单词 | prolapse |
释义 | prolapse [英 [?pr??l?ps] 美 [?pro?l?ps] ] prolapse的意思、解释 过去式:prolapsed; 过去分词:prolapsed; 现在分词:prolapsing; 复数形式:prolapses; prolapse 基本解释 不及物动词& 名词下垂,脱垂 prolapse 网络解释 1. 脱垂:初产蛋鸡若体重未臻足够,极易导致日後产蛋高峰偏低、子宫脱垂(Prolapse)、蛋重不理想与蛋形(Egg shape)不佳等,因此需注意控制体成分与体重在1、4、10以及16周龄之标准范围内. 2. 下垂:prolan 生殖腺荷尔蒙 | prolapse 下垂 | prolapsus 脱出 3. (子宫, 直肠等的)脱垂, 脱出:progesterone 黄体酮 | prolapse (子宫, 直肠等的)脱垂, 脱出 | prostaglandin 前列腺素 4. prolapse什么意思 4. 脱出;脱垂;下垂:泌乳素 prolactin; luteotropic horomon; lactogenic hormone | 脱出;脱垂;下垂 prolapse | 子宫颈脱垂 prolapse of the cervix prolapse 双语例句 1. Collar-bone hook nickelclad utilizes the lever principle and the intensity of nickelclad itself to oppose the traction force of sternomastoid muscle and avoid prolapse. As not damaging the acromioclavicular facet, it can avoid and reduce the traumatic arthritis caused by devices such as Kirschner wire ect. This method characterized by little wound, fixation firmly and moving the joint early is a effective method to cure distal collar bone fracture and acromioclavicular dislocation. 锁骨钩钢板利用杠杆原理和钢板自身的强度对抗胸锁乳突肌的牵引力,可以避免内固定物体的松动脱出,由于术中不损伤肩锁关节面,能够避免或减少克氏针固定等经关节手术所造成的继发性创伤骨关节炎,该方法创伤小、固定牢固,能早期活动肩关节,是治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位行之有效的方法。 2. prolapse是什么意思 2. The patients can get painless free-running. Conclusion Collar-bone hook nickelclad utilizes the lever principle and the intensity of nickelclad itself to oppose the traction force of sternomastoid muscle and avoid prolapse. As not damaging the acromioclavicular facet, it can avoid and reduce the traumatic arthritis caused by devices such as Kirschner wire ect. This method characterized by little wound, fixation firmly and moving the joint early is a effective method to cure distal collar bone fracture and acromioclavicular dislocation. 锁骨钩钢板利用杠杆原理和钢板自身的强度对抗胸锁乳突肌的牵引力,可以避免内固定物体的松动脱出,由于术中不损伤肩锁关节面,能够避免或减少克氏针固定等经关节手术所造成的继发性创伤骨关节炎,该方法创伤小、固定牢固,能早期活动肩关节,是治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位行之有效的方法。 3. 3. The patients can get painless free-running. Conclusion Collar-bone hook nickelclad utilizes the lever principle and the intensity of nickelclad itself to oppose the traction force of sternomastoid muscle and avoid prolapse. As not damaging the acromioclavicular facet, it can avoid and reduce the traumatic arthritis caused by devices such as Kirschner wire ect. 锁骨钩钢板利用杠杆原理和钢板自身的强度对抗胸锁乳突肌的牵引力,可以避免内固定物体的松动脱出,由于术中不损伤肩锁关节面,能够避免或减少克氏针固定等经关节手术所造成的继发性创伤骨关节炎,该方法创伤小、固定牢固,能早期活动肩关节,是治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位行之有效的方法。 