单词 | spectral |
释义 | spectral [英 [?spektr?l] 美 [?sp?ktr?l] ] spectral的意思、解释 spectral 基本解释 spectral 形容词光谱的; 谱的; (似)鬼的; 幽灵的 spectral 网络解释 1. 光谱:在彩色(Colors)栏上,将彩色等级(colorgrading)设为光谱(Spectral),如此设置后即能以红色有效地点亮发生频率低的事件. 按一下前面板上的默认设置(Default Setup)键,将探针与感兴趣的信号相连,然后按一下自动测试(Autoset)键. 2. 光谱,频谱的:spectacles 眼镜,平光眼镜 | spectral 光谱,频谱的 | spectral lamp 光谱灯 3. 光谱的:spectral colors 光谱色 | spectral 光谱的 | spectrally 幽灵似地 4. spectral的意思 4. 频谱的:spatial waveform 空间波形 | spectral 频谱的 | spectrum 频谱 spectral 双语例句 1. The spectral analysis techniques have been applied to the gemological study and gemstone identification. 波谱分析技术已被成功地应用于宝石学研究和宝石鉴定领域。 2. The former researches haven't distinguished them in the spectral decorrelation step, and they only removed one of the two redundancies. 以前的压缩方法没有具体区分这两类冗余,在去谱间相关时往往只偏重去除某一类冗余。 3. With the broad application of imaging spectrometer, the spectral calibration was corresponsively improved. 本文介绍了国内外成像光谱仪光谱定标的情况,分析了各成像光谱仪光谱定标的优缺点。 4. It is the goad of this thesis to develop the mean wavelength stable L-band SFS. The configurations have been designed to achieve the L-band SFS with the characteristics of mean wavelength stability and broadening spectral linewidth as well. 本文正是以平均波长稳定的L波段SFS为研究目标,拟通过设计新型光源结构,使L波段SFS中心波长具有高的稳定性,与此同时还将考虑将L波段SFS线宽的拓展特性。 5. The structure was elucidated by spectral analysis and confirmed by X-ray single crystal refraction analysis. This compound showed biological activity as plant growth regulator. 含量相当丰富,通过NMR各种技术和X-射线衍射分析,最后确定其结构为吲哚类生物碱,经过生物测试,对白菜等具有植物生长激素活性。 6. Nevertheness, the pseudo-spectral method has a high computation speed and computational efficiency and can reflect the propagation rules of the wave field in medium visually and effectively. As a result, the pseudo-spectral method is still an effective method to model the heterogeneous seismic wave field. 尽管如此,伪谱法计算速度快,计算效率高,能够直观、高效地反映介质中波场的传播规律,因而仍不失为一种很好的地震波模拟方法。 7. spectral 7. The channeling device impresses a CDMA code pertaining to each individual channel upon the digital data signal and the spectral shaping device subjects the digital, individual channel data signal to a spectral shaping procedure and a frequency correction device subjects the digital spectral shaped data signal to a spectral shifting procedure. 信道化装置印上属于任何个性化信道上面的数字数据信号的CDMA编码和频谱成形装置将数字的,个性化的信道数据信号进行频谱成形处理和频率修正装置将数字的频谱成形数据信号进行频谱移位处理。 8. spectral的翻译 8. Finally, SINAD (signal-to-noise and distortion) is the ratio of the fundamental input signal`s rms amplitude to the rms sum of all other spectral components below half of the sampling frequency, excluding dc. 最后,SINAD(信号与噪声+失真比定义为信号基波输入的RMS值与在半采样频率之下其它谐波成分RMS值之和的比值,但不包括直流信号。 9. Angular spectral is spectral value map formed by estimating semblable coefficients of fast and slow shear wave or the variation of amplitude ratio of fast and slow shear wave with times and angles at a specified space point based on semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the angle value of this space point at a given time can be got by picking the maximum of angular spectral; the study reveals that fast and slow shear wave with different polarization direction should be separated using different rotation formula, eight formulas of separating fast and slow shear