单词 | bromide |
释义 | bromide [英 [?br??ma?d] 美 [?bro?ma?d] ] bromide的意思、解释 复数形式:bromides; bromide 基本解释 名词溴化物; 溴化物镇静剂; 安眠药; 陈词滥调 bromide在线翻译 bromide 网络解释 1. bromide的意思 1. 溴化; 溴化物:bromic ether 溴代乙烷; 乙基溴 | bromide 溴化; 溴化物 | brominated species 含溴产品 2. bromide在线翻译 2. 溴剂:bromatology 饮食学 | bromide 溴剂 | bromidrosiphobia 恐体臭症 bromide 双语例句 1. bromide 1. Context Inhaled anticholinergics (ipratropium bromide or tiotropium bromide) are widely used in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease but their effect on the risk of cardiovascular outcomes is unknown. 背景 吸入抗胆碱能药物在COPD患者中广泛使用,但是它们对患者发生心血管事件风险的影响并不明确。 2. And dye. The results from the whole experiments and sensitometric results from these emulsions showed: 1 that sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA on silver bromide emulsion was affirmed; 2 That a cooperation sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA, sulfur plus gold, and dye could be carried out to make a higher level of sensitization; 3 That a cooperation sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA, on the basis of and dye, with oxalate-doped was carried out to make a higher level of sensitization without any increase in the level of fog. 对实验过程的考察和感光性能的测试结果表明,Zn-EDTA或Cd-EDTA对细微粒溴化银颗粒乳剂均有显著的增感效应;Zn-EDTA或Cd-EDTA增感可在传统硫加金增感基础上与光谱增感协同作用,三者具有兼容和可加和性;Zn-EDTA或Cd-EDTA增感可在传统硫加金增感与光谱增感协同作用的基础上,与草酸根内部掺杂增感兼容,实现四者的协同作用,而不引起乳剂灰雾增加。 3. In a weak acid buffer solution of HAC-NaAC, when cetylpyridinium bromide is mixed with a dyestuff ethyl eosin after anionic surfactant is added, the colour of the soluotion becomes deeper, and the max absorbtion wavelength is at 516 nm. 在弱酸性的HAC-NaAC缓冲介质中,将溴化十六烷基吡啶与乙基曙红染料溶液混合,加入阴离子表面活性剂,溶液颜色加深,最大吸收波长都在516nm处,且阴离子表面活性剂的浓度与溶液的增色程度呈良好线性关系。 4. 4. The adsorption characteristics of p -nitrophenol in wastewater on honeycomb briquet slag modified by triethanolamine or hexadecyl trimethylamine bromide were studied. 利用三乙醇胺、溴化十六烷基三甲胺分别改性蜂窝煤渣,研究了改性煤渣吸附水中对硝基苯酚的性能。 5. Starting from aminoglucose and galactose, a series of new type disaccharide s containing 2-amino-2-deoxyglucose were efficiently prepared by using bromide, thioethyle, thiophenyle, and trichloroacetimidate as leaving groups at the anomeric position of sugar. 以氨基葡萄糖、半乳糖为单体,利用溴化物、三氯乙酰亚胺酯基和硫苷作为糖端基离去基团,在 Lewis酸催化下合成了一系列新型的含有2 氨基 2 脱氧葡萄糖的二聚糖。 6. Psocids, belonging to Liposcelididae, Psocoptera, are worldwide and commonly found in various processed and unprocessed dry foods. Outbreaks of psocids could pose an alarming threat to stored product. Routine fumigations of warehouses and storage facilities with methyl bromide and PH_3 have failed to control these pests. 书虱属于虱啮目Psopotera、书虱科Liposcelididae、书虱属Liposcelis,是一类重要的储藏物害虫,大量发生时可造成严重的经济损失,而且对化学药剂的抗性发展很快,已经引起了全世界储藏物工作者的高度重视。 7. bromide 7. Ultrafine WO_3 powders were prepared by colloidal chemical method using sodium tungstate, hydrochloric acid and palmityl trimethyl ammonium bromide as starting materials. 本文以钨酸钠、盐酸和十六烷基三甲基溴化铵为原料,采用胶溶法制备了WO_3超细粉体。 8. As the effect of succinylcholine elimination and spontaneously breathing recovered, PSV were used in P group, but V group keep appling VCV after azamethonium bromide intravenous injection. 