单词 | judgement |
释义 | judgement [英 [?d??d?m?nt] 美 [?d??d?m?nt] ] judgement的意思、解释 复数形式:judgements; judgement 基本解释 名词判断,鉴定,评价,判断; 审判,裁判,判决; 看法,意见; 判断力,见识 judgement 网络解释 1. 1. 判断力:每一个人嘅判断力(judgement)必定受个人世界观或人生观所影响,即系话你点睇呢个世界?分析绝对系主观,唔会客观. 例如我老曹唔信石油供应会短缺,今年7月认为油价必跌而建议大家出售资源股. 同样理由我老曹唔信2009年油价可大幅上升, judgement 双语例句 1. It is also suggested to use wavelet transforming algorithm in image resemble judgement. 并针对相似图像块的特征判定原则提出用小波变换实现图像块间的相似性判定。 2. 2. This paper argues that, Husserl's theory of judgement is correlative to his idealof strict science. 本文认为,胡塞尔的判断学说同他的严格科学的理想是内在相关的。 3. It is rather cowardly and irresponsible not to make a moral judgement. 你应该做蒋木鱼的高参,他笨啊,脑子总是一根筋。 4. judgement 4. By Kathakov water drive curve and YU Qitai water drive curve 2, a combination of generalized water drive curve which can be applied in oil fields of two large types in Chian-water flooding bedded oil fields and bottom water drive carbonate rock oil fields has been made of. The combination of generalized water drive curve has very large theoretical sence and useful value, but judgement of users intervene obtaining parameters much in its application, so their general forms-Sipachev water drive curve and Nathalov water drive curve which obtaining parameters are easy to have very large useful value. 卡札柯夫水驱曲线和俞启泰水驱曲线Ⅱ共同组成了适用于我国水驱层状油田和底水驱碳酸盐岩油田的广义水驱特征曲线组合,有很大的理论意义与实际应用价值,但求取参数时,使用者判断介入较多,因而它们的特例:参数求解方便的的西帕切夫水驱曲线和纳扎洛夫水驱曲线有很大使用价值。 5. This article needs to express by modern people's judgement, we will realize its statua and significance in the history of China. 本文就是要以现代人的眼光客观地对这一时期的抒情言志赋进行评价,从而真正的认识它在中国古代赋史上的地位、意义。 6. Correlativity studying human body leucocyte antigen HLA and primary hypertension, purpose is primary hypertension molecule genetics mechanism, HLA there exists large amount of complex allele in gene, have much stronger state nature, the immunity with the disease, perceptual direct relevance easy to hand, that as a result primary hypertension and HLA gene correlativity study is that hypertension is immune inherit a hot spot of field, in studying, The study of system being in progress to the HLA gene structure, much HLA gene state nature, much state of HLA-II kind gene nature with EH, HLA and the EH left room pachismus analyses the software wielding SPSS, for EH molecule genetics mechanism, prognosis judgement and particular-rization use medicine etc. 研究人体白细胞抗原HLA与原发性高血压的相关性,目的为原发性高血压分子遗传学机制,HLA基因存在大量的复等位基因,具有较强的多态性,与疾病的免疫、遗传易感性直接相关,因而原发性高血压与HLA基因的相关性研究是高血压免疫遗传领域的一个热点,在研究中,运用SPSS软件对HLA基因结构、HLA基因多态性、HLA-Ⅱ类基因多态性与EH、HLA与EH的左室肥厚进行系统学分析,为EH分子遗传学机制,预后判断及个体化用药等提供理论依据关键词原发性高血压 SPAA软件 HLA基因不要在线翻译!!!! 7. The engineer has a knowledge of mathematical and natural science acquired by study experience and practice which is applied with judgement to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. 工程师具有的教学和自然科学的知识是从经济地利用物质和自然能量使其有利于人类的方式中学习经验和实践而获得的。 8. In the face of things, have their own judgement and opinion. 在面对任何事物时都有自己的判断与见解。 9. People's sentiment is not always in accord to their judgement. 人们的感情与他们的判断有时不一致 5。 10. They act on their own and do not make a fair judgement on their behavior to others. 他们对自己的行为并没有一个公正的判断,对自己的行为给他人带来的影响更是视若无睹。 11. The differences in their basic judgement of the present China. 对当下中国的基本判断存在差异。 12. 12. I see how lonely they are, having all their judgement and firm beliefs in life. 我看到了他们是多么的孤独,伴随着他们生命中的判断和坚定信念。 13. Now, Microsoft is also to the discretion of their judgement. 现在,微软也在对其判断力进行斟酌。 14. For instance, we obtained the existence and uniqueness theorem and several judgement theorems on stability and instability for several types of nonlinear singular systems. Using Z-transformation, we estabilished the response formula of discrete singular systems with delay, and obtained the sufficient and necessary condition of rearchability. 如我们得到了某些非线性广义系统解的存在唯一性定理,及稳定与渐近稳定的判据;利用Z变换方法,得到了滞后离散广义系统的一般响应公式,进而得到了局部可达与局部能控的充要条件等。 15. From the aesthetic judgement point of view, the pupet sculptures of XuZhuchu, a Zhangzhou puppet sculptor whose works are full of human nature, conform to unity of opposites of dynamic and static state. 漳州木偶雕刻家徐竹初富于人物性格特征的木偶雕刻作品,就其审美的特征,有动态和静态两重性的封立统一。 