wave using clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation have been derived, and gained energy assignment rule and phase coincidence rule, in real data estimation, the rotation formula used for separating fast and slow shear wave can be uniquely determined on the two discriminating rules. On the basis of semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the delay time corresponding to the maximum of semblable coefficients at a specified point in a given time window is the delay time of fast and slow shear wave, delay time section of fast and slow shear wave can be got by moving space point and smoothing time window. The vertical variation values of delay time of fast and slow shear wave reflect the effect degree of vertical fractured reservoir on fast and slow shear wave which is defined as anisotropic coefficient, and section map of anisotropic coefficient can be obtained. 角度谱就是利用快慢横波的相似性原理,在某一空间点求出快慢横波的相似系数或快慢横波的振幅比值随着时间和角度的变化而形成的谱值图,拾取其极大值就得到该空间点某一时间的角度值;在研究中发现分离不同偏振方向的快慢横波应该采用不同的旋转公式,推导出了利用顺时针旋转和逆时针旋转分离快慢横波的八个公式,并给出了能量分配准则和相位一致性准则两个判别准则,在实际计算中利用这两个判别准则能唯一地确定分离快慢横波的旋转公式;根据快慢横波的相似性原理,在某一给定点和给定时窗内最大相似系数对应的延迟时间就是快慢横波的延迟时间,随着空间点的移动和时窗的滑动就可以得到快慢横波延迟时间的剖面图;快慢横波延迟时间与慢横波传播时间的比值定义为裂缝密度,并求出了裂缝密度剖面图;快慢横波延迟时间纵向上的变化值的大小反映了纵向上裂隙层对快慢横波影响的大小,定义为各向异性系数,并求出了各向异性系数的剖面图。 10. The ethanol extract was dissolved with HCl, the acidic extract was basified to pH9-10 with NH_3-water and extracted with CHCl_3 to give total alkaloids. five alkaloids were isolated with column chromatography and preparative thin-layer chromatography, and three of them were identified as dehydrocorydaline、corynoline and dihydrosanguinarine on the basis of spectral analysis MS, ~1H-NMR, ~(13C-NMR and physicochemical properties. All of them were found for the first time from this plant. 为研究灰绿黄堇的化学成分,本文将灰绿黄堇乙醇提取物采取酸提取、碱游离后萃取的方法得到总生物碱,然后利用柱色谱、制备薄层色谱等方法分离、纯化了灰绿黄堇中5种生物碱,并利用IR、MS、~1H-NMR、~(13)C-NMR等方法鉴定了其中的3种,分别为去氢紫堇碱、紫堇灵、二氢血根碱,均为首次在此植物中发现。 11. spectral是什么意思 11. The traditional methods for sky spectrum subtraction and spectral line extraction are improved reasonably and effectively by means of the presented algorithms for de-noising and continuum fitting. Experimental results show the superiority of our improved algorithms. 利用本文提出的去噪和拟合连续谱算法,对传统的减天光和谱线提取方法进行了合理有效的改进,实验结果表明了改进算法的优越性。 12. spectral的近义词 12. The spectral overlap between the photoluminescence of PVK and the absorption spectrum of Ir3 is larger than that of Rubrene. 文章分别以PVK和CBP作为主体材料,以磷光材料Ir3和荧光材料Rubrene作为掺杂剂,制备了不同配比的器件,研究了主体材料和掺杂剂之间的能量传递特性。 13. In this article, 1'-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3', 3'-dimethyl-6-nitriospiro (2H-1-benzopyran-2, 2'-indoline) was synthesized, and its absorption change by irradiation UV-vis as well as fluorescence spectral change was investigated. 本文合成了1'-羟乙基-3',3'-二甲基吲哚啉-6-硝基螺吡喃,研究了该化合物在紫外-可见光交替照射下紫外吸收强度的变化,并测试了光照前后化合物的荧光光谱。 14. A frequency offset estimation algorithm with pilot-data assisted jointly based on the framework of the Expectation-Maximum algorithm is proposed in order to deal with the conflict between estimation accuracy and spectral efficiency for burst-mode transmission systems. Furthermore, the improved recursive EM estimation algorithm is proposed. 