4. The face is paralytic can happen at all ages, but 15~45 year old the commonnest, come on the peak is reached inside over number hour or 1~3 D, can incline the head unhealthily at the beginning of disease or ache after mandible horn, expression breaks down for flesh of a side countenance, frontal grain disappears, the eye is cracked greaten or close faint, when closing a key point, eyeball up foreign and rotational, show white sclerotic, call Bell the phenomenon, channel of ill side nose lip becomes shallow, quarrel prolapse, side of crooked Xiang Jian of the quarrel when grinningly, rouse cheek or whistle hourglass is enraged, the food when taking food often stops to age at ill side buccal between, at the same time companion has weep reach salivate. 面麻痹可发生于所有年龄,但15~45岁最常见,发病多于数小时或1~3 d内达到高峰,病初可有病侧耳或下颌角后疼痛,表现为一侧面部表情肌瘫痪、额纹消失、眼裂变大或闭合无力,闭眼时,眼球向上外方转动,露出白色巩膜,称Bell现象,病侧鼻唇沟变浅,口角下垂,露齿时口角歪向健侧,鼓腮或吹口哨时漏气,进食时食物常滞留于病侧齿颊之间,同时伴有流泪及流涎。 5. prolapse在线翻译 5. Inspiratory prolapse of arytenoid cartilage for another reason. 吸气性杓状软骨脱垂为另一原因。 6. It could prevent and cure the pelvic floor disease, such as prolapse of uterus etc. 大便排的干净:它把体内的宿便能排泄出来,免出宿便的毒素对人体健康的危害。 7. Methods Retrospective research was carried out on 128 patients not suffering from prolapse of uterus, including gigantic uterus. 对128例肌瘤、肌瘤肌病、功血患者施行腹腔镜下辅助阴式肌瘤剔除术与子宫全切的临床资料作回顾性分析。 8. For the old women of prolapse of uterus are operated on vaginal hysterectomy preoperative preparation is one of the crux. 术前准备是老年患者子宫全切术前较关键的环,局部给药具有见效快、无副作用、方便、预后好等优点。 9. Objective To studywhen the old women of theⅢprolapse of uterus are operated on vaginal hys-terectomy, preoperative preparation affects operation and postoperative recovery. 目的 总结老年患者子宫Ⅲ度脱垂行阴式子宫全切术时,术前准备对术中及术后的影响。 10. For a cold fever, cold and heat exchanges irregular menstruation, prolapse of uterus, Rectocele. 用于感冒发热,寒热往来,胸胁胀痛,月经不调,子官脱垂,脱肛。 11. When mammary development when, should special attention mammary hygiene, prevent a breast to be bumped, extruding; Notice Morpheus pose, unfavorable Fu lies, advocate lie on one's back; Often do a few breasts that accord with healthy demand to plead to massage (take everyday lie on one's back maintain with left hand hold left breast bottom in the palm, use right hand palm and left hand to exert oneself to do sth. relatively at the same time, plead to tit direction join forces 2030 one, apply same method to hold in the palm again next push on the right side of breast Become position of a few handstand appropriately, or often make a few copies exercise a movement; Adorn brassiere is very important in time, not constrained just use brassiere to much old age, want mammary development to fold the lower edge of place to exceed 10 centimeters instead to pectoral wall skin to the tit only, answer to adorn at any time, in case the breast is overweight cause farther prolapse. 当乳房发育的时候,应特别注意乳房卫生保健,防止乳房被撞击、挤压;注意睡眠姿势,不宜俯卧,提倡仰卧;经常做一些符合健康要求的乳房推托按摩(每天取仰卧位用左手撑托住左侧乳房底部,同时用右手掌与左手相对用力,向乳头方向合力推托20一30次,然后再运用相同的方法托推右侧乳房);适当做一些倒立体位,或经常做一些头底位的锻炼动作;及时佩戴乳罩是非常重要的,不要拘泥到多大年龄才使用乳罩,只要乳房发育至乳头到胸壁皮肤反折处的下缘超过10厘米,就应随时佩戴,以防乳房过重造成进一步下垂。 12. prolapse什么意思 12. It is used primary to tonify energy and in treating prolapse. 它用于小学至补肾能源和治疗脱垂。 13. 