单词 | undermine |
释义 | undermine [英 [??nd??ma?n] 美 [??nd?r?ma?n] ] undermine的意思、解释 过去式:undermined; 过去分词:undermined; 现在分词:undermining; undermine 基本解释 动词逐渐削弱; 使逐步减少效力; 从根基处破坏; 挖…的墙脚 undermine的近义词 undermine 相关例句 及物动词 1. The bad cold had undermined her health. 重感冒损伤了她的健康。 2. undermine的反义词 2. The waves had undermined the cliff. 波浪冲刷侵蚀悬崖的底部。 3. They are trying to undermine my position. 他们在试图损伤我的地位。 4. 4. The convicts undermined the prison wall and escaped. 囚犯们在监狱墙下挖地道逃跑了。 undermine 网络解释 1. 危害:美国绝不会采取可能危害(undermine)到六方会谈体系、六方会谈真实性以及我们伙伴的任何措施. 我们的态度非常明确. 北韩必须就钚、浓缩铀(HEU)计划、核武器、核扩散问题接受彻底的验证,我们都要认定这一点. 我们将和盟国密切合作, 2. 安德麦:A : 比如说,安德麦(Undermine)的赛车游戏......A : 没错,联盟与部落的玩家终於可以前往地精的主城了. 安德麦所在的科赞岛(Isle of Kezan)将被开放,那是一 undermine 双语例句 1. Though this argument has some merits, several critical flaws seriously undermine the line of reasoning. 也许如此!但也只有这样,我才能倒出沙子,更轻松地前行。也许,一个人的旅行真的是太累了,既要背负着理想匆匆 2. Any country or Government which wants to proceed towards tyranny starts to undermine legal rights and undermine the law. 任何一个国家或政府要走向专制,都是从破坏合法权利和法律开始的。 3. Don't let a clever mind and sinuous practice undermine your character. 不要让一个自作聪明,老奸巨滑的行为玷污你的品格。 4. 4. If we seek the forms of democracy, we won't achieve the substance, and we won't develop the economy either, but will only throw the country into turmoil and undermine the people's unity. 如果追求形式上的民主,结果是既实现不了民主,经济也得不到发展,只会出现国家混乱、人心涣散的局面。 5. Engine temperature is too high a significant hazard, can be summed up with a lower coefficient of inflation, decline in engine power, reduce oil viscosity, lubrication performance deteriorate and undermine its support and Gangbi space, cause increased wear and tear, occurred when a serious bite or pull Nien - Cylinder, stick, a Qizu, ignition coils and the temperature increased, thus affecting the fuel supply system and the ignition system to work properly. 发动机温度过高危害相当大,概括起来有降低了充气系数,发动机功率下降,润滑油黏度降低,润滑性能变差,破坏其与缸壁的配合间隙,引起加剧磨损,严重时发生咬粘或拉缸,卡死,产生气阻,并使点火线圈温度增高,从而影响燃料供给系统和点火系统的正常工作。 6. 6. The truth is that Undermine is the capital of the Isle of Kezan, the largest and southmost of the South Seas Islands. 事实上安德麦是南海群岛中最大也是最南边的可赞岛的首都。 7. This is because Japanese companies is dominated by the big corporate shareholders, large enterprises and shareholding relationship between the prevalence of each other, if the other party in the general meeting of shareholders to take on non-cooperative attitude of the other party will be in the side of the general meeting of shareholders On the boycott, which will undoubtedly undermine the basis of mutual trust holdings. 这是因为日本公司中占主导地位的是法人大股东,且大企业间普遍存在相互持股关系,如果一方在另一方的股东大会上采取不合作态度,另一方也会在这一方的股东大会上进行抵制,这无疑会损害相互持股的信赖基础。 8. 8. When Britain's then high commissioner to Kenya, Sir Edward Clay, one of a small band of righteous heroes in the book, spoke out courageously against corruption, his DFID counterparts did their best to undermine him. 彼时驻肯尼亚的英国高级专员爱德华克莱爵士---本书中屈指可数的几位富有正义感的主人公之一---挺身而出,痛陈腐败之祸,但开发署的搭档们却尽可能地挖他的墙脚。 9. The CEO should not undermine the COO by disowning the latter`s actions. 首席执行官不应该否定首席运营官的行为,削弱首席运营官的地位。 10. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD: Presently we see a well-planned effort to undermine the economies of all the Asian countries by destabilizing their currencies. 马哈蒂尔:目前,我们看到一种要通过使我们的货币币值不稳定的方法来达到破坏所有亚洲国家经济的目的的,计划周密的努力。 