单词 | out of work |
释义 | out of work [英 [aut ?v w?:k] 美 [a?t ?v w?k] ] out of work的意思、解释 out of work 基本解释 out of work什么意思 失业 out of work 相关例句 ph. 1. out of work在线翻译 1. He has been out of work for a year. 他已经失业一年了。 out of work 网络解释 1. 失业;(机器)有毛病:out of touch 不联系,不接触 | out of work 失业;(机器)有毛病 | out of 在...外;离开...;缺乏 2. 失业,下岗:in other words 另...... | at work 上班 | out of work 失业,下岗 3. 失业了:订购某物 place an order for sth. | 失业了 out of work | 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses out of work 双语例句 1. The workers out of work are on strike. 失业的工人在罢工。 2. out of work 2. A highly developed technology allows us to access can not rely only on paper, so we could ask, since it is in order to get information, and only 16 days of competition has a strong information chronergical, with almost no continuous 24-hour television broadcasting and the work of the network world, how many digital files need to be real printed out? 低度成长的技艺使我们得回新闻的道路完残可以不只凭借纸介质,因此我们经不起给答,既然是为了得回新闻,而且只是与16地的角逐有关的具有很不弱的时效性的新闻,借助实在不会不断的电视转播和24小时处事的网络寰宇,到不顶有众众数字文件需给假冒的印制出来呢? 3. The nativist then refines his position: Our knowledge of these principles does not start out as explicit and conscious knowledge, rather we have tacit knowledge of the principles in question, and it takes some work to make this tacit knowledge explicit. 细致的本土然后他的立场:我们的知识,这些原则并没有明确的开始,作为知识和意识,而我们已经隐性知识的原则问题,这需要一些努力使这一隐性知识明确。 4. out of work 4. It will be said that, while a little leisure is pleasant, men would not know how to fill their days if they had only four hours of work out of the twenty-four. 虽然多少有点闲暇是令人愉快的,但有人会说如果24小时只工作4小时,人们就不知道该怎么打发日子了。 5. The evening of the concert Mom wore glittery earrings and more makeup than I could remember. Dad got out of work early, put on a suit and tie, and slicked down his hair with Vitalis. 音乐会那天晚上,妈妈戴上了亮闪闪的耳环,精心打扮一番;爸爸也早早下班回家,穿上西装,系上领带,头上抹了瓦特里斯,油亮亮的。 6. The Comintern, believing that the GMD represents the mainstream of Chinese nationalism and can be used to foment revolution in China, sends an agent, Adolf Joffe, to China to work out a basis for CCP-GMD cooperation. 1922年,共产国际相信国民党代表了中国国民的主流,可以借助其发动中国革命。因此向中国派出了一位代理人阿尔道夫阿卜兰莫维奇越飞,为国共两党间的关系理出根基。 7. In order to work out this problem, we should create a new kind of machine. It can take the place of men. High-speed digital multifunctional soil bin carriage is one equipment which can acord with these requirements. 传统的耕作试验需要单独进行松土、铲平、压实、旋耕等工序,各工序的间隔时间较长,效率较低,而且要消耗大量的劳动力,为了解决这一问题,我们迫切的需要研制出一种新型的机械设备,用它来代替人力。 8. On the basis of study on the theory of dynamic compaction, the specific property of soil and the working mechanism of dynamic compaction was studied and also studied was the dynamic compaction method design and the construction technology. Chiefly studied are design principle, computation theory and influence factor etc and studied in detail were the design parameters and construction technology; The on-the-spot test and the quality checking method were introduced; By analyzing the influence factors of reinforced depth and on the basis of dimension comparison, the reinforced depth is calculated by applying the square of the energy on the bottom of the hammer and also, the energy could be decided by the required reinforced depth and the weight of the hammer; On the basis of the diagram of the dynamic compaction method, the method for computing the reinforced range, which is suit for unitary soil layer, is deduced. By combining neural network with the requirement for stopping compaction, the deformation module is calculated, based on which, the capability of the soil after compaction is calculated as the reference for design and construction; With the influence during compaction procedure on the environment studied, the vibration principle is analyzed to work out the safety distance in construction and rational vibration resistance measures. 本文通过对动力固结理论的探讨,分析了强夯加固软土地基时土的特性,研究了非饱和土和饱和土的强夯加固机理及强夯置换加固机理,并在此基础上,研究了强夯法的设计原则、原理、影响因素及设计计算方法,并详细研究了强夯参数选择、强夯加固地基施工工艺;介绍了当前强夯地基现场试验及质量检测方法;通过对强夯加固深度的影响因素进行分析,从量纲对比入手,近似用单位夯锤底面积上的单击夯能的算术平方根值来估算加固深度,或根据要求的加固深度和已有夯锤来初步确定所使用的单击夯能;通过填土或其他松软土体的强夯加固模式图,推导出主要适应性质较单一的土层加固范围的计算公式;在以往研究工作的基础上,通过运用神经网络算法,利用强夯时停止夯击的标准(即达到夯实效果时单击夯沉量)来计算强夯后地基土的变形模量,定量地预测强夯后地基土的容许承载力大小,为强夯设计和施工提供参考;通过研究强夯对环境的振动效应,分析掌握其振动衰减规律,为工程施工确定最小的施工安全距离,以及合理布置减振和隔振措施。 9. By (Xinhua correspondent Yan Shi cases) yesterday afternoon, the Standing Committee of the provincial party committee, party secretary of the Standing Committee of the Municipal朱小丹hosted the meeting to convey the province`s small and medium-sized work of learning the spirit of the meeting, combined with the deployment of carrying out practical research Canton views. 本报讯 (记者严利通讯员史伟宗)昨日下午,省委常委、市委书记朱小丹主持召开市委常委会议,传达学习全省中小企业工作会议精神,结合广州实际研究部署贯彻意见。 10. So they've still got a whole mess of legal and technical issues to work out, he said. 