13. Be engaged in clinical over 20 years, and being good at disposing common ailment and severe cases in anorectum section, masculine branch and urinary surgery, especially in operation on internal pile, external pile, combined hemorrhoid, anal fissure, colorectal Polyp, pruritus ani, rectocele, prolapse of ring-like hemorrhoids. 从事临床工作二十余年,能娴熟处理泌尿外科、男性科、肛肠外科各种常见病及疑难杂症,尤其擅长诊治内痔、外痔、混合痔、肛裂、直肠息肉、肛门瘙痒、脱肛、混合痔环状脱出及内痔环状脱出,备受患者好评。 14. BACKGROUND: Metal vertebral fusion cage can induce some disadvantages and pseudoarticulation formation such as stress dodge, fusion cage subsidence, bone resorption, prolapse and bone collapse. 摘要背景:金属椎间融合器存在应力遮挡、融合器下沉、骨吸收、脱出、骨塌陷所带来的并发症和假关节形成等,影响融合效果。 15. The goal of this study, which was conducted in 26 clinics, was to evaluate clinical outcomes after pelvic organ prolapse repair with a standardized trocar-guided surgical device using polypropylene mesh. 这项研究在26个诊所进行,目的是评估在使用聚丙烯网线的标准化套管导引外科装置术后预后。 16. It is a safe and effective treatment method for patients with uterovaginal and vault prolapse. 对于子宫脱垂和阴道穹隆脱垂患者,采用LSSLF是一种安全有效治疗方法。 17. Is the lining of the rectum, anal canal, rectum and part of the whole layer downward shift and the sigmoid colon prolapse outside the anus of a disease. 是直肠粘膜、肛管、直肠全层和部分乙状结肠向下移位并脱出肛门外的一种疾病。 18. 18. 53 Sec. All patients had normal hearing. One patient had Marfan syndrome with mitral valve prolapse. 所有病童都有正常的听力,但其中有一例是马凡氏症合并二尖瓣脱垂。 19. prolapse 19. RESULTS: In 11 eyes IOL was successfully implanted into the lens capsule with IOL normotopia and with no complications such as prolapse of vitreous. In the other 5 eyes, posterior capsular rupture or prolapse of vitreous occurred when anterior capsule being cut or teared and or the position of IOL being regulated. 结果:本组10例16眼中11眼人工晶状体成功植入晶状体囊袋内,人工晶状体正位或基本正位,未发生玻璃体脱出等并发症。5眼在截囊、撕囊或调整人工晶状体位置时,发生后囊膜破裂及玻璃体脱出,其中4眼采用人工晶状体缝线固定术。 20. prolapse是什么意思 20. Results The major clinical manifestation of the 26 patients were: seizure, dispirited and inert, voice hoarsense, milk choke, gaze, eyelids prolapse, limbs suppless and declination or disapperance of knee reflex. 结果:26例患儿主要临床表现为:惊厥、精神反应差、声嘶、呛奶、呆视、双眼睑下垂、四肢柔软、膝反射减弱或消失。 prolapse 词典解释The verb is also pronounced /pr?'l?ps/. 动词亦读作 /pr?'l?ps/。 1. 下垂;脱垂 A prolapse is when one of the organs in the body moves down from its normal position. e.g. One complication which can arise is a prolapse. 可能出现的一种并发症是脱垂。 e.g. ...the causes and treatment of uterine prolapse. 子宫下垂的病因和治疗 2. 下垂;脱垂 If an organ in someone's body prolapses, it moves down from its normal position. prolapse的意思 e.g. Sometimes the original abortion was done so badly that the uterus prolapsed. 有时第一次流产手术做得太糟糕,会导致子宫下垂。 prolapse 英英释义 noun 1. the slipping or falling out of place of an organ (as the uterus) Synonym: prolapsusdescensus verb 1. slip or fall out of place, as of body parts e.g. prolapsed rectum |
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