针对突发通信系统在保证频率估计精度和频谱效率时存在的矛盾,提出了一种基于EM算法结构的导频与数据联合辅助的频偏估计算法,在此基础之上进而提出了改进的递归EM估计算法。 15. It is concluded that Vis-NIRS can be used in the cocoon shell weight measurement, and UVE-SPA is a feasible and efficient algorithm for the spectral variable selection. 表明可见-近红外光谱可以用于对蚕茧的茧层量进行无损检测,同时UVE-SPA是一种有效的光谱变量选择方法。 16. The bit-serial mode requires only a multiplexed 10 bit/pixel serial data stream over a single channel, but it involves complex synchronization, spectral shaping and clock recovery conditioning. 位串行模式只需要在单个通道上传输一路复用化的10bit/像素串行数据流,不过它需要运用复杂的同步化、频谱整形和时钟恢复调理等技术手段。 17. 17. Chirata, and they were identified as β-sitosterol and swerchirin by spectral method. These two compounds were got firstly from the petrolelum ether fraction of S. chirata. 结论]2种化合物β-谷甾醇与1,8-二羟基-3,5二甲氧基山酮均为首次从印度獐芽菜乙醇提取物的石油醚部位分离得到。 18. The novel infrared-sensitive streak image tube is able to extend spectral sensitivity to 800~1600 nm. 这种新型红外扫描变像管的波长响应范围可延伸至800~1600 nm,转换效率的峰值波长为1165 nm,时间分辨率优于15 ps。 19. spectral 19. A systematic quantum chemical characterization of intrinsic structure, energies and spectral properties of all the studied cross-link adducts formed by the novel trans platinum with thiazole ligand has been carried out at B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory with the Lanl2dz pseudo potential basis set for the Pt atom. 常贯儒;周立新*;陈动摘要:在密度泛函B3LYP/6-31G*水平上,对新型反式噻唑铂抗癌药物形成的DNA交联双功能加合物的结构、能量、光谱性质进行系统的量化表征,计算中Pt2+用LanL2DZ赝势基组。 20. spectral的解释 20. Accordingly, methods can both speed-up rendering and keep accuracy are much preferred. In this paper, we proposed a novel accelerating algorithm which was based on the principle of combination with repetition for spectral rendering without paying cost for degrading quality of rendered images. 本文提出一个会低影像品质,植基於重覆组合原的加速演算法,这个演算法将光谱成图中耗时的表面反射计算工作预先算好并储存在记忆体中以备后续成图之用,并避免重覆计算已算过之表面反射系之计算。 spectral 词典解释 1. 鬼怪(似)的;幽灵(似)的 If you describe someone or something as spectral, you mean that they look like a ghost. e.g. She is compelling, spectral, fascinating, an unforgettably unique performer. 她极具吸引力,清幽如鬼魅,令人着迷,令人难忘,是个独具特色的演员。 e.g. ...the spectral quality of the light. 灯光迷离 spectral 单语例句 1. The science team had planned to compare the spectral signatures of the martian rocks with Earth samples to confirm that the composition was the same. 2. CBERS are equipped with cameras for earth observation in different spectral bands. 3. Its bands are located in the spectral zone of the visible and near infrared, which allow good contrast between vegetation and other type of objects. 4. Water and carbon dioxide ices were found, as well as dark material that fits the spectral profile of hydrocarbons. 5. The ghost story is about a spectral former girlfriend and the hero's newlywed wife. 6. The jagged front and sides form a boxy " V " shape, resembling the hull and sails of the Flying Dutchman's spectral ship. spectral什么意思spectral 英英释义 adj 1. resembling or characteristic of a phantom e.g. a ghostly face at the window a phantasmal presence in the room spectral emanations spiritual tappings at a seance Synonym: apparitionalghostlikeghostlyphantasmalspiritual 2. of or relating to a spectrum e.g. spectral colors spectral analysis |
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