单词 | credible |
释义 | credible [英 [?kred?bl] 美 [?kr?d?b?l] ] credible的意思、解释 credible 基本解释 形容词可信的,可靠的; (因看似可能成功而)可接受的 credible 同义词 形容词believable credible 反义词 形容词incredibleunbelievable credible 相关例句 形容词 1. It is hardly credible. 这是难以置信的。 credible 网络解释 1. 可信的:這些電影,都專注於怎樣去述說(narrate)一個有覑一些可信的(credible)、值得你關心(care)的人物,且是有趣和引人入勝的(absorbing)、具戲劇張力的故事. 更重要的,是它們又都展示了一份視野(vision),其中包含覑多項反覆出現的一貫性主題(unity of themes). 2. 可信賴的:怎么让客户觉得放心,去年我们拿到二千多个设计奖,展现我们是可信赖的(credible). 营销部份需要前后一致(consistent). 此外,品牌不能什么都要,你要有牺牲(sacrifice). 这跟整个精实哲学一致,这也是当初要卖笔电的时候, 3. 可靠的:有一些州对见证人加以最低年龄限制,比如14岁或者18岁. 见证人必须是有能力的(competent)和可靠的(credible). 见证人并不需要知道立遗嘱者的遗嘱的内容. 一般来说,见证人的签名应该在遗嘱的末尾并且在立遗嘱者的签名之下. credible 双语例句 1. credible 1. James Moloney's characters are well rounded and credible, enabling them to draw empathy from the reader. 詹姆士 Moloney的个性相当完美和可信的,促成他们拉来自读者的同感。 2. 2. At each time point, we observed morphological changes, in situ detected DNA breaks, and observed expression changes of production of lEGs c-Fos and DNA repair enzyme APE/Ref-1 which participated in many kinds of DNA repairs. Results in the experiment were shown as follow:DHE stain indicates: The model of rat MCAO/R was credible, and the damaged regions included cortex (lobus frontalis, lobus arietalis, lobus occipitalis et al and caudatum. 本次实验采用大鼠大脑中动脉阻塞再灌注模型,将健康雄性SD大鼠随机分为正常组、假手术组和MCAO2h再灌注2h、6h、12h、24h、48h、72h组,观察各时间点损伤区域神经元和细胞的形态学变化,原位检测DNA断裂损伤,检测DNA修复酶APE/Ref-1表达变化情况以及IEGs产物c-Fos表达变化情况。 3. credible是什么意思 3. It was the first time that a former African head of state had faced a credible trial in his own country for such offences. 这是首次一位前非洲国家领导人在自己的国家面临诚信这类犯罪的审判 4. Age is not a major concern, provided you have a credible study plan and adequate funds. 年龄并不是问题,只要你有可信的学习计划和足够资金。 5. Indeed, having a credible plan is the way to avoid premature reversal of policies. 实际上,制定一个可信计划是避免政策过早逆转的方式。 6. That is why Mr Obama now needs to produce a credible plan to tackle America`s vast budget deficit. 这就是为什么现在奥巴马要拿出一项可靠的计划来解决美国的巨额财政赤字。 7. 7. Of course, what seems a credible plan to a government may appear less plausible to an agency. 当然,对政府来说似乎是可信的计划也许不那么让机构也相信。 8. It is crucial that the new government's first budget this May delivers a credible consolidation plan. 至关重要的是,新政府在今年5月首份预算中应制定一份可靠的财政巩固计划。 9. 9. Within this broad church he will face not a single credible rival. 有这样一个广泛的组织作依托,他将不用面对一位有竞争力的对手。 10. Remote box operates, simple and credible, many self-protection functions, connects with operation machine control system, can realize linkage operation. 遥控盒操作,简单可靠,多种自保护功能,与操作机控制系统相连,可实现联动操作。 11. B Where the asserted specific and substantial utility is not credible, a prima facie showing of no specific and substantial credible utility must establish that it is more likely than not that a person skilled in the art would not consider credible any specific and substantial utility asserted by the applicant for the claimed invention. 2支持得出该结论的事实认定;(3)对所有相关记录证据的评估,包括最近的在先技术中对实用性的教导。 12. 12. Based on the fact that the enterprise joined in the collaborative commerce chain in order to attain more economic effects, the credible degrees of the data-enterprise and the whole tree commerce chain system were calculated, furthermore the duration of NCCC could be known. 基于企业加入协同商务链的目的,即获得比独立经营更高的经济效益,从单个企业的可靠度计算与协同商务链树形系统的可靠度计算,研究了企业协同商务系统的可持续性。 13. Mastery of the trial and error method is important for secure and credible design of the chemical equipment. 化工设备的设计首先要解决的是构件的强度、刚度和稳定性问题,而解决这些问题使用的方法主要是试差法。 14. credible的意思 14. Our company is honest and credible, others for the purpose of passion has always been the new and old customers praise, welcome old and new customers with my cooperation, I wish to flag!! 我公司是以诚实可信、热情待人为宗旨,一直以来都受到了新老客户的赞扬,欢迎新老客户与我公司合作,谨祝商旗!! 15. This is a rare good man, a real credible Xingqingzhongren, for example, a love of justice and the elderly Taiyilinran civilian heroes. 