单词 | brittle |
释义 | brittle [英 [?br?tl] 美 [?br?tl] ] brittle的意思、解释 brittle 基本解释 brittle的解释 形容词易碎的; 难以相处的,尖刻暴躁的; 冷淡的; 声音尖利的 brittle是什么意思 brittle 相关例句 形容词 1. 1. She has a brittle temper. 她动辄就要发脾气。 2. He has a brittle temper. 他容易发脾气。 3. 3. Robert received a brittle reception there. 罗伯特在那里受到冷淡的接待。 4. This material is highly brittle. 这种材料非常脆。 brittle 网络解释 1. 易碎的:brittle不列颠(btit)的奸商特(t)乐(le),专做一颠就易碎的(brittle)劣质产品,弄得人们买东西的心好脆弱的(brittle). brook清晨来到小溪(brook)边读书(book). brow有的人种连眉毛(brow)都是棕色的(brown). bubble水在沸腾(bubble)的时候要冒很多气泡(音:bbb) 2. 脆性:由于无铅锡球生长之IMC属于脆性(brittle)结构,从冲击能量方面可参考推球历时曲线中的pre-energy能量,它所代表 的是上升区段的受力能量. 从表3可以看出,当推速为300mm/s时,可以得到较高的pre-energy. 3. 易碎:对於如夹环、聚亚醯胺塑胶和陶瓷被选择当作零件的材料而言,陶瓷材料比聚亚醯胺较便宜且更耐用,但是对机台花费较高且易碎(brittle). 然而陶瓷的腐蚀速率是相当低的,大家比较关心的是从所制造的陶瓷释放出来的钠、铝、锆 (zirconium)和其他无机元素. 4. 4. 脆弱的;易碎的:891 、 纸板 carton board | 892 、 脆弱的;易碎的 brittle | 893 、 脆性 brittleness brittle 双语例句 1. 1. The results indicated that the oxirane group of epoxy-oleic ester reacted with the primary amine group of G-oligomer, the extension at break of the material respectively cured by G-methyl ester and G-capryl ester was increased, the brittle fracture surface of the material was represented toughness breakage. 结果表明,环氧油酸酯仅和G-预聚体结构中的端胺基发生了反应;用G-甲酯、G-辛酯与环氧树脂固化后,涂膜断裂伸长增大,脆断断面表现为韧性断裂。 2. All specimens were broken with brittle fractures under linear elastic plane strain conditions, and the extending di- rection of the cracks appeared to agree well with the three existing theories, e. g., the theory of maximum stress, the theory of... 结果表明:复合型裂纹的脆断开裂方向与现有的三种复合型理论符合较好;但是,复合型裂纹扩展阻力随K_Ⅱ/K_Ⅰ比值增加而增大,与现有复合型理论差别较大。 3. brittle的反义词 3. Displacement field and Irwin plastic region hypothesis. the correction formula of crack opening displace is given for I model crackle under quasi--brittle fracture. The result of calculation indicates that the δ obtained our formula is more accurate than the former δ0 Therefore it is safer in applied. 应用线弹性全局应力,位移场和lrwin塑性区假设,对Ⅰ型裂纹问题给出准脆断情形下的裂纹尖端张开位移的修正算式,计算结果表明,该文所计算的δ比原δ0之值有所提高,应用偏于安全。 4. The kitchen floor resembles an archaeological dig, covered as it is by these brittle tesserae. 我家厨房的地板看上去就像一块出土文物,上面斑斑点点全是他的饼干渣。 5. 5. Progressive failure in brittle materials is simulated in a computer in this paper. 本文对脆性材料的破坏过程进行了计算机模拟,模拟方法为有限元法。 6. In order to research the mechanism of dynamic fracture, the fractured surface of dynamic tensile and dynamic fracture is investigated by microscope-analysis technique. The results are obtained as follows:(1) Under the condition of dynamic tensile, there is a brittle fracture feature in the local weak-link though the metals still show the ductile fracture feature.(2) The bright belt in the impact fracture surface is caused by the fatigue precrack blunt, a distribution of crack stretched zone. The width of the bright belt decreases with an increasing of the loading rate and a decreasing of the experimental temperature.(3) The dynamic crack doesn't start initiation from the crack tip, namely root of fatigue crack, but from the distance x〓 between crack tip, as the condition of cleavage crack nucleation and propagate are satisfied in there. 利用显微分析技术,对动态拉伸断口和动态断裂断口进行了微观分析,研究了动态条件下金属的断裂机理,结果表明:(1)动态拉伸的条件下,尽管宏观上金属仍表现为塑性断裂,但局部薄弱区域会表现出脆性断裂的特征;(2)冲击断口上的亮带由预制的疲劳裂纹钝化所引起,是裂纹伸张区的贡献,亮带的尺寸随加载速率的提高和温度的降低而减小;(3)动态解理裂纹并不是从裂尖,即疲劳裂纹的根部开始起裂,而是在离裂尖一定距离处x〓起裂。 7. I: We will make a coalition with the clergy, we together with the cabinet will place some bottles of brittle rim in front of us to boycott other brutal dealers, if they pass, they will clashed these bottles. 我:我们将和牧师联合。我们和内阁一道,将一些边缘非常容易随的瓶子放在我们前面,这样就可以联合抵制其他残忍的商人。 8. They left it to wind through a slashy cut, leading the horses through brittle branchwood, Jack, the same eagle feather in his old hat, lifting his head in the heated noon to take the air scented with resinous lodgepole, the dry needle duff and hot rock, bitter juniper crushed beneath the horses'hooves. 他们辟出一条狭窄的道路,赶着马穿过了一片小树林。杰克的旧帽子上还插着那根鹰羽。他在正午的烈日下抬起头,嗅着空气里的树脂芬芳,还有干树叶和热石头的气味儿。 9. I go hunting polar furs and the seal, leaping chasms with apike-pointed staff, clinging to topples of brittle and blue. 我到北极猎取白熊和海豹,执着一根长杆我跳过隘口,攀附着易脆的蓝 10. brittle什么意思 10. Therefore, the roll surface is extremely hard and brittle and it is thermally unstable. 