单词 | test |
释义 | test [英 [test] 美 [test] ] test的意思、解释 过去式:tested; 过去分词:tested; 现在分词:testing; 复数形式:tests; test 基本解释 名词试验; 测验; 考验; 化验 及物动词测验; 考验; 考查; 勘探 不及物动词受试验; 受测验; 受考验; 测得结果 test 相关例句 及物动词 1. 1. The long race tested the swimmer's endurance. 长距离比赛考验了游泳者们的持久力。 2. test的解释 2. The teacher tested the children on their homework. 老师就孩子们的家庭作业进行检查。 3. The teacher will test us in maths. 老师将测验我们数学。 名词 1. We are to have a history test next week. 下周我们有历史测验。 2. A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。 test 情景对话 学校 test是什么意思 B:In that class, we have to (take a test every day/ write a long paper/ read lots of books). 上那堂课,我们需要(每天测验/写一篇篇幅长的论文/读很多书)。 A:What a hard teacher! 老师可真难应付。 test 网络解释 1. test在线翻译 1. 考试:2.考试 (Test)分为: SAT的预备考试( PSAT), SAT, SAT的科目考试(SAT Subject Test), ACT, 国际学生还需考TOEFL. 3.课外活动(Extra Curriculum): 艺术(Art),体育( Sports),俱乐部 (Club),社区服务( Community Service), 国家荣誉团体(National Honor Society) 2. 检验:其他国家也有这样的机构,如德国的商品检验机构(Stifung Warentest)还出版一个刊物叫(test),是消费者最信得过的刊物. 一般来说,一个令人可信的商品检验报告需要三个条件: 3. 3. test:traffic sensor technology; 检测技术 4. test:the solution to; 对策 5. test:time series technology; 协整检验 test 双语例句 1. The thermal imbalance test of the panel and high temperature reheater was carried out. 在锅炉的水平烟道中的屏式再热器和高温再热器上开展了热偏差试验。 2. It is alsodifficult to build reliable relationship between test results and actual bearing capacityof single pile by indirect methods such as Dynamic Method, Standard PenetrationTest and Osterberg Method because of differences between load bearing mechanismsin reality and ones of those methods. 动测法、标准贯入度法、Osterberg测桩法等间接方法由于与单桩实际受力机理的差异,很难在试验成果与单桩实际承载力指标间建立可靠的联系。 3. test的反义词 3. Turbulent wind characteristics; ; turbulent field; ; bridge buffeting; ; section model test; ; frequency domain analysis; ; time domain analysis; ; aerodynamic admittance 论文导师葛耀君;赵林,论文学位硕士,论文专业桥梁与隧道工程论文单位同济大学,点击次数 6,论文页数 122页File Size6277K 4. This test is to assess the affect on the new cylinder and piston, piston ring 此测试是为了评估此类频繁操作会对新的发动机缸套,活塞和活塞环造成什么样的影响 5. This paper generally describes the lab research of choice waterplug of grovel packed well of wrapping wire screen in Chengbei Oil Field, and puts forth several research points for reference in waterplug test of Chengbei Oil Field on the basis of summary of B3 well site waterplug test. 本文概述了埕北油田绕丝筛管砾石充填完成井选择性堵水的室内研究情况,并在总结B_3井现场堵水试验的基础上,提出了埕北油田堵水试验中的几点探讨性认识,供有关人员参考。 6. The elemental sulphur in leach residue was obtained by a 〓S solution leaching-thermal decomposition process. It is not only simple and easy to reclaim the leach agent, but also high in the recovery of elemental sulphur. Under the test conditions used, more than 99% of leaching efficiency and more than 93% of thermal decomposition recovery of sulphur were obtained. 用硫化铵溶液浸出热分解法从浸出渣中回收元素硫不仅过程简单,试剂〓S可再生使用,而且硫回收程度高,试验条件下,浸出溶硫率大于99%,热解提硫率大于93%。 7. test的翻译 7. A kind of new way to the pressure-proof test of in-service pressure vessel has been explored. 探索了一种在用压力容器耐压试验的新途径。 8. The magnetic field was applied to weld stainless steel with GTAW. The influence of magnetic frequency on properties of welded joint was studied by bending test, tensile test and SEM. 在外加纵向磁场下对不锈钢进行氩弧焊,通过对焊接试样进行弯曲和拉伸试验、显微组织观察分析,研究外加磁场频率对焊接接头力学性能的影响。 9. The first line of the input data gives you the number of cases, T. T test cases follow. 输入数据的第一行的给你的吨数的情况下,T检验的个案跟进。 10. Male mice germ-cell USD test: There was not significant difference between the UDS induced by different dose groups of water-decocted liquid of Zanthoxylum nitidum DC and that of negative control group. 三、雄性小鼠生殖细胞UDS试验:两面针水煎液各剂量组诱导的UDS与阴性对照组相比无显著性差异。 11. Three Indian states went to the polls to elect local governments, in what is seen as a test of strength for the Congress Party, which heads the national government. 印度的三个邦举行了当地政府的投票选举,这被视为对国大党实力的考验,该党目前把持着印度政局。 12. test在线翻译 12. What is called into question is the reliability of the test. 有疑问的是测试的可靠性。 13. In order to improve the test velocity and test credibility, a BIT system is designed. 为了提高某航空电子装备的测试速度和测试的可靠性,设计了一种针对该电子装备的机内测试系统。 14. test的翻译 14. Still it is one of the most popular methods to test the beads and many times gives accurate results. 不过这是一个最流行的方法来测试珠子和多次给予准确的结果。 