《煤矿用防爆灯具》进行设计的最新隔爆型巷道灯。 17. LONGYUAN series riot mode LED of street lamps can fit for industry standard MT221-2005 and has design the newest riot street lamps. 龙源牌隔爆型LED巷道灯是我公司完全按照行业标准MT221-2005《煤矿用防爆灯具》进行设计的最新隔爆型巷道灯。 18. riot在线翻译 18. In two cases, riot police were sent in to clear them. 在两次法国大罢工中,警察都参与了其中,以阻止罢工的蔓延。 19. I have to say that the police dealt with the matter the same way our own riot police would. 我必须说,警方处理问题的方式跟我们自己的防暴警察没什么两样。 20. The police had the riot in hand. 警察控制了**。 riot 词典解释 1. 暴乱;骚动;暴动 When there is a riot, a crowd of people behave violently in a public place, for example they fight, throw stones, or damage buildings and vehicles. riot的反义词 e.g. Twelve inmates have been killed during a riot at the prison. 12名犯人在一场监狱暴乱中被杀害。 2. 闹事;发动暴乱 If people riot, they behave violently in a public place. riot什么意思 e.g. Last year 600 inmates rioted, starting fires and building barricades... 去年,600名犯人闹事,他们纵火并设置路障。 e.g. They rioted in protest against the government. 他们发动暴乱,以抗议政府的行为。 rioter The militia dispersed the rioters. 民兵驱散了暴乱者。rioting At least fifteen people are now known to have died in three days of rioting. 目前已知至少有15人在持续了3天的暴乱中丧生。 3. 五颜六色;丰富多彩;各种各样 If you say that there is a riot of something pleasant such as colour, you mean that there is a large amount of various types of it. e.g. All the cacti were in flower, so that the desert was a riot of colour... 所有的仙人掌都开花了,整个沙漠里五彩缤纷。 e.g. With Indian cuisine, you expect a riot of tastes and spices. 印度菜肴口味丰富,并添加各种香料。 4. 严厉警告…停止闹事;严厉警告…注意言行 If someone in authority reads you the riot act, they tell you that you will be punished unless you start behaving properly. e.g. I'm glad you read the riot act to Billy. He's still a kid and still needs to be told what to do. 我很高兴你警告比利不许胡闹。他还是个孩子,仍然需要有人告诉他该做什么。 5. 失去控制;变得狂乱;无法无天 If people run riot, they behave in a wild and uncontrolled manner. e.g. Rampaging prisoners ran riot through Strangeways jail. 斯特兰韦斯监狱里那些狂暴的囚犯们全都失去了控制。 6. (想象力等)狂野,不受拘束,任意发挥 If something such as your imagination runs riot, it is not limited or controlled, and produces ideas that are new or exciting, rather than sensible. e.g. A conservatory offers the perfect excuse to let your imagination run riot. 音乐学院让你有充分的理由任想象力自由驰骋。 e.g. We have no proof and when there is no proof, rumour runs riot. 我们没有证据,只要没有证据,谣言就会满天飞。 riot 单语例句 1. He was referring to the former businesswoman of Xinjiang and current resident of Washington, who many locals believe was behind the Sunday riot. 2. He was referring to Rebiya Kadeer, a former businesswoman of Xinjiang who many locals believed was behind the July 5 riot. 3. Riot police fired tear gas to break up violent protests by thousands of Muslims against the US offensive in the Iraqi holy city of Najaf. 4. The president read the riot act to his squabbling cabinet last week, threatening to sack any minister who did not stick to an agreed line. 5. On Saturday protesters swarmed back into Pearl square putting riot police to flight and confidently setting up camp for a protracted stay. 6. Riot police resorted to tear gas and water cannons, while protestors threw stones and attacked a water cannon truck in return. 7. France's Carrefour supermarket chain reopened its flagship Urumqi store yesterday, 17 days after it was forced to close following the July 5 riot. 8. A video grab of CCTV International shows rioters and monks attack a shop during the March 14 riot in Lhasa. 9. A soccer fan throws a chair beside German riot police after violence broke out between German and England soccer fan in the centre of Stuttgart. 10. The US journalist also asked if Tibetan people would be charged for describing the Lhasa riot to foreign media and criticizing the Olympic Games. riot 英英释义 noun 1. a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity Synonym: orgydebauchdebaucherysaturnaliabacchanalbacchanaliadrunken revelry 2. a public act of violence by an unruly mob Synonym: public violence 3. a joke that seems extremely funny Synonym: belly laughsidesplitterhowlerthigh-slapperscreamwow 4. a state of disorder involving group violence Synonym: rioting verb 1. engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking e.g. They were out carousing last night Synonym: carouseroister 2. take part in a riot disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot e.g. Students were rioting everywhere in 1968 |
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