单词 | notorious |
释义 | notorious [英 [n???t?:ri?s] 美 [no??t?:ri?s] ] notorious的意思、解释 notorious 基本解释 形容词臭名昭著的; 声名狼藉的; 臭名远扬的; 恶名昭著 notorious 同义词 形容词well-knowninfamous notorious 反义词 notorious 形容词famous notorious notorious 相关例句 形容词 1. The town is notorious for its casinos. 这个城市因其众多的赌场而远近皆知。 2. Such a notorious person has got to the top of the company. That's more than I bargained for. 这样一个臭名昭著的家伙竟然登上了公司最高层。这个我可没料到。 notorious 网络解释 1. 匪帮说唱传奇:福克斯探照灯:1.19亿;代表作(Notorious)、. 两部之前被严重关切的影片(Amelia)、(Whip It)最后都铩羽而归. 2. 恶名昭彰:大概软体也需要这个形式连结GmbH 的 StarOffice 组件(suite)是恶名昭彰(notorious)的要求 libc库(libraries)至合适的目录, 删去旧的函式库(libraries),然後重设符号连运作的代价. notorious 双语例句 1. More serious ones include disk head crash and the notorious bad sectors which can cause permanent damage. 更严重的问题包括磁盘头部撞击和臭名昭著的坏扇区,可造成永久性的损害。 2. notorious是什么意思 2. As force securin'the win, but they believe I'm so notorious yeah 我就是确保胜利的力量,但他们认为我恶名昭著 3. He is notorious for being a foolish emperor. 他是历史上有名的暗弱昏君。 4. Then we do some research in details on the weight hierarchy of a notorious linear code over Z〓 named quaternary Goethal code. 然后我们详细地研究了环Z〓上一类有着重要地位的线性码—四元Goethal码的重量分级问题。 5. 5. One of the most notorious receivers, Jonathan Wild, set up a special brigade that would find employment as servants and then pilfer from the household or open the doors at night for other robbers to enter 最臭名昭著的窝主之一是乔纳森·怀尔德,他组建了一个特别行动大队,其成员找机会受雇为仆人,然后去住户家偷窃,或在夜间敞开屋门,引贼入室。 6. His younger brother was notorious Robber Zhi who led nine thousand underlings to go around for robbing, looting and trespassing. 他手下有九千名啰喽,经常到各处流窜,打家劫舍,夺人财物,强奸杀掳,无恶不做。 7. This want of politeness I was not, however, surprised at, for it is notorious, as has been before observed by an able writer, that, excepting the Church of Rome, the members of the unestablished Church of England–the Protestant Episcopalian, are the most bigotted, sectarian, and illiberal, in the United States of America. 当这本书不经意的出现在我手边的时候,我其实已经归纳出了一个解答。美国社会等级分化与种族的关联似乎表示,即使不同种族的人们拥有相似的环境和机会,总体上,白人系统性的取得超出黑人的成就。 8. notorious的意思 8. We all know the reputation and record of this notorious biro. 这个机构的名声和纪录,大家心里有数。 9. To make matters worse, Porter doesn't get along with his new cellmate, most likely because the guy is an epically notorious mass murderer. 故事的主角是一个家庭至上的男人,某天晚上他为了保护家人不受伤害,结果实施正当防卫杀死了夜闯民宅的盗贼。 10. This scene of star-crossed love and religious heroism is set at the beginning of the notorious Massacre of Saint Bartholomew's Day. Over a period of several days from 24 August 1572, French Roman Catholics led by the duc de Guise slaughtered thousands of Protestants in Paris. 这对不幸的恋人和争取宗教信仰自由的英勇精神发生在臭名昭著的圣巴托罗缪日大屠杀开始之时。1572年8月24日以及随后几天,法国天主教徒在吉斯公爵带领下,在巴黎屠杀了几千新教徒。 11. Duke Xian of Jin's rule was notorious for the bloody purging of family members. 杜克献金的规则是臭名昭著的血腥清洗的家庭成员。 12. Succeeding Emperor Taizong was the notorious Empress Wu who made Confucianism a state religion. 开元之后,韩愈等举儒修德,唐朝进入衰败期。 13. THE MOB is the most powerful and notorious gang member lead by Jim, Walter, Tommy and Fei. THE MOB就是其中一个強大且臭名昭彰的组织﹐由黎继祥﹐华超﹐钟孝礼和游志标所成立。 14. It is notorious how powerful is the force of hatit. 习惯的力量如此巨大,这恐怕早已是众所周知的事情了。 15. If you are part of the group which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it`ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairmans notorious bad taste in ties. 