单词 | utterance |
释义 | utterance [英 [??t?r?ns] 美 [??t?r?ns] ] utterance的意思、解释 复数形式:utterances; utterance 基本解释 名词说话; 表达; 说话方式; 发言 utterance utterance 相关例句 名词 1. Neither in his thought nor in his utterance is there any complexity. 他的思想和言辞都不复杂。 2. My imprudent utterances displeased her. 我的鲁莽言论招致她的不悦。 3. Her unusual utterance revealed her emotions. 她不同寻常的语调暴露出她的感情。 utterance 网络解释 1. 发言:只关注言辞行动的一般条件....是沟通能力的理论.它的目标是重建一套在言辞行动中使用语句的规则体系,所以也称之为形式语用学」(黄瑞祺, 1996, p.227-228).因此,普遍语用学的目的是厘清说话时,每一发言(utterance)的普遍语用结构,指出人如何能藉著语言, utterance 双语例句 1. He said with rich acrid utterance to the assistant town clerk. 他用充满讥讽的口吻对副秘书长说。 2. In the negotiation process, interpersonal communication is the key activity that takes place at the verbal, nonverbal, situational contextual level, and a total communication system can assist the negotiator bridge the gap between utterance and felt meaning Thus, in a cross-cultural negtiation, on addition to the basic negotiation skills, it is important to understand the cultural differences, and to modify the negotiation style accordingly. 在磋商过程中,人与人之间的沟通是核心活动,发生在口头阶段、非口头阶段和形势前后连接阶段。并且,一个完全的沟通体系可以帮助磋商人弥补语言表达和感觉含义之间的鸿沟。因此,在跨文化磋商中,除了基本的磋商技巧,了解文化差异是十分重要的,而且相应地更改磋商方式也是重要的。 3. utterance 3. A contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a sacred entity. 亵渎亵污或玷污上帝或神明的行为、言辞或文字 4. And probably the half-unconscious rhapsody was a Fetichistic utterance in a Monotheistic setting; women whose chief companions are the forms and forces of outdoor Nature retain in their souls far more of the Pagan fantasy of their remote forefathers than of the systematized religion taught their race at later date. 这种半不自觉的吟唱圣诗,也许就是在一神教背景中的一种拜物狂吟;那些把户外大自然的形体和力量作为主要伙伴的女子们,她们在心灵中保有的多半是她们遥远祖先的异教幻想,而很少是后世教给她们的那种系统化了的宗教。 5. The universality and the generosity of the theory of Conversational Implicature makes it be applied in practical utterance analysis and understanding. 这种理论的概括性和普遍性可以被应用在很多语言实践的分析和理解中。 6. utterance是什么意思 6. The relation between sentence type and utterance topic and utterance group is studied and further applied to the automatic analysis of utterance group. 然后考察扩展句子类型和语句主题跟语句组的关系,并根据这些关系建立相应算法,对语料进行自动分析。 7. utterance什么意思 7. BACKGROUND: Traditional acoustic examination is to make subjective descriptions of abnormal acoustic features, or carry out quantitative analysis of vowels with sensitive consonant utterance only subjected to qualitative analysis. 背景:传统的音声检测方法是对异常语音特征的主观描述,或对元音进行定量分析,对敏感音辅音只作定性的观察。 8. 8. The differences involved in English and Chinese writing are discussed in terms of organization, diction and grammar, thinking patterns and utterance strategies. The analysis aims at cultivating the cross-cultural competence of students in the teaching of English writing, helping them to master the writing style of English and therefore improving their writing skills of English. 本文主要从文章结构、语法与遣词造句以及篇章组织的思维方式和话语策略三个方面,探讨英汉语写作中的语言文化差异,以在英语写作教学中培养学生的跨文化交际能力,使其真正掌握英语写作特点,提高英语写作能力。 9. He spent his remaining days, characteristically enough, in re-emphasizing the view of the Incarnation which had been defined at Nicaea and which has been substantially the faith of the Christian Church from its earliest pronouncement in Scripture down to its last utterance through the lips of Pius X in our own times. 他用他余下的日子,特有不够的,在再次强调,鉴于化身,其中已确定在了尼西亚,并已得到大幅度信仰的基督教教堂,从最早的公判大会在经文下降至最近一次的话语,通过嘴唇的比约X在我们自己的时代。 10. Bel Canto 的唱法比起来, In traditional singing, consonants are made longer with gradual increment of the power at the utterance. 最后我还想补充一下,台湾的音乐在这次会议中曾经被提到过几次,例如祭孔大典中使用的磬、原住民的多簧口簧琴,还有南管的响盏。 11. utterance 11. But fifty day in the past, some leaders from The Center to Region, practiced on the contrary, supported retroactive bourgeois, Implemented dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, repressed the Cultural Revolution movement of the proletarian, confused right and wrong, suppressed revolution, pressed different utterance, carried out White Terror, thanked complacency, and so that add the portliness of bourgeois and reduce the backbone of proletarian, which are malevolence. 