11. There are other, for no reason and hit me and I did not say a word, I tell you, I do not say I was not hit you, but I do not want to undermine the friendship! 还有其他的人,无端端又打我,而我却一句话都没说,我告诉你,我不说不是我任你打,而是我不想破坏友谊! 12. The shadow home secretary, David Davis, said: These figures further undermine Gordon Brown's grand and unwise pronouncement to create British jobs for British workers. 影子内政大臣大卫戴维斯说:这些数字进一步削弱英国财政大臣布朗的盛大和不明智的公判大会,以创造就业机会,英国,为英国工人。 13. 13. However antisterone Shutkin bactericidal liquid is used to undermine fungal enzyme systems, but the normal human tissue cells without any effect, so antisterone Shutkin bactericidal liquid on the skin to stimulate the points to zero.. 然而安体舒特杀菌液则采用破坏真菌的酶系统,却对正常人体组织细胞无任何影响,所以安体舒特杀菌液对皮肤的刺激积分为零。。 14. undermine 14. I would rather leave my organization than accept an assignment that would undermine my ability to be of service to others. 若要我接受伤害我服务他人能力的工作,我宁愿请辞。 15. Chinese Cinnamaldehyde Cinnamaldehyde alias, Lauraceae plants are dry skin and cinnamon bark obtained by steam distillation of volatile oil in the main component of research in recent years are more root canal sterilization drug, it can seriously undermine the bacterial cell surface structure, and thus has a wider antibacterial spectrum and strong antibacterial activity; gallnut hundred, also known as worms, insect species are Schlechtendalia Schlechtendalia or times aphid eggs in their parasitic plants Anacardiaceae Rhus chinensis, Green bran Yang Yang, such as bran or red tree gall formation, the main ingredient for gallnut tannin, can solidification microbial protoplasts and a variety of body enzymes, a wide range of bacteria, fungi, yeasts are inhibited. 中药桂皮醛别名肉桂醛,是樟科植物肉桂的干皮及树皮经水蒸气蒸馏得到的挥发油中的主要成分,是近年来研究较多的根管消毒药物,它能够严重破坏细菌细胞表面结构,从而具有较广的抗菌谱和较强的抗菌活性;五倍子又名百虫,是倍蚜种昆虫角倍蚜或倍蛋蚜在其寄生漆树科植物盐肤木、青麸杨或红麸杨等树上形成的虫瘿,其主要成分为五倍子鞣质,能够凝固微生物体内的原生质及多种酶,对多种细菌、真菌、酵母菌都有明显的抑制作用。 16. Chinese Cinnamaldehyde which also named Cinnamaldehyde alias, is the main component of volatile oil which obtained by steam distillation from dry skin and cinnamon bark of lauraceae plants. It is researched as a root canal sterilization drug in recent years, it can seriously undermine the bacterial cell surface structure, and thus has a wider antibacterial spectrum and strong antibacterial activity; gallnut hundred, also known as worms, it is a kind of gall that be formatted by Schlechtendalia species of insects including Schlechtendalia and times aphid eggs in their parasitic plants Anacardiaceae Rhus chinensis, Green bran Yang or red bran Yang, the main ingredient for gallnut tannin, can solidification microbial protoplasts and a variety of body enzymes, a wide range of bacteria, fungi, yeasts are inhibited. 中药桂皮醛别名肉桂醛,是樟科植物肉桂的干皮及树皮经水蒸气蒸馏得到的挥发油中的主要成分,是近年来研究较多的根管消毒药物,它能够严重破坏细菌细胞表面结构,从而具有较广的抗菌谱和较强的抗菌活性;五倍子又名百虫,是倍蚜种昆虫角倍蚜或倍蛋蚜在其寄生漆树科植物盐肤木、青麸杨或红麸杨等树上形成的虫瘿,其主要成分为五倍子鞣质,能够凝固微生物体内的原生质及多种酶,对多种细菌、真菌、酵母菌都有明显的抑制作用。 17. Sea-level rise and more severe weather are likely to undermine these irreplaceable historic sites. 海平面上升和更恶劣的天气有可能破坏这些不可替代的历史遗迹。 18. Such a step to undermine the whole arbitral framework was an abuse of process, vexatious, oppressive and 这样一种做法将破坏整个仲裁体系的框架,是对程序的滥用 19. For example, Bazin montage undermine the film is the wrong view of reality. 例如巴赞对于蒙太奇破坏电影真实的观点就是不对的。 