这是一个难得的好人,一个真实可信的性情中人,一个爱民如子的仁义老人和大义凛然的平民英雄。 16. credible 16. This thesis is based on former studies made by our team. Combining with practical conditions, the thesis selects proper basis sets. Applicable and credible quantum chemical calculation methods were adopted to calculate structural optimization, net atomic charge, orbit energy, etc. for a series of compounds against parasite fasciola hepatica according to quantum chemistry theory. 本论文在课题组以前的研究工作基础上,选取应用性好、可靠性强的量子化学计算方法,并结合实际情况选择合适的基组,从量子化学理论角度出发,对于合成的抗肝片吸虫系列化合物进行了结构优化、原子净电荷、前线轨道分布等量化计算。 17. credible 17. However, experts said that the improvement in Delhi was too sudden to be credible, and was likely to be the result of more families registering daughters to claim the cash benefits, rather than a genuine rise in the numbers of girls being born. 然而,专家说,德里的改变太突然以至于不够可信,而且这一结果可能是由于更多家庭为得到现金奖励而申报自己生了女儿所造成,而并非出生的女婴数量真正有所增加。 18. credible在线翻译 18. A credible and effective data processing scheme based on a novel divisional look-up table is proposed. 在分析和综合其他数据处理方案优缺点的基础上,提出了一种基于分区查表法的有效数据处理方案。 19. The difference is that cowriters and codirectors Bobby and Peter Farrelly have also crafted a credible story line and even tossed in some genuine emotional content. 不同的是,cowriters和codirectors鲍比和彼得法雷利还精心设计了一个可信的故事情节,甚至在一些真正的情感内容翻腾。 20. Provide the customers with the most credible group service 受人之托,忠人之事;以最快的反应速度 credible 词典解释 1. 可信的;可靠的 Credible means able to be trusted or believed. e.g. Baroness Thatcher's claims seem credible to many... 撒切尔女男爵的主张在很多人看来是可信的。 e.g. But in order to maintain a credible threat of intervention, we have to maintain a credible alliance. 然而,为了保持确实有效的干预威胁,我们必须维持可靠的联盟。 credibly Ministers can equally credibly claim that the opposition is to blame. 部长们也能同样令人信服地宣称,反对派应该受到指责。 2. (候选人、政策、体系等)有望成功的 A credible candidate, policy, or system, for example, is one that appears to have a chance of being successful. e.g. Mr Robertson would be a credible candidate... 罗伯逊先生将是可能当选的候选人之一。 e.g. The challenge before the opposition is to offer credible alternative policies for the future. 摆在反对党面前的挑战是如何为未来发展提出其他可行性政策。 credibly He was the only figure who could credibly run the country. 他是有可能成功治理该国的唯一人选。credible 单语例句 1. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said it was time for the Security Council to act if the world body wished to remain credible. 2. Analysts say that although Schwarzenegger has never held public office, he has the charisma and personal funds to make a credible run. 3. But they have yet to produce a credible master plan to address the core issues of competitiveness that have been troubling economists for several years. 4. But American officials have demanded that Tehran " confess " to such past attempts to make their cooperation with the IAEA probe credible. 5. A human resource consultant who declined to be identified said the program was not credible. 6. That is why supporting the euro requires forceful and credible crisis containment - whatever it takes. 7. " It doesn't seem logical nor credible, " he said. 8. Geithner warned the lawmakers that their failure to enact reforms in a timely and credible manner will be damaging to future US economic growth. 9. Attempts to shore up the banks through " stress tests " that lack credible recapitalization facilities and resolution mechanisms have undermined confidence in sovereign debt. 10. But few see any possibility of a credible election challenge to Putin, who has a rating of 70 percent or more in opinion polls. credible 英英释义 credible的意思 adj 1. appearing to merit belief or acceptance e.g. a credible witness 2. capable of being believed e.g. completely credible testimony credible information Synonym: believable 3. (a common but incorrect usage where `credulous' would be appropriate) credulous e.g. she was not the...credible fool he expected |
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