如果你是你演讲对象的一员,你就能够了解你们所共有的经历和问题,你就可以对餐厅难吃的食物或者总裁在选择领带方面差劲的品味顺带加以评论。 16. If you are part of the group which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and itll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairmans notorious bad taste in ties. 如果你是你演讲对象的一员,你就能够了解你们所共有的经历和问题,你就可以对餐厅难吃的食物或者总裁在选择领带方面差劲的品味顺带加以评论。 17. Based on the true story of how the FBI brought down one of Detroit's most notorious mobsters. 根据真实故事改编,讲述了美国联邦调查局如何捣毁底特律最臭名昭著的犯罪集团。 18. notorious什么意思 18. The Sexual demands for advertisementsis, so-called the demand of nature element is a catling which can give the ad it high appraise or else can make it notorious. 总而言之,情色广告即是以展示人体或特定场合为表现手段,运用性诉求方式吸引受众,形成独特的心理情绪来营销产品的广告实践,且这一广告在当下广为流行。 19. Social entrepreneurs are notorious for underestimating the amount of time and money they'll need to reach their goals. 社会企业家因为对达到目标所需要的时间和金钱估计不足而声名狼藉。 20. You will head a team of elite agents as you battle against the notorious Al Capone. 你将领导一队精锐小分队去和声名狼籍的艾勒·凯波尼抗争。 notorious 词典解释 1. 声名狼藉的;臭名昭著的;众所周知的 To be notorious means to be well-known for something bad. notorious的翻译 e.g. ...an area notorious for drugs, crime and violence... 因毒品、犯罪和暴力而臭名昭著的地区 e.g. She told us the story of one of Britain's most notorious country house murders. 她给我们讲述了英国最有名的一起乡村别墅谋杀案。 notoriously The train company is overstaffed and notoriously inefficient... 铁路公司冗员过多,工作效率出了名地低。 He worked mainly in New York City where living space is notoriously at a premium... 他主要在纽约市工作,那儿的住房出了名地昂贵。 Doctors notoriously neglect their own health and fail to seek help when they should. 众所周知,医生不注意自身的健康,而且在应该求助时也不这么做。notorious 单语例句notorious 1. Exhaust emission has become a notorious source of pollutants like carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon in China as more families are buying private cars. 2. If a dummy was indeed used for Hu Bin, it would make the case one of the most notorious judicial scandals in China's history. 3. The company has become notorious for its highly sexual catalogue, featuring near naked women draped over various male models wearing items from its stores. 4. The ceramic industry has been notorious for high pollution and energy consumption, but that reputation is changing in inland China. 5. The ongoing housecleaning in our drug administration is a popular prescription to break the notorious chain of illicit interests within government offices. 6. The Chinese stock market has been notorious for its fluctuations and stock valuations often reflect investors chasing momentum over value. 7. The fall of another senior citizen and his death have thrust the notorious judgment in the Nanjing Peng Yu case into question once again. 8. He was also a regular panelist on a popular TV news show, where he became notorious for his outspoken opposition to religious coercion. 9. While Shanxi is famous for its colossal output that accounts for much of national production, it is equally notorious for its many fatal mine accidents. 10. Dubbed by the media as the country's most notorious food safety scandal, at least six babies were killed after consuming the tainted formula. notorious 英英释义 adj 1. known widely and usually unfavorably e.g. a notorious gangster the tenderloin district was notorious for vice the infamous Benedict Arnold Synonym: ill-famedinfamous |
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