15. Tensile test was performed by univariate method under simulated normal body temperature (36.5±0.5)℃, at 20 mm/min. When the specimens were destructed, stress-strain curve and data were automatically output by computer. 在模拟正常人体温在(36.5±0.5)℃的温度场下进行,以20 mm/min的速度对试样施加拉应力,试样破坏后,计算机自动输出应力-应变曲线和数据。 16. Till this is done, indifference, doubt, and, in the final issue, severe criticism, are them-selves proofs of a profound habit of thought. Our age is, in especial degree, the age of criticism, and to criticism everything must submit. Religion through its sanctity, and law-giving through its majesty, may seek to exempt themselves from it. But they then awaken just suspicion, and cannot claim the sincere respect which reason accords only to that which has been able to sustain the test of free and open examination. 它显然不是轻率的结果,而是时代成熟的判断力*的结果,这个时代不能再被虚假的知识拖后腿了;它是对理性的一种敦请,要求它重新接过它的所有工作中最困难的工作,即自我认识的工作,并任命一个法庭,这个法庭将在其合法要求方面保障理性,但与此相反,对于一切无根据的非法要求,则能够不是通过权势压人的命令,而是按照理性永恒的和不变的法则来处理之;而这个法庭就是纯粹理性批判本身。 17. Because of the low test current level used, a very sensitive voltmeter is required to measure the voltage drop, which is usually in the microvolt range. 由于所使用的测试电流很低,所以就需要非常灵敏的电压表来测量这种通常在微伏范围的电压降。 18. Therefore, it is essential to test and calibrate a scanner in order to control the quality in image reproduction. 因此,对扫描仪的扫描特性进行测试与校准是图像质量控制的重要工作。 19. Test result showed that the high temperature stability of the mixture after proper dosage of Gilsonite being added as modifie. 研究采用不同掺量北美岩沥青添加剂Aggcote plus,在高温条件下对集料进行预拌裹覆以改善集料与沥青胶结料之间的粘附界面,然后再添加滨州70号基质沥青拌制成沥青混合料,并研究其路用性能。 20. Because education bureaucrat control examination sovereignty, they decision test what with how test. 因为教育官僚控制考试主权,距地决定着考乜野同点样考。 test 词典解释 1. 检验;试验;测试 When you test something, you try it, for example by touching it or using it for a short time, in order to find out what it is, what condition it is in, or how well it works. e.g. Either measure the temperature with a bath thermometer or test the water with your wrist... 要么用浴用温度计测量水温,要么用手腕试一下。 e.g. Here the army has its ranges where Rapier missiles and other weaponry are tested... 军方在这儿有发射场,“长剑”导弹等武器都在这里进行试验。 2. 试验;测试;检验 A test is a deliberate action or experiment to find out how well something works. test的近义词 e.g. ...the banning of nuclear tests. 禁止核试验 3. 对…进行测试;考核;考查 If you test someone, you ask them questions or tell them to perform certain actions in order to find out how much they know about a subject or how well they are able to do something. e.g. There was a time when each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, testing pupils in every subject... 曾经,每个老师每周都有一天花上一小时对学生的每门功课进行测试。 e.g. She decided to test herself with a training run in London. 她决定在伦敦对自己进行跑步训练的测试。 4. 测试(题);考试(题);考卷 A test is a series of questions that you must answer or actions that you must perform in order to show how much you know about a subject or how well you are able to do something. e.g. Out of a total of 2,602 pupils only 922 passed the test... 所有 2,602 名学生中,只有 922 名通过了测试。 e.g. She had sold her bike, taken a driving test and bought a car. 她卖了自行车,考了驾照,并买了辆汽车。 5. 考验;试探 If you test someone, you deliberately make things difficult for them in order to see how they react. e.g. She may be testing her mother to see how much she can take before she throws her out. 她可能在试探她妈妈,看她能忍耐到什么程度才会把她撵出家门。 6. 考验;检验 If an event or situation is a test of a person or thing, it reveals their qualities or effectiveness. test的近义词 e.g. It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship... 度假对任何恋爱关系都是重大考验,这是常识。 e.g. The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities. 检验一个社会是否文明的办法就是看它怎样对待其少数群体。 7. 对…进行体检;化验;检查 If you are tested for a particular disease or medical condition, you are examined or go through various procedures in order to find out whether you have that disease or condition. e.g. My doctor wants me to be tested for diabetes... 我的医生要我去做个检查,看是否患有糖尿病。 e.g. Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defective gene. 染病家庭的女孩们也可以检查一下,看看是否携带这种缺陷基因。 8. 体检;(健康)检查 A medical test is an examination of a part of your body in order to check that you are healthy or to find out what is wrong with you. e.g. If necessary X-rays and blood tests will also be used to aid diagnosis... 