单词 | appalling |
释义 | appalling [英 [??p?:l??] [??p?:li?] ] appalling的意思、解释 过去式:appalled; 过去分词:appalled; appalling 基本解释 形容词可怕的; 骇人听闻的,令人震惊的 appalling的解释 appalling 相关例句 形容词 1. His ignorance is appalling. 他愚蠢到极点。 2. When will this appalling war end? 这场可怕的战争何时结束? 3. It is appalling that so many people evade paying taxes. 那么多人逃税,真是惊人。 4. Mary is an appalling cook. 玛丽的烹饪功夫实在蹩脚。 appalling 网络解释 1. 駭人的:20世纪初,南威尔士煤田因其工资低和骇人的(appalling)工作、生活条件而声名狼藉(notorious). 但在1946年,煤矿业国有化;那时候改进了矿井,改善了条件. 今天,南威尔士的矿工是英国收入最高的工人之一. 威尔士人常可以通过他的名字辨认出来:也许是Jone, 2. (可怕的):牐爏hocking(让人震惊的) | 牐燼ppalling(可怕的) | 牐爑nspeakable(说不出口的) 3. 令人震惊的:panic 惊慌 | appalling 令人震惊的 | arrogant 傲慢的 4. 惊人的:appall 惊恐 | appalling 惊人的 | apparatus 仪器 appalling 双语例句 1. When it comes to driving, human beings have an appalling safety record. 一谈及驾驶,人类的安全记录是令人震惊的。 2. 2. We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of good people. 我们这一代人将不能不为坏人的恶语劣行,同时也为好人令人吃惊的沈默感到悔恨。 3. It`s appalling that so many people evade paying taxes. 那么多人逃税真是惊人。 4. The doctor committed an appalling error of judgment. 这个大夫犯了一个令人震惊的判断错误。 5. That was appalling: in the usually restrained E major section (it`s marked sotto voce), Mr. 那是很吓人的,在通常很拘谨的E大调的部分,郎先生在琴凳上跳跃,象是在骑小马。 6. Now, that`s exactly the kind of appalling attack that`s divided our country and that alienates us from the world. 现在,那就是分裂我们国家并让我们与世界疏远的那类令人震惊的攻击。 7. appalling 7. What I've seen is something that is appalling. 我所看到的都是让人震惊的。 8. In my mind this was appalling and I want to get 75% of the target market using the service. 在我心,我想这是可怕的75%的目标市场得到了应用服务。 9. I've never seen such appalling behaviour. 我从来没见过这么恶劣的行为。 10. 10. With the behavior of the children so appalling, I have no choice but to bring them home. 如此惊恐的孩子的行为,我没有选择,但是带来他们家庭。 11. It was the most appalling form of motivation, he says. 这就是动机的最令人不快被任命的形式。 12. I have never seen such appalling behaviour. 我从来没见过这么恶劣的行为。 13. It is very appalling to perceive even marriages of so many years making its way to show curtains i. e. come to an end. 这是非常可怕的方式看待连结婚这么多年才能显示其制作窗帘即告一段落。 14. appalling的解释 14. I also think it`s appalling that we can berate China for executing people, when poll after poll has shown that the majority of people in this country would want to reintroduce corporal punishment. 我也认为这很可怕,我们可以指责中国继续死刑,但是从数次投票来看,中国大部分人民都都支持恢复肉体刑罚。 15. It is the government system of secrecy, which has facilitated this appalling prospect. 这是政府的保密制度,促进了这个可怕的前景。 16. 16. The dotcoms` fundamentals were appalling - it was time to sell short and double the profit you`d made on the way up. DOTCOM的基本面恶劣得骇人--这时是做空的时侯了,卖空以加倍在上升时赚的钱。 17. His resignation that October was appalling to them. 他在10月的辞职让他们很惊呀。 18. Through all he said, even through his appalling sentimentality, I was reminded of something--an elusive rhythm, a fragment of lost words, that I had heard somewhere a long time ago. 他的这番话,甚至他难堪的感伤,使我回想起一点什么……我很久以前在什么地方听过的一个迷离恍惚的节奏,几句零落的歌词。 19. But here's the difference: no one chose to be a slave, to work extremely long hours in appalling conditions for zero pay. 但这里的差别:没有人选择成为奴隶,工作非常长的时间,在恶劣的环境零薪酬。 20. 20. Their behaviour was at times appalling; when little they would spend long stretches of each class on the floor behind the benches, playing with bits of mercury, pricking it with needles and pen nibs, watching it slip into the coarse splintery cracks of the dusty floorboards, and forcing it out again, marvelling at the way it shrugged the dirt off its rounded shoulders. 有时她们的举动简直令人感到震惊。年纪小时,在一节课的大段时间里,她们会蹲在凳子后面的地板上,弄着几滴水银玩,用针和笔尖刺水银,瞧着水银珠滚进粗糙的、锯齿状的,布满灰尘的地板裂缝里,然后又把水银挑出来,惊异地发觉水银怎样把尘土从它的圆肩膀上甩掉。 appalling 词典解释 1. 令人震惊的;使人惊骇的;极为恶劣的 Something that is appalling is so bad or unpleasant that it shocks you. e.g. They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two months. 他们已经在恶劣不堪的条件下生活两个月了。 appallingly He says that he understands why they behaved so appallingly... 他说他知道为什么他们的行为如此恶劣。 The detection rate for racial crimes is appallingly low. 种族罪案的侦破率之低让人震惊。 2. 非常的;极其严重的 You can use appalling to emphasize that something is very great or severe. e.g. I developed an appalling headache. 我头痛欲裂。 appallingly It's been an appallingly busy morning. 那是一个忙得不可开交的早晨。 3. see also: appal appalling 单语例句appalling 1. However, the appalling collateral damage inflicted upon the Cuban people can hardly be justified. 2. Even more appalling is the practice of gouging out a prisoner's eyes. 3. And Republican John Mica of Florida held aloft what he called an " absolutely appalling " Toyota report bragging of defusing a safety investigation. 4. The recent food safety scandals are appalling, to say the least. 5. Police have arrested 168 people accused of operating workers in appalling conditions at small brick kilns and mines in Shanxi and neighboring Henan Province. 6. The demand issued yesterday by a senior State Council official comes after China's appalling work safety record in mines plunged new depths. 7. Left out was any mention of the slow and bundled federal response to Katrina, which angered many Americans and which Bush himself called appalling. 8. So adolescents probably experience shame differently and more deeply, which is why they find their parents so appalling on so many levels. 9. Titillating or visually appalling scenes have long been a staple of the Cannes festival, which has a reputation for European liberalism and unconventional art to uphold. 10. The premier invoked modern and contemporary Taiwan writers to talk about the appalling past of Taiwan and how the people aspired for reunification. appalling 英英释义 noun 1. an experience that appalls e.g. is it better to view the appalling or merely hear of it? appalling的解释 adj 1. causing consternation e.g. appalling conditions Synonym: dismaying |
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