单词 | sake |
释义 | sake [英 [se?k] 美 [sek] ] sake的意思、解释 复数形式:sakes; sake 基本解释 sake在线翻译 名词缘故; 理由; 日本米酒; 目的 sake 相关词组 1. for old sakes sake : 为了老交情; 2. without sake : 无缘无故; 3. for any sake : 无论如何; 4. art for arts sake : 艺术至上主义; sake的翻译 sake 相关例句 名词 1. He moved his family to a warmer state for the sake of his wife's health. 为了妻子的健康,他把家搬到一个更暖和的州。 2. sake的意思 2. Never do wrong for the sake of money. 绝不要为金钱而做坏事。 3. John did it for his own sake. 约翰为了自身的利益而做这事情。 sake 网络解释 1. sake什么意思 1. 清酒:直觉告诉他,清酒(Sake)的酿造过程中,一定蕴含着一个使肌肤晶莹剔透的秘密. 5年的潜心研究,300多种不同的天然酵母菌的删选分析,SK-II科学家们终于发现了珍贵的神奇物质Pitera,它是有一种天然酵母发酵而成,直到今天也不能用人工合成. 2. 缘故:我们可以按照各单词的不同部分对比记忆为:我(w)醒来(weak),吃(c)蛋糕(cake),他(t)拿着(take)东西,拄着棍子(l)在湖(lake)边,不是(b)在烘烤(bake),由于蛇(s)的缘故(sake),满天飞(f)骗子(fake),妈妈(m)在制造(make). sake 双语例句 1. It leads Mr. Blank not to write verses at all—which he might very well do, for the sake of his own happiness, and for the amusement of his friends—and it leads Miss Dash to pester the overworked editors of various journals with her unsuccessful imitations of Mr. de la Mare, [2] Mr. Yeats[3], and Dr. 它让布兰克先生从此不再写诗------其实他满可以继续写诗,为自乐和娱友;它令达什小姐拿自己拙劣的模仿之作(模仿德拉梅尔先生、叶芝先生和布里奇斯博士)不断纠缠各大杂志劳累过度的编辑。 2. Sake with a higher alcohol content because it has been pressed but not diluted with added water. 原酒有较高的酒精含量,因为它虽被压滤过了但没有加过水。 3. For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. 因他们是为主的名出外,对於外邦人一无所取。 4. sake 4. Because that for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 因他们是为主的名出外,对於外邦人一无所取。 5. 5. Love for the sake of being loved is human 因为被爱而去爱是人性的张显 6. Love for the sake of being loved is human, love for the sake of loving is angelic. 因为被爱而去爱是人性的张显,因为爱所以爱,那是神性的光辉。 7. The main purpose of this research is to perform surrealistic methodology to create emotional picture book. The visual representation of urrealistic methodology may not only to prompt its art sake but also to fathom unspeakable emotional feeling and psychology. 本研究的目的在运用超现实表现手法创作情绪图画书,藉由超现实风格其蕴含深刻的视觉表现,提升图画书的艺术性及揣摩无法言传的情绪心理感受。 8. 8. For the sake of comparison, some properties of other cagestructure boron clusters are also given. 另外,作为比较,本文也给出了其他一些笼状硼团簇的性质。 9. 9. Because I take charge of November to go to have 3 currency values to in the debt watch December, for the sake of convenient accountancy's remittance, I take charge of to unify to use USD as a calculation. 由于我司11月至12月对帐表中有3个币值,为了方便会计汇款,我司统一用USD作为计算。 10. For the sake of contrast, let's examine the effects of a negative mental attitude. 让我们比较一下,看一看消极心态的影响吧。 11. For the sake of making logistics center develops its maximal economic benefit in modern commodity currency, what we want to deal with is that how to locate the logistics center and its logical layout to reduce the total cost of logistics. 要使物流中心在现代商品流通中发挥最大的经济效益,我们要解决的问题是如何选好物流中心的地理位置以及与物流中心合理布局,以降低物流的总成本。 12. Finally, there are other translation scholars who seem to stand in the middle, such as Baker for instance, who claim that equivalence is used for the sake ofconvenience-because most translators are used to it rather than because it has any theoretical status. 最后,还有其他的翻译学者似乎站在中间,如贝克比如有人声称用等价为了ofconvenience因为大部分都用于翻译,因为它不是有理论地位。 13. 13. For this sake, advanced countries have seen children`s reading activities as mainstream in educational revolution, and we also can identify it`s significance to promote children`s reading activities by the policies execution of government and libraries. 儿童阅读的推广已成为近年来各先进国家教育改革的共同趋势,近来教育部与文建会积极辅导公共图书与阅推广的各项动作,亦可看出政府与图书上级单位日重视阅活动的推广工作。 14. sake的反义词 14. Thus, the breast, the hand and the hair are made increasingly schematised, the lopsidedness of the body is lost for the sake of a central axis which assimilates the figure into an engaged column, and the design fades gradually to merge into the background. 因此,乳房,手和头发都搞得越来越schematised,身体倾斜的丢失而其中的一从事同化到一个列中的数字中轴线,并逐渐淡出的设计融入背景。 