20. undermine的意思 20. What about the thought that hedge funds undermine the idea of efficient markets? Instead, Mr Lo suggests an alternative concept: adaptive market theory. Under that system, he says, spare $20 notes do exist, maybe not on the high street, but in remote culs-de-sac. 对于对冲基金的表现是否与有效市场思想冲突的问题,作者没有直接回答,而是提出了另一种概念:适应性市场理论,指出躺在地上的20美元钞票是存在的,只不过不是在大街上,而是在死胡同里。 undermine 词典解释 1. (常指逐渐或反复)削弱,损害(情感、体制等) If you undermine something such as a feeling or a system, you make it less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts. e.g. Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult... 对每个问题都给出建议会令她觉得自己不像个成年人。 e.g. Western intelligence agencies are accused of trying to undermine the government. 西方情报机构被指责企图动摇该政府的统治。 2. (常指间接地)削弱,损害,动摇(某人的地位或权威) If you undermine someone or undermine their position or authority, you make their authority or position less secure, often by indirect methods. e.g. She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent... 她暗中打击他,让他对自己的才华信心全无。 e.g. The conversations were designed to undermine her authority so she felt that she could no longer work for the company. 这些谈话有意削弱她的威信,这样她会觉得自己在公司干不下去。 3. 破坏,损害(某人的努力或成功的机会) If you undermine someone's efforts or undermine their chances of achieving something, you behave in a way that makes them less likely to succeed. e.g. The continued fighting threatens to undermine efforts to negotiate an agreement... 持续的战斗会破坏希望通过谈判来达成协议的努力。 e.g. I don't want to do something that would undermine the chances of success. 我不想做会影响成功机会的事情。 undermine 单语例句 1. He highlighted Putin's stance that any attempts to bypass the UN Security Council would be inefficient and only undermine the authority of the UN. 2. A byproduct of that is the soaring cost of labor, which threatens to undermine China's advantage in the labor market. 3. Cheney's speech was viewed as the beginning of a campaign to undermine or overthrow Saddam. 4. Any premature withdrawal of economic stimulus plans in one country will only affect its own growth and undermine international efforts to cement the global recovery. 5. The European Central Bank said last week that rising protectionism may hamper world trade and undermine the global economy's recovery from recession. 6. Han said the circuit would undermine the Asian Tour, which is awaiting a response to its proposal to instead stage a series of events. 7. If the application of a political solution to the crisis is delayed, that will only plunge the country deeper into civil war and undermine regional stability. 8. Those against it claim that the move would negatively impact domestic economy, and even undermine national sovereignty and security. 9. But both political and military leaders are making clear their reservations about any operation which could undermine the country's economic recovery. 10. China's top court closed loopholes for bribing officials, issuing rules to stem rampant graft that threatens to undermine social stability. undermine 英英释义 undermine verb 1. hollow out as if making a cave or opening e.g. The river was caving the banks Synonym: cave 2. destroy property or hinder normal operations e.g. The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war Synonym: sabotagecounterminecounteractsubvertweaken |
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