单词 | brow |
释义 | brow [英 [bra?] 美 [bra?] ] brow的意思、解释 复数形式:brows; brow 基本解释 名词前额; 眉,眉毛; 容貌,表情; 山脊 brow的解释 brow 相关例句 名词 1. Her brow was sad. 她面露忧伤的神色。 brow 网络解释 1. 1. 眉毛:假如有高又狭窄的(Narrower)前额,可以在眉毛(Brow)上剪高层次的浏海,使前额觉得更短、更窄. 一个在下巴(Chin)更丰厚的圆形造型会更有特色. 发型设计应当着重于缩小颊骨宽度. 女发最好烫发,然后在做发型时,将靠近颊骨的头发作前倾波浪, 2. (从船上到岸上的)舷梯:BRIDGE 船桥,驾驶台 | BROW (从船上到岸上的)舷梯 | BULWARKS 舷墙 3. 眉型:EYES 眼型 | BROW 眉型 | CHEEKS 脸颊 4. 额:broth culture 肉汤培养 | brow 额 | brown adipose tissue 褐色脂肪组织 brow 双语例句 1. She raises a brow. 她挑了挑眉。 2. And on that cheek, and o`er that brow, ? ?? ? ? 在那脸颊,在那眉宇 3. There were furrows in the old brow, and I had a kind of foreboding feeling. 他眉宇间有些许深纹,这让我有种不祥的预感。 4. As the uraeus it was placed on the brow of the king to protect him and show his divine status. 由于把它放在额头上的国王,以保护他和他的神圣地位的显示。 5. The past, some high-brow types can eat shrimp leek dumplings, cabbage, big meat dumplings, has entered the homes of ordinary people, a number of taboos do stuffing vegetables vegetable dumplings are also openly boarded the throne. 过去一些达官显贵才能食用的韭菜虾米饺、白菜大肉饺,已进入寻常百姓家,一些禁忌做馅的蔬菜野菜也堂而皇之登上饺子馅宝座。 6. We reached the brow of the hill. 我们到达了山脊上。 7. And he furrows his brow as if he's really trying to figure it out. 他的眉毛纠结好像很难想起来。 8. Depth of skull from brow to underpart of jaw never excessive. 止部的深度不可太深。 9. But when I asked him about memorials to the dead in the countryside. His brow furrowed. 但是,当我问及为死人在乡村建立纪念碑的事件时,他皱起了眉头。 10. 10. Yes, if I furrowed my brow and determined to listen analytically, the 16 delivered plenty of food for thought. 是的,如果我furrowed我的额头和决心倾听分析,16个交付足够的深思。 11. brow 11. A look of concern furrowed his brow. 担忧的表情使他额头上出现皱纹。 12. I'll be able to see the flop sweat form on your brow. 我能见到你的额上出汗 13. On the tourist car, some people unhurried smoke like a chimney unexpectedly, smokes the all around passenger brow tight wrinkle. 旅游车上,一些人居然笃悠悠地吞云吐雾起来,熏得四周的乘客眉头紧皱。 14. brow 14. He wiped the sweat away from his brow with the back of his hand. 他用手背擦去额上的汗水。 15. 15. Finally Huck leaned on his shovel, swabbed the beaded drops from his brow with his sleeve, and said 末了,哈克倚着铁锹,用袖子抹了把额头上豆大的汗珠,说道 16. Thus is his cheek the map of days outworn, When beauty lived and died as flowers do now, Before the bastard signs of fair were born, Or durst inhabit on a living brow; Before the golden tresses of the dead, The right of sepulchres, were shorn away, To live a second life on second head; Ere beauty's dead fleece made another gay:In him those holy antique hours are seen, Without all ornament, itself and true, Making no summer of another's green, Robbing no old to dress his beauty new; And him as for a map doth Nature store, To show false Art what beauty was of yore. 这样,他的朱颜是古代的图志,那时美开了又谢像今天花一样,那时冒牌的艳色还未曾出世,或未敢公然高据活人的额上,那时死者的美发,坟墓的财产,还未被偷剪下来,去活第二回在第二个头上②;那时美的死金鬟还未被用来使别人显得华贵:这圣洁的古代在他身上呈现,赤裸裸的真容,毫无一点铅华,不用别人的青翠做他的夏天,不掠取旧脂粉妆饰他的鲜花;就这样造化把他当图志珍藏,让假艺术赏识古代美的真相。 17. Thus is his cheek the map of days outworn, When beauty lived and died as flowers do now, Before these bastard signs of fair were born, Or durst inhabit on a living brow: Before the golden tresses of the dead, The right of sepulchres, were shorn away, To live a second life on second head, Ere beauty's dead fleece made another gay: In him those holy antique hours are seen, Without all ornament, it self and true, Making no summer of another's green, Robbing no old to dress his beauty new, And him as for a map doth Nature store, To show false Art what beauty was of yore. 