所以他们现在有一大堆的关于法律和技术方面的问题需要解决。他说。 11. According to the field variation with frequency in the test volume, the work frequency of GTEM cell can be divided into three frequency areas, namely, quasi-static area, high frequency area and out of the vertical polarization area. 根据测试区场分布随频率的变化情况,可将GTEM传输室的工作频率分为三个特征频段,即:准静态区、高频区和非垂直极化区。 12. The research work in this dissertation is carried out in order to meet the special bonding needs of war industry. 本研究工作是根据军工产品研制需要而进行的。 13. He is out of work/ a job. 他现在失业了。 14. out of work的近义词 14. He's out of work/out of a job. 他失业了。 15. He is put in a certain place, has to carry out a certain task, but does not participate in the organization or management of the work. 他被安置在一个固定的岗位上,去完成一定的工作任务,而对生产的组织与管理则概不参与。 16. out of work 16. This paper mainly made use of the analysis software ANSYS to build up the FEA models of four parts of the clutch, and used the analytical function of ANSYS to calculate the quiet stress under the most dangerous work condition to get their most quiet stress and strain, and also analysised their intrinsic mode to get their proper frequency. After that carried on the experiment of some spare parts to certificate that the result of the software calculation is right. Then setting out from the curve of S-N of the material, and according to their tired characteristic, made use of the strong fatigue analysis software MSC. Fatigue to calculate their lives. 本文首先利用ANSYS有限元分析软件建立波形片、夹持盘、盘毂和离合器盖的有限元模型,利用ANSYS软件的分析功能,对它们进行了最危险工况下的静应力计算和模态分析,得到其在各自危险工况下的最大静应力、应变和固有频率,并对部分零件进行了试验验证;然后从材料的S-N曲线出发,根据所研究的波形片、夹持盘和盘毂的具体疲劳特性,利用疲劳分析软件MSC.fatigue在已有的应力循环下计算其疲劳寿命,并利用疲劳设计经验计算公式对各零件进行了疲劳估算,两者计算结果吻合,从而验证了利用有限元软件分析的可靠性。 17. Just a few days before the attempted robbery of Miss owners Hu told reporters: October 23, a small percentage of security that this road occurred in the bushes in Tibet who suddenly swarm to the attack, looting single woman thing, I think this terrible thing was I came across. On the evening of 8 November 30:50%, I went to work, a person out to the station from home, land adjacent to areas west suddenly darting two tall men, one escape my neck holding my mouth, another person grab my bags. 前几天刚被抢劫未遂的业主胡小姐告诉记者:10月23日,就曾听一位小区保安说,这条路上发生过歹徒藏在草丛里突然窜出来袭击、抢劫单身女子的事,没想到这种可怕的事被我碰上了。11月30日晚8:50左右,我去上夜班,一个人从家里出来去车站,走到小区西面荒地旁,突然窜出两名高大的男人,一个人搂住我的脖子捂住我的嘴,另一人抢我的包。 18. For the little evils with which the State was touched, except the remedy of setting to work in earnest to root out a single sin, poured their distracting babble into any ears they could lay hold of, at the reception of Monseigneur. 他们跟大人或国家并无直接关系,跟任何实际事物也无关系,跟风尘仆仆远涉穷荒绝域的生活也没有关系。用花哨的药物治疗并不存在的臆想的疾病而发了财的医生在大人的前厅里向仪态优雅的病人微笑;为国家的小忧小患设计出形形色色的策略却连任何一桩罪恶也无法认真消除的清客,在大人的招待会上对他们抓得住的耳朵滔滔不绝地发出令人茫然的高论。 19. The slightly rebellious touch combined with attractive sharp cuts make OntFront suitable for a wide range of environments: work, travel, going out, meeting friends and family. 稍许的叛逆,配以魅力非凡的剪裁,赋予OntFront适合于多种场合:工作,旅游,户外,会见亲友。 20. GHS donated one of her own art work. GHS was very embarrassed to be found out. 具惠善捐出了她自己的一幅美术作品,她还有些不好意思。 out of work 词典解释 1. 失业的;下岗的 Someone who is out of work does not have a job. out of work的解释 e.g. ...a town where half the men are usually out of work. 通常有半数男子失业的城镇 e.g. ...an out of work actor. 没戏演的演员 out of work 单语例句 1. Preliminary investigation by the police and work safety authority has ruled out the possibility of deliberate sabotage. 2. We have a lot of work to do and can take it step by step out of the public eye. 3. If your work takes you out of town on a regular basis, she will become the de facto caretaker. 4. Officers will carry out safety inspections of entertainment venues citywide and will work with cultural, health and industrial and commercial administrations to target illegal activities. 5. The deadline was imposed because of the time needed to carry out the work before the expo gets underway. 6. Businesses invent numerous tricks to cheat their employees out of the standard of minimum salary, resulting in long overtime work or other kind of labour abuses. 7. Legal experts expect German government to work out a kind of addendum or protocol attached to ESM to express German reservations. 8. Monday's courtroom conference was held to work out the ground rules for a court hearing beginning Thursday on the fate of the children. 9. Pilot projects are being carried out by the Shenzhen municipal civil affairs administration to let CSOs share part of the government's social management work. 10. As clean forms of energy are not yet widely used in the country, the government should work out a strategy to optimize the energy structure. out of work 英英释义 adj 1. not having a job e.g. idle carpenters jobless transients many people in the area were out of work Synonym: idlejobless |
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