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单词 buffalo
    buffalo [英 [?b?f?l??] 美 [?b?f?lo?] ]
    复数形式:buffaloes; buffalo;
    buffalo 基本解释
    名词水牛(分非洲水牛和亚洲水牛两种); (南非或北美的)野牛; 威胁; 恐吓
    及物动词威胁; 欺骗; 迷惑
    buffalo 相关例句
    1. buffalo
    1. His maneuvers in the market had his competitors buffaloed.
    2. Don't buffalo me into doing something I don't want to do.
    3. He tried to buffalo me at first meeting but I soon caught on to his tricks.
    1. Several different kinds of buffalo live in Asia, Africa, and America.
    buffalo 网络解释
    1. 纽约州立大学水牛城分校:已为全国服装行业...州立大学 纽约州立大学(State University of New York,简称为SUNY)有70多个校区,较大的是: 纽约州立大学亚柏尼分校 (Albany) 纽约州立大学宾罕顿分校(Binghamton) 纽约州立大学水牛城分校 (Buffalo) 纽约州立大学石溪
    buffalo 双语例句
    1. 2Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo 14260-3000, USA
    2. Watching a buffalo stolling to a water hole with strength and size that makes it more likely to kill a human than any other mammal.
    3. An analogy may be drawn with the buffalo. When he runs like hell, his tail will rise like a flag. To people it looks bad, but for the buffalo it`s the only way of running.
    4. A soft thick undyed leather from the skins of e. g. buffalo or oxen.
    5. I was in the depot; it was reallyan airport in Buffalo, New York, and there was a small boy hawkingpapers.
    6. Let's buy a doomed water buffalo and let it live out its life in peace.
    7. Then they gave the water buffalo to the temple and asked them to let it live out its natural life span there.
    8. Buffalo Bill already had Indians in his Wild West show, so he had to have some cowboys!
    9. I prefer water buffalo, since `cow` conjures up images of black and white flecked cattle in most European minds, rather than the animal one most often sees on Chinese or indeed Asian new year cards.
    10. The hunter trailed the wounded buffalo through the bush.
    11. In the dermatological room, sampling was performed first without and then with a Buffalo filter 602. be-sides, fume collected in two rooms was analysed for organic substances.
    我们选取六间手术室和一处理护站进行总粉尘和可呼吸性粉尘的区域采样,其中皮肤科房的采样分为两个阶段,一段利用附在雷射机上的抽引管来排烟,另一段利用Buffalo filter 602 来排烟;此外并在皮肤科和一般外科房进行化学物质的采样。
    12. Because our roster is filled with.380 hitters, we have tried to pay cash for acquisitions, and here our record has been far better. Starting with National Indemnity in 1967, and continuing with, among others, See's, Buffalo News, Scott Fetzer and GEICO, we have acquired -- for cash -- a number of large businesses that have performed incredibly well since we bought them. These acquisitions have delivered Berkshire tremendous value -- indeed, far more than I anticipated when we made our purchases.
    正因为目前我们的球员名单已布满了打击率三成八的高手,所以我们总是希望尽量用现金来进行购并,而事实证明我们的成绩远高于预期,1967 从年的国家产险开始,接着是喜斯糖果,水牛城新闻报,史考特飞兹以及盖可保险等等,这些企业在我们用现金买下之后的表现再再令人激赏,它们也为伯克希尔增添了无数的价值,这实在是远高于我们当初的预期。
    13. Currently only Japanese Wii systems support AOSS, but all that's needed is a firmware update for non-Japanese systems - Buffalo hopes that Nintendo will push that firmware update in the US by the time the Wi-Fi Gamer's ready to ship.
    14. buffalo的解释
    14. Ora/I%f G:e Buffalo has also established the AOSS (AirStation OneTouch Secure System) standard for its networking products, which allows for devices to link wirelessly and securely with a single push of a button.
    15. buffalo的解释
    15. In our media businesses, such as the Buffalo News, we sell advertising. In other businesses, such as See's, we are buyers. When we buy, we practice exactly what we preach when we sell. At See's, we more than tripled our expenditures on newspaper advertising last year, to the highest percentage of sales that I can remember. The payoff was terrific, and we thank both Hal Riney and the power of well-directed newspaper advertising for this result. See's splendid performances have become routine.
    在我们的媒体事业,像是水牛城报纸,我们贩售广告,在其它的事业,像是喜斯糖果,我们是广告客户,反而变成买主,然而当我们买广告时,我们做事的方式跟我们当初在卖广告的诉求是一致的,去年喜斯糖果在报纸广告上的花费增加了有三倍之多,是我印象之中占营业额的最高比例,不过所得到的回报却更是惊人,对于能有这样的成绩,我们相当感谢 Hal Riney 与报纸的宣传效果。
    16. buffalo什么意思
    16. Fuzhou Buffalo Co., Ltd. specialized in technical development of automatic irrigation system for golf course. The company manufacturing and supply, system installation and debug, technically training.
    17. buffalo的翻译
    17. The American buffalo could run at the speed of almost seventy-five kilometers an hour.
    美洲野牛的速度是75/h 。
    18. The North American buffalo is a case of the near-extinction of a species through hunting.
    19. buffalo是什么意思
    19. Once 50 million American bison, also known as American buffalo, roamed the Great Plains of North America.
    20. It was viewed that the veils were so thick that if Buffalo didn't choose to incarnate in at least one human to assist in human awakening, that human awakening might never occur.
    buffalo 词典解释
    1. 水牛;野牛
    A buffalo is a wild animal like a large cow with horns that curve upwards. Buffalo are usually found in southern and eastern Africa.
    2. 同 water buffalo
    A buffalo is the same as a water buffalo .
    3. 同bison
    A buffalo is the same as a bison .
    buffalo 单语例句
    1. The buffalo was shot dead after a chase of about 10 km.
    2. The same evening, the team set up a trap using a buffalo as decoy.
    3. Buffalo moved into first place in the Northeast Division by one point over the idle Montreal Canadiens.
    4. On Tuesday, the buffalo was forced to start work from early morning.
    5. Ruff said Buffalo was one step closer to making it the third time in NHL history.
    6. Although water buffalo hides are larger, they don't produce a good sound.
    7. The famous water buffalo series of the artist are also on display.
    8. Wang suggested domestic companies should use abundant local milk resources like buffalo and sheep to gain a share of the growing market.
    9. The restaurant promises to use organically grown vegetables and authentic buffalo mozzarella cheese imported from Italy is used in their freshly baked pizzas.
    10. Evan leaves Buffalo behind and shepherds his family to suburban northern Virginia.
    buffalo 英英释义
    1. any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo
    Cape buffalo
    Synonym: Old World buffalo
    2. large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains
    Synonym: American bisonAmerican buffaloBison bison
    3. meat from an American bison
    1. intimidate or overawe




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