单词 | vary |
释义 | vary [英 [?ve?ri] 美 [?veri] ] vary的意思、解释 过去式:varied; 过去分词:varied; 现在分词:varying; vary 基本解释 不及物动词变化; 不同,偏离; [生]变异 及物动词使不同; 使多样化; [音乐]变奏 vary 相关词组 1. vary with : 随...而变化; vary 相关例句 及物动词 1. He never varied his habits. 他从未改变过自己的习惯。 2. 2. Teachers should vary their lessons to make them more interesting. 为了增加趣味,教师应该使自己的课多样化。 不及物动词 1. That sort of thing varies from person to person. 那种事因人而异。 2. They never vary from the law of nature. 他们从不违反自然规律。 3. The weather varies from day to day. 天气一天天变化。 vary 网络解释 1. 改变:15.upward向上的 | 16.vary改变 | 17.worthy值得的 2. 转换:various 各种的 | vary 转换 | varying a.变化的,可变的 3. vary在线翻译 3. 变化:unit 个体 | 57.vary 变化 | varied 各式各样的 4. 改变 differ 与...不同:322 usher in 开始 begin 开始 | 323 vary 改变 differ 与...不同 | 324 vast 宽广的,巨大的 large 巨大的 vary 双语例句 1. The incremental costs for the construction of LEED-certified buildings depend on different levels and may vary from 5 to 15 percent or more of the original estimate. 建造LEED认证的建筑需要增加5%到15%或更多的成本,增加幅度根据不同的等级而有所不同。 2. vary的翻译 2. If the applied torque is varying, then the speed of the rotor will vary as well. 如果适用,然后转矩变化的速度会有所不同的转子等。 3. vary 3. Do not worry, just vary from person to person, my baby is more than five months before the solid shaft. 不用担心,因人而义,我家宝宝也是五个多月才竖的稳。 4. vary 4. The carbonylamine flavours obtained will vary according to the amino acids and reducing sugars selected. 口味得到了carbonylamine将根据不同的氨基酸和还原糖选择。 5. vary 5. Division I is specializing in the production of baby carriages manufacturers account, I plant beautiful baby carriages account contributory generous, cheap, flower-type novel fabrics vary, reliable, according to customer needs color, pattern or prototyping. 我司是专业生产婴儿车帐的生产厂家,我厂的婴儿车帐款式美观大方、价格便宜、花型新颖、布料各异、质量可靠,可根据客户需要的颜色、式样或样品制作。 6. This guide does not address the terminal's commissioning procedures as there procedures vary depending upon the Service Providers and their specific application. 本指南不处理终端的调试程序,因为程序会因服务商及其特定应用的不同而不同。 7. vary的翻译 7. Our customs vary from place to place. 我们的风俗习惯各不相同。 8. Social customs vary from country to country. 各国的社会习俗有很大的差异。 9. Both character can vary considerably, one character Sometimes, dares dare to do; Another caution is smooth and evasive many. 这两人的性格也有很大差别,一个是性格直爽,敢说敢做;另一个则圆滑谨慎了许多。 10. PC laws and the resulting liability protection vary significantly from state to state. 专业公司的有关法律和风险保护在洲与洲之间大不相同。 11. The welding juncture of the axis head and the surrounded plate in the holding circle of bessemer converter crack severely. By means of analysis to the material, the structure and the process, we find out that one of the main reason of crack is the thickness of welding plates vary a lot, the other is that it isn't penetrable for welding. 转炉用托圈的轴头与围板焊接处严重开裂,通过对其材质、结构、工艺进行分析,找出接头断裂的主要原因,一方面是由于焊缝连接件厚度相差悬殊,另一方面是由于焊缝未焊透,这两方面原因造成应力集中。 12. Powder activated carbon injection device exercises control on rotary electronic scale and blower by sensing material feed level, solid stream sensor signals when there is shortage of powder activated carbon or mixed gas concentrations vary from the set value, compressed air conveyor alarms when compressed air loss is not normal or blocked and the electronic scale stops feeding as a result. 粉末活性炭喷射装置,通过料装上、下物位控制螺旋电子称和风机工作,实现气流输送参数的现场控制。当管路内无粉末活性炭、管路内混合气体浓度与规定值不同时,固体流探测器发出信号。当空气压力损失不正常或管路阻塞时,输送空气压力报警装置自动报警,停止螺旋电子称供料。 13. vary什么意思 13. Allow at least 14 hours to dry although this will vary. depending on coat thickness and climatic conditions. 在饱和后,擦掉过剩的油。放置至少14个小时进行干燥,不过这将根据涂层的套厚度机气候条件而变。 14. vary的翻译 14. DC offsets are not fixed; they vary unpredictably due to temperature drift and both thermal and 1/f noise sources. 直流偏移不是固定的;他们不可预见地变化由于温度漂泊和上*暖流和1/f 噪声源 15. 