16. 16. The reduced expression of PETN might play an important role in carcinogenesis and progression of bladder cancer. Detection of PTEN might be useful for judgement of tumor development and prognosis. 结论PTEN基因突变或缺失所导致的表达障碍可能在膀胱癌的发生、发展中发挥重要的作用;PTEN表达的检测有助于肿瘤的诊断和判断其预后。 17. judgement的意思 17. The news entertainment is studied in three aspects. In the first part, the roots of the entertainment news are also studied through three ways: the culture background of postmodernism, the fashion of consumerism and epicurism, and the influential position of medium behoof. In the second part, the aesthetics in entertainment news is studied through the relationship among the news, entertainment and aesthetics. In the last part, the judgement in moral and the conduction in entertainment are studied through the moralism of the news and the obligation of the mass media. 本文分为上、中、下三篇,从三个不同方面分别对新闻娱乐化现象进行了探究、思考和评判:上篇从后现代主义的文化语境、消费享乐主义的盛行、媒介商业利益的凸显等角度分析我国新闻娱乐化现象出现的深层原因;中篇从新闻、娱乐、审美三者之间的内在联系上,对新闻娱乐化现象进行审美思考:下篇从新闻的道德性和大众传媒的社会责任等方面对新闻娱乐化现象进行道德评判及引导。 18. The article elaborates the significance of auditing professional judgement from three aspects, and puts forward several suggestions for auditors on how to make better professional judgements. 特别是中国加入WTO后,世界经济的一体化对审计质量和审计队伍的素质提出了更高更新的要求,同时也给审计人员带来了新的挑战。 19. judgement的近义词 19. The Management Information System of Judgement will play an important role injudicial practice, e. g. 审判信息化在司法实践中将发挥重大作用,能提高审判效率,加强审判监督,保障审判公正。 20. The Chinese Communist is in different historical period, to the judgement that New Democracy society basically contradicts, and the cognizance of property of democratic to people dictatorship is vicissitudinous, this is both having complex connection again. 中国共产党在不同的历史时期,对新民主主义社会主要矛盾的判断,以及对人民民主专政性质的认定是有变化的,这两者间又有着复杂的联系。 judgement 单语例句 1. Further a partner's judgement creditor may obtain an order charging the partner's " transferable interest " to satisfy a judgment. 2. After making a ruling of confiscation, the courts can require other countries to recognize and implement China's judgement. 3. If the supreme court overrules the death sentence, it may remand the case for retrial or revise the judgement thereof. 4. According to the original judgement in 2004, the " stickman " in Nike's advert in China violated the copyright of work created by Zhu. 5. He expected the US Department of Commerce to make a favourable judgement since Chinese TV exporters did not engage in unfair trade practices. 6. There's an interesting duality of criticism for getting older - blame for being less desirable, but also judgement if you do look good. 7. The chairman of the primary section of Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Schools'Council said the church would study the judgement before deciding whether to appeal. 8. Motorcycle enthusiast Jesse has spoken publicly about the matter and admits he deserves " everything bad " which may come from his " bad judgement ". 9. The Liaoning Provincial Higher People's Court in February made a judgement upholding the death penalty for Wang Zhendong on the charge of financial fraud. 10. The matter was then turned over to the Executive Yuan for final judgement. judgement 英英释义 noun 1. the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event e.g. they criticized my judgment of the contestants Synonym: judgmentassessment 2. (law) the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it Synonym: judgmentjudicial decision 3. the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions Synonym: judgmentsound judgmentsound judgementperspicacity 4. the mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations Synonym: sagacitysagaciousnessjudgmentdiscernment 5. the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions Synonym: judgmentjudging 6. an opinion formed by judging something e.g. he was reluctant to make his judgment known she changed her mind Synonym: judgmentmind 7. the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision e.g. opinions are usually written by a single judge Synonym: opinionlegal opinionjudgment |
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