如有必要,还要进行 X 光检查和验血以帮助诊断。 e.g. The family doctor ordered numerous, expensive medical tests, which revealed no physical problem. 家庭医生安排了名目繁多、收费昂贵的检查,结果没有查出任何健康问题。 9. (常指板球、橄榄球的)国际锦标赛 A test is a sports match between two international teams, usually in cricket, rugby union, or rugby league. 10. see also: testing;acid test;breath test;means test;litmus test;test match 11. 使经受检验;对…进行试验 If you put something to the test, you find out how useful or effective it is by using it. test的反义词 e.g. The Liverpool team are now putting their theory to the test... 利物浦队此时正在验证他们的理论。 e.g. Arriving at the railway station, I put local knowledge to the test and ask a taxi driver. 到了火车站,为了检验自己对当地的了解程度,我请教了一个出租车司机。 12. 测试…的强度(或稳定性) If new circumstances or events put something to the test, they put a strain on it and indicate how strong or stable it really is. test在线翻译 e.g. Sooner or later, life will put the relationship to the test. 总有一天,生活会考验这种关系是否牢固。 13. 经得住时间的考验 If you say that something will stand the test of time, you mean that it is strong or effective enough to last for a very long time. e.g. It says a lot for her culinary skills that so many of her recipes have stood the test of time. 她的许多食谱经受住了时间的考验,这充分证明了她的厨艺。 14. to test the waters -> see water test 单语例句 1. She stressed the new exam would still be a language proficiency test, not a professional business exam. 2. Such a limited business scope is perfect for foreign investors who want to test the waters in the China market before making a big commitment. 3. He told China Business Weekly that the Shanghai municipal government now requires all their staff to take the test. 4. But for now, the NASA scientists are happy with the test drive. 5. The United States'Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Tuesday that a nuclear test by DPRK would be a " very provocative " act. 6. China urged North Korea on Wednesday to act with calm and restraint, the day after the country announced that it planned to carry out a nuclear test. 7. Unpleasant situations can be avoided when participants are affected seeing examination questions and standard answers published by some media right after each test. 8. This is a test on our vision and ability, and it cries out for urgent action. 9. Beijing has promised to get all Olympic venues ready by the end of 2007 before test events. 10. Former Test captain Ian Chappell said CA had to overhaul a flawed system that was once the envy of world cricket. test 英英释义 noun 1. the act of testing something e.g. in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately he called each flip of the coin a new trial Synonym: trialrun 2. the act of undergoing testing e.g. he survived the great test of battle candidates must compete in a trial of skill Synonym: trial 3. any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc e.g. the test was standardized on a large sample of students Synonym: mental testmental testingpsychometric test 4. a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins 5. trying something to find out about it e.g. a sample for ten days free trial a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain Synonym: trialtrial runtryout 6. a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge e.g. when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions Synonym: examinationexam test是什么意思 verb 1. undergo a test e.g. She doesn't test well 2. examine someone's knowledge of something e.g. The teacher tests us every week We got quizzed on French irregular verbs Synonym: quiz 3. determine the presence or properties of (a substance) 4. achieve a certain score or rating on a test e.g. She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools 5. put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to e.g. This approach has been tried with good results Test this recipe Synonym: provetrytry outexamineessay 6. test or examine for the presence of disease or infection e.g. screen the blood for the HIV virus Synonym: screen 7. show a certain characteristic when tested e.g. He tested positive for HIV |
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