单词 | life-giving |
释义 | life-giving life-giving的意思、解释 life-giving 基本解释 形容词给与生命的,提神的 life-giving 网络解释 1. 赋予生命:in the air酝酿中 | life-giving赋予生命 | global economy全球经济 2. 给与生命的:life-form 生物 | life-giving 给与生命的 | life-insurance 人寿保险的 3. 提神的:life-giver 命根 | life-giving 提神的 | life-giving 给与生命的 4. 赋予生命的:被遗弃而无人烟的村镇 ghost town | 赋予生命的 life-giving | 赤道 the Equator life-giving 双语例句 1. 1. Love is the life-giving force of the family. 爱是家庭的生命力。 2. Are you feeling the life-giving quality of a desire formulated within you? 是你的感觉,赋予生命质量的愿望,制定了符合你? 3. This would bring life-giving oxygen to her brain. 这会给她的大脑补充生命所需的氧气。 4. The result is that the life-giving juices are in danger of being drained out of 结果可能是生活的甘霖在教育中挤干。 5. The life-giving sun is the most powerful force in our solar system. 在太阳系中,万物所依赖的太阳是最强大的星体。 6. Take a look at why you need so much of this life-giving liquid: It assists the digestion, absorption and elimination of the food you eat It assists the excretion of waste from your bowel and kidneys It regulates your body temperature 24/7 It lubricates your joints and membranes Blood is your body's transport system, constantly distributing nutrients around the body Your blood is made up of approximately 92% water Body secretions and digestive juices are almost entirely water (your digestive system produces approximately 1.7 litres of saliva each day) Because of these many important tasks, in normal conditions your body needs between 1 and a half to 2 litres of water daily, i n order to function optimally. 看一看为什么你需要这么多这生命给予液体:它有助于消化、吸收和消除啊,吃它协助排泄废物及肾脏它从你肠你也顺利24/7体温调节关节膜你是你身上的血液的运输系统你身体周围不断散发养分的血液是由大约92%的水体及消化道分泌物果汁几乎水(贵消化系统产生唾液每天大约1.7公升),因为这些许多重要任务,在正常情况下你的身体需要1个半至2公升的水,每天我为了最大限度氮功能。 7. The Cherokees look to the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee as their ancestral homeland and regard the rounded summits such as Clingman`s Dome as places of refuge and healing, and sources of life-giving rivers. 彻罗基人把位于北卡罗来纳州和田纳西州的大烟山看作是祖先的家园,并把克林曼穹顶(Clingman's Dome)等圆顶山峰视为休息养生之地和蕴育生命的水源之头。 8. Placing a pillow between her legs, I notice that these too are ice cold, and not until I run my hand up over her knees do I feel any of the life-giving warmth of blood. 当我把枕头放在她两腿之间时,发现它们也是冰凉的,直到把手移到她膝盖以上的部位,我才感受到血液供给生命的热度。 9. life-giving的反义词 9. Placing a pillow between her legs, I notice that these too are ice-cold, and not until I run my hand up over her knees do I feel any of her life-giving warmth of blood. 我把枕头放到她两腿之间,发现两腿也是冰凉的,我把手移向上移动,到了膝盖以上,才感觉血液给予生命的那种温暖。 10. It is fascinating to contemplate the paradigm of life-giving water that once led to Ponce de Leon, a conquistador and colleague of Columbus, to mount a major 15th century expedition to find the Fountain of Youth. 它是引人入胜的冥想曾经导致 Ponce de Leon、哥伦布的征服者和同事给与生命水的范例,展开一次主要15世纪远征发现长青之泉。 11. 11. We live in a society of which one medicineboth in medical treatment and social intercourse manners:a slice of aspirin which can relief the headache, some wine used for entertainment, the coffee for life-giving, a cigarette to compose oneself. 我们生活在一种药品在医疗和社交方面都使用很广泛的社会里:一片用来缓解头痛的阿司匹林,一些用来应酬的葡萄酒,早晨自己用来提神的咖啡,一支用来定神的香烟。 12. life-giving在线翻译 12. As long as the season but floated to the elderly, all the sleeping seed, can be bred here, and life-giving gesture of a transformation. 只要季节的老人飘然而至,所有沉睡的种子,都可以在这里孕育,并赋予生命一种变换的姿态。 13. In the far future, our life-giving sun will engulf us all. 在遥远的未来,给予我们生命的太阳将把我们吞没。 14. As smoke vanishes, let them vanish; and as wax melts from the presence of fire, so let the demons perish from the presence of those who love God and who sign themselves with the Sign of the Cross and say in gladness: Hail, most precious and life-giving Cross of the Lord, for Thou drivest away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified on thee, Who went down to hell and trampled on the power of the devil, and gave us thee, His venerable Cross, for driving away all enemies. 愿他们如烟飘散,如火中之蜡销解,如此,群魔也必败亡于爱慕上帝而请十字圣号者,因他们欢欣踊跃地说:庆哉!至尊施生命上主之十字架,藉着我主耶稣基督的大能,你驱散了诸魔;他曾被钉于尔上,又下降阴府,践灭了魔鬼的权柄,并将你──他可敬的十字圣架授予我们,为击溃一切的仇敌。 15. life-giving 15. And if he had been generous, seeing me sad and solitary, he would have used his influence to my advantage, and since, as you say, he resembles the sun, he would have warmed my heart with one of his life-giving rays. 如果他真宽宏大量的话,看到我这么忧闷和孤独,他就会使用他的力量来帮助我幸福,再者,如果象你所说的,他象太阳一样,他就会拿一缕赋予生命的光芒来温暖我的心。 16. life-giving在线翻译 16. Seeing the Cross, all the faithful cried out: Rejoice, most precious and life-giving Cross of the Lord, for thou drivest away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified on thee, who went down to hades and trampled on the power of the devil, and gave us thee, His precious Cross, for the driving away of every adversary. 会众欢呼∶「庆哉!至尊施生命上主之十字架,藉著我主耶稣基督的大能,你驱散了诸魔;曾被钉於尔上,又下降阴府,歼灭了魔鬼的权柄,并将你──可敬的十字圣架授予我们,为击溃一切的仇敌。 17. 17. In the words of St Kallistos and St Ignatios Xanthopoulos, `The aim of the Christian life is to return to the perfect grace of the Holy and Life-giving Spirit, which was conferred upon us at the beginning in divine Baptism. 用十四世纪的圣加奡策h和圣依纳爵 18. 18. Yet surely in the presence of Your life-giving Godhead no unbecoming thought should arise and no creature possess my heart, for I am about to receive as my guest, not an angel, but the very Lord of angels. 按理在至尊圣体台前,一点杂念也不该有,甚麼事物都不该理会,因为所迎接的不是天使,乃是天使的主宰。 19. The result is that life-giving juices are in danger of being drained out of education. 结果是,生命的给予的汁液是处于被排泄出于教育的危险。 20. This Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. He includes all the rich ingredients of Christ's divinity, humanity, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. He is the compound, all-inclusive life-giving Spirit of the Triune God. 这灵乃是耶稣基督的灵,包含祂的神性、人性、为人生活、钉死十架、复活、升天这一切丰富的成分,也就是三一神那复合、包罗万有、赐生命的灵。 |
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