单词 | outdated |
释义 | outdated [英 [?a?t?de?t?d] 美 [a?t?det?d] ] outdated的意思、解释 现在分词:outdating; outdated 基本解释 outdated 形容词过时的,旧式的,落伍的,不流行的 动词使过时(outdate的过去式和过去分词) outdated 网络解释 1. 过时:如果port改变了,portversion能发现并标记为过时(outdated). 你想保留安装了的port的distfile,然后删除旧的distfile. portsclean -D将完成这些工作. 相同的,你可能打算删除在package数据库中不被引用的共享库. 我不使用上面的参数(-D). 2. 过时的:outdate 过时 | outdated 过时的 | outdid 胜过 3. 时间词 过时的:依序列举list in sequence | 时间词 过时的outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete anachronistic | 短暂的ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ; short-lived 4. 已过期:Do you want to insert %d report files to database?=要把报告文件 %d 插入到数据库中吗? | outdated=已过期 | Lines=行 outdated 双语例句 1. Therefore, we need to change the outdated concept. 因此,我们有必要转变不合时宜的观念。 2. Outdated information, unmaintained links and discontinued development of some drivers make the situation worse. 某些驱动程序的过时信息、没有维护的链接以及不再持续的开发,〔都〕使得这情况〔变得〕更差。 3. 3. The first time he made it clear that Beijing master plan revision is because the overall plan for Beijing in 1993 are outdated, and announced in Beijing the next two-axis, multi-center with two conceptual ideas. 他第一次明确表示,北京总体规划的修订,是因为总体规划,北京在1993年已经过时,并在北京宣布,未来两轴,多中心,两个概念的想法。 4. In the light, to accomplish the historical mission endowed by the new era, Confucianism should absorb from Bahaism such successful experiences:1.Reform the outdated doctrines; 2.Stress both righteousness and interests; 3.Protect environment; 4.Better the educa 新兴的巴哈伊教承传儒学的人文精神及社会理想,取得了传统宗教向现代化转换的成功;儒学应向其汲取改革不合时宜教义、重义又重利、保护环境、改善教育和妇女状况的成功经验,完成新时代赋予的历史任务。 5. Friend or foe digital transponders replace outdated technology with digital systems that improve reliability and maintainability. 敌我识别器将采用数字化系统取代原有的过时技术,提高了可靠性和可维护性。 6. There is only few literature on the incidence of stroke in Taiwan, and most of them, such as the studies of Chang (1992) and Hu et al (1992) are outdated. 而我国对於中风发生相关研究多,张淑凤以及Hu 等人所做的研究代甚远,而近廖建彰等人用全民健保资库分析台湾地区中风发生,因为纳入所有中风诊断码以致高估发生。 7. I also found that while the Peoples Army is a large organization, it is rather poorly equipt for the most part, with outdated technology, and equipment. 我还发现,虽然人民军是一个庞大的组织,这实在有点差equipt大部分,使用过时的技术和设备。 8. Outdated level that use among building trade, depend on, observe glass tube air bubble come, confirm level competence examined in chies of central authorities. 请求高手汉译英!!!在建筑行业中使用的老式水平尺,是靠观察玻璃管中空气泡是否在尺中央来确定所测平面水平的。 9. That reflects the outdated design of their armed forces, still focused on territorial defence against a Soviet invasion; military plans assume a defined front line with rear staging areas supplied by road. 这些反映出已经过时的部队计划仍旧集中在对苏联入侵的领土防卫上;各种军事计划都设想存在一条明确的前线和后方地区,可以通过公路输送供应。 10. The high purity aluminium performs better than the primitive one in conductivity, tractility, and is more reflexible and anti-corrosive. It is widely applied in electronic industry and aviation and aerospace area. At present, few manufacturers in China are capable of producing high purity aluminium of 99.999%(5N). Plus, their production is limited and the manufacturing process is outdated. 具有比原铝更好的导电性、延展性、反射性和抗腐蚀性,在电子工业及航空航天等领域有着广泛的用途,目前国内只有极少数公司厂家能够生产纯度达到99.999%(5N)高纯铝,且产量少,生产工艺落后。 11. This paper selects the cases of College R and University Y, based on overall investigations and thoro analyses of the faculty construction status and management mechanism of college R, the author find that there were some problems in the teacher structure of the adult college such as the age structure of the teachers were unreasonable, and the teacher`s academic qualification and professional title are lower; , some teachers are lack of professional ethics, the teachers knowledge were outdated, the teachers in teaching and research were imbalance. 