两组麻醉诱导使用丙泊酚、瑞芬太尼、司可林,静注后置入第一代喉罩,接麻醉机先行VCV.P组待司可林作用消失,自主呼吸恢复后,使用PSV;V组待司可林作用消失,自主呼吸恢复后,静注维库溴铵,继续行VCV。 9. Benzyl bromide was synthesized from dibenzyl ether and hydrobromic acid with SO42-/ TiO2 as catalyst and cyclohexane as dehydrant. 以二苄醚和氢溴酸为原料,SO42-/TiO2为催化剂,环已烷为带水剂,合成了溴化苄。 10. A spec-trophotometric method of the determination of trace tin was developed based on the reaction of tin with Pyrocatechol Violet in the presence of Cety Trimethylammonium Bromide in high alloy steel. 通过对干扰离子的影响及其消除方法的研究,提出了适用于高合金钢中的以邻苯二酚紫-溴化十六烷基三甲基胺光度法测定微量锡的分析方法。 11. The process conditions for extraction of manganese from electrolytic manganese residue by ultrasonic-assisted leaching with additive were investigated using 8-hydroxyquinoline, potassium xanthate, cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, tributyl phosphate and citric acid as leaching additives. 用8-羟基喹啉、黄原酸钾、十六烷基三甲基溴化铵、磷酸三丁酯、柠檬酸5种物质作浸取助剂,考察了助剂作用下超声辅助浸取法从电解锰渣中提取锰的工艺条件。 12. Dimethylnitrobenzene (2, 4-DMNB) was oxidized with potassium permanganate to 3- methyl-4-nitrobenzoic acid under heterogeneous conditions in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst, tetrabutyl ammonium bromide. 在水、有机相两相体系中,以四丁基溴化铵为相转移催化剂,用KMnO_4选择性氧化2,4-二甲基硝基苯(2,4-DMNB)制备3-甲基-4-硝基苯甲酸。 13. On the basis of existing international achievements in the development of methyl bromide alternatives, the author suggested that the practicability of sulfuryl fluoride, ethyl formate, propylene oxide, and carbonyl sulfide in China be approached and considered that sufuryl fluoride is most promising. 遗憾的是,它也和许多已被人类淘汰的其它熏蒸剂一样,由于它属于消耗大气臭氧层的物质[1],为了保护人类子孙万代良好的生活环境,已经在国际上取得共识,把它列为逐步淘汰的物质[2],而且已于1979年开始采取了具体的法规性行动[3][4]。 14. bromide的近义词 14. In this paper, design and calculation on the PTFE plastic tube lithium bromide absorption cooler were done. 本文对聚四氟乙烯塑料管溴化锂吸收式制冷机进行了设计计算;根据溴化锂吸收式制冷机的工作要求及塑料管的特点,提出了传热管采用阿基米德螺线状盘管的结构,在此基础上绘制了各部件的加工图纸,最终完成了塑料管溴化锂吸收式制冷机的设计及其实验系统的搭建。 15. Based on the optimal simulation, a comparison of the normal lithium bromide triple-effect absorption cycle with series solution circuit and the same cycle with an additional vapor compression device has been carried out. 在循环优化计算的基础上,对基本型直燃式串联三效溴化锂吸收式制冷循环和带蒸汽压缩装置的三效制冷循环进行了对比分析。 16. bromide 16. A method to prepare nanometer luminescent powders of yttrium oxide, gadolinium oxide and europium oxide through the microemulsion method relates to a preparation method for a chemical industrial raw material, wherein oxide of highly purified rare earth is adopted as the raw material, cyclohexane is adopted as the oil phase and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide is adopted as the surfactant, and butanol is an adjuvant surfactant, all of which is used to produce a nanometer luminescent powder 2O3: Eu with excellent dispersibility, and the figure in approximate sphere and the size between 10-20nm through the reversed micromulsion method. 一种微乳液法制备氧化钇、钆、铕纳米发光粉体的方法,涉及一种化工原料的制备方法,该方法采用高纯稀土氧化物为原料,环己烷为油相,十六烷基三甲基溴化铵为表面活性剂,正丁醇为助表面活性剂采用反向微乳液法制备了分散性良好、近似球形、尺寸在10~20nm范围内的 2 O 3 :Eu纳米发光粉体。 