单词 | underling |
释义 | underling [英 [??nd?l??] 美 [??nd?rl??] ] underling的意思、解释 复数形式:underlings; underling 基本解释 名词下属,走卒 underling在线翻译 underling 网络解释 1. 下属:新建二级协议客户......职位描述:第一部份:职位概述 职位名称(Position): 销售总监 部门(Department):海航饮品市场部 编制数:1岗位值: 直接行政主管(Leader): 平级:公司各部门经理 直接下属(Underling): 销售主管、销售 2. underling 2. 部下:underlinen 内衣 | underling 部下 | underlining 划线标注 3. 部下,下属:hireling 被雇的人 | underling 部下,下属 | nurseling 乳婴,乳儿 4. 下属,手下:underhanded 不光明的,卑鄙的 | underling 下属,手下 | undermine 在...下挖;侵蚀...的基础;逐渐损害 underling 双语例句 1. Meanwhile, incomplete information and asymmetrical information are in the process of public expenditure, which leads to multiplayer principal-agent. At the same time, the multiplayer principal-agent can be divided into outside organization and inside organization, the former includes public-legislator, legislator-government (represented by treasury department), treasury department-public expenditure branch, public expenditure branch-client, the later includes manager-underling; superior branch -junior branch. 同样公共支出过程中也存在着信息不完全和信息不对称,由此造成了多层委托代理关系的存在:从部门外部看,公共支出过程中的委托代理关系主要包括公众与立法者的委托代理关系、立法者与政府的委托代理关系、财政部门与财政资金使用单位的委托代理关系、财政资金使用单位与顾客之间的委托代理关系(这层委托代理关系本文不做详细讨论);从部门内部看,则存在着管理者与被管理者的委托代理关系以及上级部门与下级部门的委托代理关系。 2. underling 2. The managerial personnel connive one`s underling to work against rules and regulations or dare not actively deal with after detection. 管理人员纵容下属违章违纪或发现后不敢主动管理的 3. Management who connives at his underling`s regulation violation or does not actively corrects wrong behavior once perceiving. 管理人员纵容下属违章违纪或发现后不敢主动管理的 4. But if there is one thing these globetrotters agree on, it's that there is no substitute for face time with the Abu Dhabi moneyman who holds the key to the future; with the underling who is AWOL on e-mail; with the spouse and kids, who have been a little sullen and exasperated of late. 只是,如果有一件事是所有这些环球旅行者们都同意的,那就是,没有任何工具可以取代面对面的交流无论是去和那些对未来有重大影响的阿布扎比市的金融家交流;还是和不辞而别仅留下一封 Email 的下属交流;还是和近来有些郁闷恼火的配偶和孩子交流。 5. How delightful to find an arriviste underling of 53 and a slacking boss of 70 in a thrusting, ageist industry such as investment banking. 在投资银行这样一个冲劲十足、歧视老龄的行业中,能找到一个野心勃勃的53岁下属和一个泄了劲儿的70岁的老板,是多么令人欣喜啊。 6. 6. The reason of political escape is for politics, they are the remains of Liuguo, the literator, the Taoist, the person of ideals and integrity to turn over the Qin dynasty. At the beginning of the Han dynasty, the remains of the hostility, the underling of the leud, and the escape caused by the big political affairs. 政治犯罪逃亡是政治人物因为政治原因而逃亡,主要有六国残余、儒生、方士、反秦志士的逃亡,汉初敌对集团残余人物、诸侯王属官的逃亡,以及汉代重大政治事件引起的的逃亡,还有其他政治原因引起的逃亡。 7. 7. He's an underling of the gang leader. 他是匪首的爪牙。 8. 8. He's an underling of a gang leader. 他是匪首的爪牙。 9. Look at who they summoned to speak to...some underling who has no voice whatso eve r in US policy. 看看那个他们召唤听训的美国外交官员,其人对美国政策制定根本没有影响。 10. Look at who they summoned to spe ak to...some underling who has no voice whatso eve r in US policy. 看看那个他们召唤听训的美国外交官员,其人对美国政策制定根本没有影响。 11. Space databaseiscontrolled with Mapinfo ofdesktopsoftware GISbased on Win95. Attribute data is controlled with software Access. Through integrated soft ware, establishmentand administrationofdatabaseofland useandsurveyinformation of37townsof thecounty underling are achieved. And then a serious ofinformations`inquire, retrieve, statistical analyzation ofattribute data, thematic map Making, dyn... 该系统采用基于Win95 环境的桌面GIS软件Mapinfo 管理空间地图数据库,用ACCESS数据库格式管理属性数据,通过软件集成实现对下属37 个乡镇的土地利用详查资料的建库管理,在此基础上实现了土地利用现状、规划、基本农田保护等一系列信息的查询、检索、属性数据统计分析、专题图制作及土地变更动态管理、统计功能。 12. Now, have the thing brought in and take your leave, underling. 现在,把东西带过来,你们可以走了,走卒。 13. Do you think it is good for the underling to ask for the boss? 事实上,这是一个好现象。 14. She asks her underling to go out to buy her a cup of coffee. 她让她的下属去买杯咖啡给她。 15. But it seems that the only line of communication that has not changed is between boss and underling. 但看上去唯一没有改变的,就是老板与下属的沟通方式。 16. You are no longer dealing with some underling. 你不再和一些部下打交道了。 17. We should check the patients if there is any underling autoimmune disease. 我们必须明确是否存在一些隐藏的自身免疫疾病。 18. 18. Any day, I imagine he will be taken out by the single bullet of an aggrieved underling. 每一天,我都设想他会被他愤愤不平的下属一枪结果掉。 19. Some underling has such consideration too, which is said as one's achievement is so great; it must make his boss feel uneasy or insecure. 而另一方面,做部属的也有类似的顾虑,即所谓功高震主。 20. 20. Totally responsible for the routine management of gas plant, along with zero accident and safety first as the first target; ensure the continuous running of the supplying system, receive the report from operation underling, examine and revise the report forms and offer periodic report to GCM. 把零事故和安全生产放在首位的进行气体工厂的日常管理。通过接受和检查操作团队的报告来确保供气系统的持续稳定运行,并定期向气体中心经理汇报。 underling 词典解释 1. 跟班儿;手下;羽翼;喽啰;走卒 You refer to someone as an underling when they are inferior in rank or status to someone else and take orders from them. You use this word to show that you do not respect someone. e.g. Every underling feared him. 所有的手下都怕他。 e.g. ...underlings who do the dirty work. 行卑劣之事的走卒 underling 单语例句underling 1. The underling left after completing four deliveries, but the one who appeared to be the ringleader stayed in the cab. underling 英英释义 noun 1. an assistant subject to the authority or control of another Synonym: subordinatesubsidiaryfoot soldier |
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