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单词 antivirus
    antivirus [英 [??ntiva?r?s] 美 [??nti?va?r?s, ??nta?-] ]
    antivirus 基本解释
    antivirus 网络解释
    1. 杀毒软件:病毒首先会监控任务栏窗口文字,一旦发现有杀毒软件(Antivirus)或防火墙(Firewall)及scan、secure等相关文字时,就会立即关闭软件进程,让杀毒软件失去功效.
    2. 反病毒:现在,大多数计算机用户都知道,反病毒(Antivirus)软件有助于保护PC避免受到病毒和其它在互联网上传播的恶意软件的感染. 一旦发现病毒,反病毒软件将隔离它,使它无法传播,然后尝试删除病毒,修复被损坏的文件. 4月19日,江民反病毒中心检测到,
    3. 防病毒:免费瑞星在线杀毒,杀毒速度挺慢的,电脑上文件并不多,免费瑞星在线杀毒竟然杀了2个多小时才杀了一半,不知是不是瑞星本身的问题还是3gp伦理短片下载的安全技术,包括Spyware Doctor、防间谍软件(AntiSpyware)、防病毒(AntiVirus)和Firewall Plus,
    4. 防毒: 病毒, 防毒(AntiVirus) 讨论版 -... 奕瑞科技表示,卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)对大多数国内用户是个陌生的名字,事实上卡巴斯基是目前俄罗斯最大的资讯安全系统开发商,大约六成的俄罗斯用户使用卡巴斯基的产品. ...
    antivirus 双语例句
    1. Is in use for some of the documents, the system is not allowed to delete, and when this is the case, in Task Manager to end the process, and then press the soft kill of the virus prompted to manually delete the file path, or re-antivirus.
    2. Do not open e-mail attachments from strangers, if we find that the message has no text, no attachments, e-mail and scores of their own size K or greater, then the message may contain a virus; if the annex for the executable file (. exe, . com), or word document, choose to use antivirus software to scan查毒View; If it is found that the other e-mail address received a very strange, very unlike the normal domain of domestic mail, it is likely virus has been received; if it is then double-suffix is the virus most likely because the e-mail virus may choose to hide in the annex, in addition to direct register.
    3. It runs slightly heavier than Antivirus does.
    4. You need to update your antivirus software.
    5. The new Panda Antivirus Pro 2009 is the easiest-to-use and most intuitive protection for your computer.
    6. antivirus的意思
    6. A new antivirus methodology made polymorphic viruses toothless and easily detected: the emulator program.
    7. Internet Security combines the power of Comodo`s award-winning Firewall and AntiVirus software to protect your PC from malicious software and Hacker.
    8. Personal protective wall that it is the best antivirus software and complementary.
    9. Xiang-Dong Qi urged the industry to manufacturers should be open to the mentality of self-inclusive, in the Olympic Games approaching, active cooperation and efforts to eliminate their own software technology in the original man-made obstacles so that all antivirus software can be symbiotic co-existence and mutually compatible.
    10. antivirus的解释
    10. EAV Antivirus Suite can recover all damages with Internet Explorer caused by JavaScript and ActiveX viruses.
    11. antivirus的反义词
    11. This antivirus system is user friendly and provides a high level of detection capability.
    12. PERVAIZ QAMBRANI:佩尔瓦伊兹QAMBRANI: Please some one help me about update my Antivirus of Eset Nod32 Antivirus kindly give me user name...
    请帮我有一个有关更新的ESET NOD32防毒软件防毒请给我的用户名。。。
    13. To determine the antivirus activity of extracts on new castle disease virus in vivo and in vitro, Tung-seed meal extracts were treated with NDV for 2 h at 37℃, then inoculated in 10-day chick embryo to measure EID50. After that, Tung-seed meal extracts treated with NDV were inoculated in 10-day chick embryo and CEF.
    14. Last Saturday I've published two advisories related to RISING Antivirus software. While checking latest version of this software Ionly checked software provided on where can be downloaded RISING Antivirus 2009in version Iwas noticed that there is available RISING Antivirus 2010which certainly should contain fixed device drivers. I've checked this version22.00.02.76-it can be downloaded here-and Iconfirm that this version is also vulnerable. As proof I'm providing sample exploit-RsNTGdi_Exp. zip. I'm also composing anew advisory since Ifound another vulnerability in RISING Antivirus 2010.用户系统信息:Mozilla/4.0(compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; QQDownload 615; 360SE
    15. Professional Edition is a complete ICSA certified antivirus software for your company.
    16. antivirus在线翻译
    16. You now have a fully featured antivirus software McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 to protect you from virus, spyware, dangerous websites and hackers for 365 days.
    你现在有一个功能齐全的杀毒软件的McAfee VirusScan再加上2008年,以保护您免受病毒,间谍软件,危险网站和黑客的365天。
    17. However, sers can use most antivirus programs to detect and remove it.
    18. Key Laboratory of Antivirus of the Ministry of Education, Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100029, China
    作者:景姗,顾立刚,周芸,李澎涛作者单位:国家自然科学基金(30772872)北京中医药大学中医药抗病毒教育部重点实验室,北京 100029
    19. When a Symantec AntiVirus Client is managed, it will prompt for password when uninstalling client via local computer Control Panel Add or Remove Program applet.
    20. That`s why despite the considerable costs incurred in keeping databases up to date, this technology is still used today in all antivirus software.
    antivirus 单语例句
    1. Also, the word " antivirus " does not appear once on their home pages.
    2. The new worm can also prevent infected computers from operating antivirus software and any programs using the " exe " suffix.
    3. A saleswoman demonstrates two new version of homegrown antivirus softwares in Beijing.
    4. " Or we could also see a lot of people infected " if they don't update their antivirus software.
    5. The Norton AntiVirus 2009 Gaming Edition was available in the Chinese market as of March 5 this year.




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