15. sake的意思 15. His work depicts the helpless waiting of fishermen, waiting to make a living from their customers, waiting for the sake of their young children. The predominant color is a gray-blue. 此幅画作呈现的正是讨海人种种无奈与等待,等待顾客上门、等待生活经济好转,为了手中还在嗷嗷待哺的新生命,不得不继续等待……再等待。 16. Resonant in the history as such literary works, it is endowed with peculiar charisma for the sake of ingenuine, implicit and touching beauty that drenchs here and there in the book. 但是作为传世的文学作品,这本小书的独特的魅力,在于它处处洋溢着一种纯朴、含蓄而动人心弦的美。 17. May I be able to sacrifice my pleasure for the sake of others. 愿我能为了别人的利益而牺牲自己的快乐。 18. 18. Lynette: Oh for God's sake Bree, I'm wearing panty-hose. 为了上帝布里,我都穿上了礼服。 19. Firm your belief, don't drift with the tide so as to do it for the sake of doing. 考研需要有一个明确的目的。 20. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body. 我可不愿意为了人类的身体而取走羔羊的性命。 sake 词典解释 1. 由于;为了;因为…的缘故 If you do something for the sake of something, you do it for that purpose or in order to achieve that result. You can also say that you do it for something's sake . e.g. Let's assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database... 为了便于讨论,不妨假定我们成功地建立了一个令人满意的数据库。 e.g. For the sake of historical accuracy, please permit us to state the true facts... 为忠于历史,请允许我们阐述真正的事实。 2. 为…本身的缘故;鉴于…本身的价值 If you do something for its own sake, you do it because you want to, or because you enjoy it, and not for any other reason. You can also talk about, for example, art for art's sake or sport for sport's sake . sake的意思 e.g. Economic change for its own sake did not appeal to him... 经济变化本身对他并没有吸引力。 e.g. I just like car trips for their own sake. 我只是单纯地喜欢驾车旅行。 3. 看在…份上;为了帮助(某人) When you do something for someone's sake, you do it in order to help them or make them happy. e.g. I trust you to do a good job for Stan's sake... 我拜托你看在斯坦的份上好好干。 e.g. Linda knew that for both their sakes she must take drastic action. 琳达知道,为了他俩,她必须断然行事。 4. (用于加强请求、疑问的语气或表示厌烦、恼怒)看在上帝份上,天哪,行行好,拜托 Some people use expressions such as for God's sake ,for heaven's sake ,for goodness sake, or for Pete's sake in order to express annoyance or impatience, or to add force to a question or request. The expressions 'for God's sake' and 'for Christ's sake' could cause offence. sake e.g. For goodness sake, why didn't you ring me?... 天哪,为什么你不给我打电话? e.g. You've got a computer system, for heaven's sake. 天啊,你已经装了计算机系统。 sake 单语例句 1. With the theme of Act for the Sake of Green Development, the Forum aims to build an open platform for exchanging technology and sharing information. 2. For the sake of global prosperity, the two countries must answer this call together. 3. The rulers and the establishment are using poor, brave soldiers as cannon fodder for the sake of a paltry sum in dollars. 4. The essay shows the married woman threw herself at Yi for the sake of her career and gradually fell in love with him. 5. The opposition Liberal Democrats said the plan was " change for change's sake ". 6. Cheung added that for safety's sake, reporters should not chase after officials or conduct interviews in the open area. 7. Though their classification as punk is the subject of much debate, the band accepts it for the sake of convenience. 8. All nations should join hands in working out ways to explore outer space for the sake of the peaceful coexistence of mankind. 9. It is comforting that metro operators have paid due attention to security checks for the sake of passengers'safety. 10. Many residents believe the commemoration should not be sacrificed for the sake of an international fair. sake 英英释义 sake的反义词 noun 1. a reason for wanting something done e.g. for your sake died for the sake of his country in the interest of safety in the common interest Synonym: interest 2. the purpose of achieving or obtaining e.g. for the sake of argument 3. Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice usually served hot Synonym: sakirice beer |
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