本研究首先选取R学院与Y大学为个案,采用定性研究与定量研究相结合的研究方法,对R学院师资队伍建设现状、师资管理机制进行充分调研和全面分析,发现成人高校师资队伍结构中存在教师年龄结构不合理,学历、职称结构偏低的问题,教师个体存在职业道德缺乏、知识储备陈旧和科研教学比例失衡的问题。 12. As one kind of social purifier, Public opinion is a law that will never be outdated. 舆论是社会的净化器,是终古不老的法律。 13. According to the passage, the skeleton of a pterosaur can be distinguished from that of a bird by the E outdated作者的看法这样的想法,即成为空降翼龙上升到微风创建的海浪 14. outdated的翻译 14. The kitchen was outdated and small, not exactly what you would call an eyesore, but not something that could put them over the top from a buyer'perspective. 厨房不正确地是过时的和小,什么您会称眼中钉,但是不是可能投入他们在上面从buyer方面的事。 15. And the assembly line --the organization of large number of men to carry out simple repetitive functions--is outdated. 而流水线,这种组织大量的人做简单而重复的工作的组织方法已经过时了。 16. While empirical evidence on the effects of risk management on banks` nancial performance is scant and outdated, there is an extensive body of literature arguing that risk management does matter; see Santomero and Babbel (1997) for a review. 虽然实证影响的风险管理的银行的财务业绩是很少和过时的,有广泛的文献认为,风险管理并不事项;见圣多马罗和巴贝尔( 1997年)审查。 17. Mostly for the production of generic machine tools accumulation, equipment outdated. 大都是多年来生产积累的通用机床,设备陈旧落后。 18. outdated 18. The outdated misconception that God is strictly a product of religion has been disproven by twenty first century science. 过时的错误观念,认为上帝的产物,是严格的宗教一直disproven第二十一世纪的科学。 19. 19. We have to do away with these outdated conventions, and practices. 我们要改变这些不合理的陈规陋习。 20. Marriage is an outdated institution. ---婚姻是一种过时的制度《生命禅院 outdated 词典解释 1. 过时的;陈旧的;老式的;废弃的 If you describe something as outdated, you mean that you think it is old-fashioned and no longer useful or relevant to modern life. e.g. ...outdated and inefficient factories... 陈旧、低效的工厂 e.g. ...outdated attitudes... 过时的看法 outdated 单语例句 1. Some economists said China should reform its CPI calculation system, which they called outdated and misleading if used as an indicator for policy making. 2. China plans to eliminate 35 million tons of outdated steel production capacity this year to save energy and prevent an oversupply in the domestic market. 3. Analysts say that because four years has elapsed since Khalid Sheikh Mohammad's capture, any further information gleaned from interrogation would be outdated and of little use now. 4. By getting rid of outdated capacity and smartly reducing the actual production volume, cement can be sold at a better price. 5. Li's clinic may be considered a trial case in the local government's effort to reorganize China's outdated rural medical system by introducing the market economy. 6. Cement plants using outdated technological production processes accounted for 60 per cent of China's total, yet some new plants under construction chose the same technology. 7. A third loan of almost $ 200 million will target Liaoning's inefficient, polluting and outdated central heating systems. 8. " Outdated social management modes and centralized power offer officials the chance to abuse their power, " he said. 9. They have outdated reading materials and textbooks, and nobody really seems to be doing anything to change the sorry state of affairs. 10. It said the industry needed to eliminate outdated technology, and must not establish new projects that merely add to steel output. outdated 英英释义 adj 1. old no longer valid or fashionable e.g. obsolete words an obsolete locomotive outdated equipment superannuated laws out-of-date ideas Synonym: out-of-datesuperannuated |
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