17. bromide的反义词 17. At first, the reaction of allyl halides and ketones or aldehydes promoted by dysprosium were studied: The reactions were proceeded in anhydrous THF. In the presence of catalytic amount of HgCl〓, the reactions of ketones, allyl iodide (or allyl bromide/sodium iodide) and metallic dysprosium proceed readily and homoallylic alcohols were obtain in high yield. The activity of aromatic ketones were higher than aliphatic ketones. Only 1, 2-addition product was obtained in the reaction of α, β-unsaturated ketone while 1, 4-addition product was not found. 首先研究了镝促进下烯丙基卤代物与醛、酮的反应:反应在无水THF中进行,在催化量的HgCl〓存在下,醛、酮与烯丙基碘和金属镝的反应可高产率地得到高烯丙基醇类化合物,芳香酮的活性高于脂肪酮,α,β-不饱和酮与烯丙基碘的反应只得到1,2-加成产物,未发现1,4-加成产物。 18. A chiral phase transfer catalyst, N-benzyl quinine bromide, was synthesized from natural chiral compound. And 2, 5-bimethyl-4-(3-nitrobenzene)-1, 4-bihydrogenation pyridine-3--4-methyl formate (viz. nitrendipine) was synthesized by this chiral phase transfer catalysis, and characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectrum, 1H nuclear magnetic resornace, and X-ray single-crystal diffraction. Key words: ammonium; chiral phase transfer catalyser; crystal structure 通过对天然手性物质进行修饰合成手性相转移催化剂N-苄基溴化奎宁,并对目标分子2,5-二甲基-4-(3-硝基苯)-1,4-二氢吡啶-3-甲酸乙酯-5-甲酸甲酯进行不对称催化合成,并通过红外光谱和核磁共振氢谱对化合物进行了表征,用X射线单晶衍射法测定了该化合物的晶体结构。 19. For example, one of the components in phenyl magnesium bromide-ether solution is a complex. 例如,在苯基溴化镁和乙醚的溶液中就是如此。 20. This paper has reviewed on chemical synthesis of o-nitrobenzaldehyde from various materials including o-nitrotoluene, o-nitrobenzyl alcohols, o-nitrobenzoic acid, benzaldehyde, o-nitrobenzamide, o-nitrobenzyl bromide and so on. 论文从不同的原料(邻硝基甲苯、邻硝基甲苯醇、邻硝基苯甲酸、邻硝基苯甲酰胺、邻硝基苯甲酰氯、苯甲醛、邻硝基苄氯、邻硝基乙苯)出发,对邻硝基苯甲醛的化学合成进行了综述,同时对电化学合成也作了简要介绍。 bromide 词典解释 1. 溴化物,溴化钾(用作镇静剂) Bromide is a drug which used to be given to people to calm their nerves when they were worried or upset. e.g. ...a dose of bromide. 一剂溴化钾镇静剂 2. 老套的安慰话;陈词滥调 A bromide is a comment which is intended to calm someone down when they are angry, but which has been expressed so often that it has become boring and meaningless. e.g. The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy, third-world debt and the environment. 会议上提出的还是那些惯常讨论的老套话题——宏观经济政策、第三世界债务和环境问题。 bromide 单语例句bromide在线翻译 1. That accord was agreed to in 1992, when methyl bromide was listed as a controlled substance. 2. The national plan states that with the exception of some critical uses, the methyl bromide production and use in China will be banned by 2015. 3. The other two industries targeted to phase out methyl bromide use are the tobacco and agriculture sectors. 4. Production and use of methyl bromide will be greatly reduced in China by 2005, a national plan released yesterday states. 5. At home on Friday, he poured some hydro bromide into a Coke bottle and it exploded. bromide 英英释义 noun 1. a trite or obvious remark Synonym: platitudeclichebanalitycommonplace 2. any of the salts of hydrobromic acid formerly used as a sedative but now generally replaced by safer drugs |
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