请同志们重读一遍这张大字报和这个评论。可是在五十多天里。从中央到地方的某些领导同志,却反其道而行之。站在*的资产阶级立场上,实行资产阶级专政,将无产阶级轰轰烈烈的文化大革命运动打下去,颠倒是非,混淆黑白,围剿革命派,压制不同意见,实行白色恐怖,自以为得意,长资产阶级的威风,灭无产阶级的志气,又何其狠毒也。 12. utterance 12. You have been snared by the utterance of your lips, caught by the words of your mouth 你如果为你口中说的话所连累,为你口中的言词所束缚 13. 13. Keep that birthday party that eighteen-year-old birthday schoolmate that day holds for me in memory, that is really that one is pleasantly surprised Oh 1 contours of the face thinking that shining eighteen candles have illuminated more than ten Zhang youth, the utterance thinking that I am wished happiness to is surrounding, my heart seems to bathe in gentle Pori in friendly sentiment, be like that calm, like that transparent limpid. 还记得┼八岁生日那天同学为我举行的那个生日宴会,那真是一个惊喜啊1当十八根明晃晃的蜡烛照亮了十几张青春的面庞,当我被祝福的话语包围着,我的心好像沐浴在友情的柔波里,是那样坦然,那样澄澈。 14. At a later time, when his body had become quite slim, King Pasenadi stroked his limbs with his hand and took the occasion to utter this utterance 过了不久,他的身材变瘦了,波斯匿王用手拍打了一下身体并当下脱口赞诵 15. But Longfellow is the spokesman of a confraternity; what thrills him to utterance is the spirit of that strange and beautiful freemasonry established as long as long ago as when the first sailor steered the first keel out into the unknown, irresistible waterworld, and so established the foundations of the eternal brotherhood of man with ocean. 但朗费罗是人类真情的代言人,激励他吐露真言的是一种陌生而美妙的心有灵犀一点通的精神,这种精神早在第一个水手驾驶着第一艘船来到这陌生而又舛骜不驯的大海的世界时就已确立了,同时也确立了人与大海间永恒的感情基调。 16. It is I and sea, and my egoism is as valiant and as vocal as the other's. but Longfeflow is the spokesman of a confraternity; what thrills him to utterance is the spirit of that strange and beautiful freemasonry established as long as long ago as whenthe first sailor steered the first keel out into the unknown, irresistible water—world, and so established the foundations of the. eternal brotherhood of man with ocean. 但朗费罗是人类真情的代言人,激励他吐露真言的是一种陌生而美妙的心有灵犀一点通的精神,这种精神早在第一个水手驾驶着第一艘船来到这陌生而又舛骜不驯的大海的世界时就已确立了,同时也确立了人与大海间永恒的感情基调。 17. utterance 17. While the meaning of a sentence is abstract and decontextualized, that of an utterance is concrete and context-dependent. 句子意义是抽象的,不依赖语境的,而话语意义是具体的,是依赖语境的。 18. It can be seen that the tone value is different, the tone for expressing the utterance of same meaning is different and the unique modal particles in Chinese can not be found in English. 它们语调的调值是不同的,表达话语相同意义的语调是不同的以及汉语里独有的语气词是在英语中找不到的。 19. We do research in them from the angle of the two-way and dynamic relationship between the utterance of mutual action and mutual influence which come from the previous speaker and the later speaker, namely, we do research into these features from the angle of the dynamic process of negotiatory conversation among speakers. 对它们的研究,我们主要着眼于发自前后说话人相互作用、相互影响的话语之间的一种双向、动态的关系,即主要着眼于交谈各方相互协商谈话的动态的过程。 20. I shall tune it to the notes of forever, and when it has sobbed out its last utterance, lay down my silent harp at the feet of the silent. 我将抚一曲永生调,当它诉尽最后一滴泪,让我无声的心弦,在沉默者脚下安躺。 utterance 词典解释 1. 言辞;言语;言论 Someone's utterances are the things that they say. e.g. ...the Queen's public utterances. 女王的公开讲话 e.g. ...a host of admirers who hung on her every utterance. 全神贯注地听她每一句话的一群仰慕者 2. 吐露;表达 Utterance is the expression in words of ideas, thoughts, and feelings. e.g. She could choose her own partner in matrimony, as long as she gave no utterance to her passions and emotions. 只要她不表露她的激情和情感,她就可以选择自己的婚姻伴侣。 utterance 单语例句utterance在线翻译 1. An FA official produced a riposte to Zhang's utterance, claiming that the Chinese native coaches are not professional enough and untrustworthy. 2. Though merely the name of a part of the female anatomy, its utterance in public is likely to jar listeners - whatever their cultural background. 3. It was a far cry from years gone by, when people would lavish me with praise for even the simplest Mandarin utterance. utterance 英英释义 noun 1. the use of uttered sounds for auditory communication Synonym: vocalization |
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