因此,辊子表面有极高的硬度、脆性及热不稳定性。 11. Light bone is not brittle bone. 轻骨骨不脆。 12. The cause of incipient brittle fracture of inner-hexangular fixing bolt of exciter was studied, and its chemical composition, metallographic structure, hardness and fracture characters of fracturing bolt were also investigated. 对某电厂励磁机用内六角平端紧固螺钉断裂件的化学成分、金相组织、硬度和断口特征进行分析。 13. Dressings modified with it are currently available to members of the military, but Edwards is working to engineer them to be less brittle and more homogeneously formulated. 它们,使其不那么易碎,设计更均匀。 14. No more frizzy hair Why is my hair so FRIZZY and dry, coarse or brittle? 乾燥秀发的保养法为什么我的头发老是乾燥、糙、是断裂? 15. brittle的反义词 15. Therefore, P is brittle impurity and N is ductile dopant. 因此,P为脆性杂质,N为韧性杂质,此结果与实验观察相符。 16. Dissolved in solid solution of alloying elements, the general will increase the extent of steel hardening of the cold, so that after the plastic deformation of steel under hard brittle very quickly, which is the cold steel is very unfavorable. 溶解在固溶体中的合金元素,一般将提高钢的冷加工硬化程度,使钢承受塑性变形后很快地变硬变脆,这对钢的冷加工是很不利的。 17. brittle 17. According to roller quality, there are double-roller and four –roller crusher, widely used in cement, metallurgy, chemical industry, electric power, coala and other industries for the brittle and tough processing. 用途:对辊破碎机工作可靠,维修简单,运行成本低,排料粒度大小可调,按照辊子数量可分为双辊破碎机和四辊破碎机,可广泛用于水泥、冶金、化工、电力、煤炭等行业对脆性和韧性的物料加工。 18. The police unbraided the graph paper, along withstrips of another kind of paper, thinner and brittle, that had no lines. 那个在自家树上发现这些纸片的女孩认出这不是我的笔迹,而是和我约会的那个男孩子,雷,辛格的笔迹。 19. A heavy brittle metallic element of the platinum group; used in alloys; occurs in natural alloys with platinum or osmium. 一种重而脆的铂属金属元素,用于制合金,与铂或锇形成天然合金。 20. A heavy brittle diamagnetic trivalent metallic element (resembles arsenic and antimony chemically usually recovered as a by-product from ores of other metals. 一种反磁性三价金属元素,重、易碎,通常作为其他金属矿石的副产品被发现。 brittle 词典解释 1. 脆的;易碎的 An object or substance that is brittle is hard but easily broken. e.g. Pine is brittle and breaks. 松树很脆,容易折断。 e.g. ...the dry, brittle ends of the hair. 又干又脆的发梢 2. 脆弱的;不稳固的;易变的 If you describe a situation, relationship, or someone's mood as brittle, you mean that it is unstable, and may easily change. e.g. These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle... 这些事件表明北爱尔兰的和平仍然很脆弱。 e.g. This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exists. 这也许会火上浇油,破坏当前脆弱不稳的休战局面。 3. 尖刻的;冷漠麻木的 Someone who is brittle seems rather sharp and insensitive and says things which are likely to hurt other people's feelings. e.g. ...Noel Coward's brittle comedy of bad manners. 诺埃尔·科沃德尖锐嘲讽无礼举止的喜剧 4. (声音)尖厉的 A brittle sound is short, loud, and sharp. e.g. Myrtle gave a brittle laugh. 默特尔冷笑了一声。 brittle 单语例句brittle什么意思 1. The brittle atom disks inside were packed together so tightly that it was hard to assess the damage. 2. The bane of many old people is the fear of falling and the breaking of bones made thin and brittle by osteoporosis. 3. Chlorine will not only bleach your hair but also dry it out, making it brittle. 4. Keep covered until ready to use so they do not dry out and become brittle. 5. Scientists at this week's sessions will hear about the discovery of what the researchers call a brittle star city off the coast of New Zealand. 6. My brittle ego was finally boosted by Wikipedia, which for the purposes of this article is the font of all knowledge. 7. Those who ingest it are at risk of developing osteoporosis, a disease whose chief symptom is brittle bones. 8. They reach for a caffeine lifeline, then stumble for the brittle comfort of a cold shower. 9. The box is so brittle that the demon inside will escape if unguarded. 10. Once the brittle shell has cracked into pieces the roe is exposed. brittle 英英释义 noun 1. caramelized sugar cooled in thin sheets Synonym: toffeetoffy adj 1. having little elasticity hence easily cracked or fractured or snapped e.g. brittle bones glass is brittle `brickle' and `brickly' are dialectal Synonym: bricklebrickly 2. (of metal or glass) not annealed and consequently easily cracked or fractured Synonym: unannealed 3. lacking warmth and generosity of spirit e.g. a brittle and calculating woman |
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