15. Every single diamond is unique and prices can vary wildy even if they appear identical on paper, which is why our gemmologist will hand-pick some of the finest cut diamonds available especially for you. 钻石是独一无二的,每个价格都各有揣测即使出现相同纸张这就是为什么我们将宝石手挑一些特别优秀的可降低对你的钻石。 16. vary的解释 16. Current, be opposite in domestic and international academia this opinions vary. 目前,在国内外学术界对此众说纷云。 17. The past western development and ecological vary is analyzed with water resources condition. 本文从水资源的条件分析了过去西部发展与生态的变化,得出西部的发展应以生态环境和水资源的可容量为限制,不可盲目发展而贻祸后人。 18. vary的意思 18. Individuals vary in their relative fitness, and this variation is due partly to genetic differences among individuals and partly to environmental influences. 个体的相对适合度是有变化的,这种变化部分决定于个体的遗传区别,部分决定于环境的影响。 19. About 25% of all customers fell into that category, yet collectively they yielded only 15% of the profits. These findings are not unique to this company; for nearly any firm, profitable customers will be found in all four segments, though the distribution of profits and customers will vary. 这些发现并不是这个公司的特例,几乎任何公司都能够从四个组中分别找到利润贡献最大的客户,只是利润的分布和客户的分布不同而已。 20. It may vary from person to person, period of my great influence on what is only the original 1/3, and menstrual phase of milk, your baby will be back to eating out. 可能因人而异吧,月经对我的影响很大,一下只有原来的1/3了,而且月经期的奶,宝宝吃了都会回出来。 vary 词典解释 1. 不同;有差异 If things vary, they are different from each other in size, amount, or degree. vary e.g. As they're handmade, each one varies slightly... 由于它们是手工制作的,彼此都会有些微小的差异。 e.g. The text varies from the earlier versions... 这一文本与较早的版本有些不同。 2. (使)变化;改变 If something varies or if you vary it, it becomes different or changed. vary的反义词 e.g. The cost of the alcohol duty varies according to the amount of wine in the bottle... 酒税税额随酒瓶容量的大小而有所不同。 e.g. You are welcome to vary the diet. 我们鼓励不时变换饮食。 3. see also: varied vary 单语例句 1. China's National Safety Administration Bureau defines major accidents as those causing more than 10 deaths, but standards vary and CNPC might use a different calculation. 2. The principle of " common but differentiated responsibilities " gives consideration to the fact that economic development, historic obligations and per capita emissions vary from country to country. 3. Trail walking is a great way to vary the intensity of your cardio routine. 4. The carrying capacity may vary from year to year because river sources and lakes can dry out. 5. Installing a centralized heating system in areas where indoor and outdoor temperatures don't vary much makes little sense. 6. She also suggests that workers " change things up " and vary their physical activity or posture at work. 7. A time frame for the construction has not been made yet and it might vary with the changeable situations on the river bed. 8. Some Chinese Muslims may have a strong accent when they chant, and accents vary from place to place. 9. The charge for every additional 500 grams will vary according to how far away the destination is. 10. The painted clay figures vary greatly in size, with the largest one being 33 m high and the smallest only 10 cm. vary的近义词vary 英英释义 verb 1. become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence e.g. her mood changes in accordance with the weather The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season Synonym: changealter 2. make something more diverse and varied e.g. Vary the menu Synonym: variegatemotley 3. be at variance with be out of line with Synonym: deviatedivergedepart 4. be subject to change in accordance with a variable e.g. Prices vary His moods vary depending on the weather |
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