这样,他的朱颜是古代的图志,那时美开了又谢像今天花一样,那时冒牌的艳色还未曾出世,或未敢公然高据活人的额上,那时死者的美发,坟墓的财产,还未被偷剪下来,去活第二回在第二个头上;那时美的死金鬟还未被用来使别人显得华贵:这圣洁的古代在他身上呈现,赤裸裸的真容,毫无一点铅华,不用别人的青翠做他的夏天,不掠取旧脂粉妆饰他的鲜花;就这样造化把他当图志珍藏,让假艺术赏识古代美的真相。 18. Thus is his cheek the map of days outworn, When beauty lived and died as flowers do now, Before the bastard signs of fair were born, Or durst inhabit on a living brow; Before the golden tresses of the dead, The right of sepulchres, were shorn away, To live a second life on second head; Ere beauty's dead fleece made another gay: In him those holy antique hours are seen, Without all ornament, itself and true, Making no summer of another's green, Robbing no old to dress his beauty new; And him as for a map doth Nature store, To show false Art what beauty was of yore. 六八 这样,他的朱颜是古代的图志,那时美开了又谢像今天花一样,那时冒牌的艳色还未曾出世,或未敢公然高据活人的额上,那时死者的美发,坟墓的财产,还未被偷剪下来,去活第二回在第二个头上②;那时美的死金鬟还未被用来使别人显得华贵:这圣洁的古代在他身上呈现,赤裸裸的真容,毫无一点铅华,不用别人的青翠做他的夏天,不掠取旧脂粉妆饰他的鲜花;就这样造化把他当图志珍藏,让假艺术赏识古代美的真相。 19. They're somewhat arty, somewhat haughty, but they're very high brow and driven by lust. 他们有点个性,有点傲慢,但孩子们非常高眉和欲望驱使。 20. As I emphasize in my book and to my own crazy self each and every day: Livin'the good life is not fancy trips, and expensive jewels, and high brow country clubs. Rather, livin'the good life is livin'the moment! 正如在我的书中强调的,以及每一天对疯狂的自己强调的一样:美好生活不是流光溢彩的旅行,也不是昂贵的珠宝,或参加高级会馆,而是生活此刻! brow 词典解释 1. 额;额头 Your brow is your forehead. brow什么意思 e.g. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand... 他用手背擦了擦前额。 e.g. She wrinkled her brow inquisitively. 她好奇地皱起了眉头。 2. to knit your brow -> see knit 3. 眉;眉毛 Your brows are your eyebrows. e.g. He had thick brown hair and shaggy brows. 他一头浓密的棕色头发,眉毛乱糟糟的。 4. 山脊;坡顶 The brow of a hill is the top part of it. brow的反义词 e.g. He was on the look-out just below the brow of the hill. 他就在山脊下负责警戒。 brow 单语例句 1. Joanne suffers a slight back injury and her brother Emmanuel has extravasated blood around his brow and bruises on his back. 2. Sweat on his brow, he said the hard work is worth it. 3. The researchers said the skull had the same proportions as a modern human head and lacked the large brow ridge commonly associated with Neanderthals. 4. He applied for a new record for his brow by letter last week, with his application reportedly accepted by the Guinness agency in Liaoning Province. 5. His lip brow wrinkled as he mused about how much he hated Sanlitun and how he rarely left his hutong existence. 6. He added that many people get tattoos in nail salons or brow studios that lack sanitizing equipment. 7. He wiped his eyes and was handed a roll of toilet paper, which he used to wipe his brow. 8. Brow from the Bank of Hawaii also said Hu's proposal for closer cooperation in the region was very constructive. 9. Much of the service sector activity generated this way will not be high brow. 10. Michelle leaned onto the edge of her seat, body tensed and brow knitted. brow 英英释义 noun 1. the arch of hair above each eye Synonym: eyebrowsupercilium 2. the part of the face above the eyes Synonym: forehead 3. the peak of a hill e.g. the sun set behind the brow of distant hills Synonym: hilltop |
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