单词 | drinking |
释义 | drinking [英 [?dr??k??] 美 [?dr??k??] ] drinking的意思、解释 过去式:drank; 过去分词:drunk; 复数形式:drinks; drinking 基本解释 名词喝饮料,喝酒 动词喝酒; 饮; 喝(酒)( drink的现在分词 ); (尤指)酗酒 drinking 网络解释 1. 饮酒:饮酒 (drinking) 和品尝酒 (wine tasting) 是很大分别,饮酒可以说是大啖大啖的灌进肚去,但品尝一枝真正美酒,是将一小口的酒停在口腔内不吞下去,让酒的香气 (aroma) 散发出来,而徐徐的索进去时,那境界端是的酒不醉人人自醉, 2. 2. 喝水:口渴想喝水(drinking),咳嗽吐黏痰,舌(tongue)边尖红,苔薄黄. 治疗(treament)用辛凉解表法. 属于辛凉解表以治疗(treament)风热感冒(Influenza)的非处方药(drug)(pathetism)有风热感冒(Influenza)冲剂、羚翘解毒丸、银柴颗粒、板蓝根颗粒、双黄连口服液等. 3. 酒话连篇:酒话连篇(drinking)特邀斑竹yy2125因特邀期满,现收回管理权限,感谢yy2125在任期间曾经做出的努力和贡献,希望有时间常回家看看,继续关注网易社区. 4. 缩水:DRILLING 钻孔位 | DRINKING 缩水 | GRADING 放码 drinking 双语例句 1. If you can be for drinking milk is good milk foam canned in supermarkets. 如果可以可换牛奶喝就是超级市场罐装泡好的牛奶。 2. Do not drink milk in the fridge ice Oh, drinking bad for stomach. 不要喝牛奶放进冰箱冰啊,喝坏了胃。 3. Local legends like Stephen's drinking water, will be greedy by nature. 当地传说饮了贪泉之水,便会贪婪成性。 4. The safety of drinking water has a close bearing on human health. 饮用水是否安全直接关系到人体的健康。 5. When the earth is just laid bare, the wind is south, and the cladonia lichens are swollen and lusty with moisture, your foot sinking into them and pressing the water out as from a sponge, and the sandy places also are drinking it in. 此时,大地尚未复苏,南风徐徐,新生的地衣吸足了水分,精神抖擞地鼓起了脸庞,一脚踏上去,就像踩在海绵上,水立刻被挤了出来,而周围的沙地随即将其一饮而尽。 6. drinking的意思 6. The invention relates to a drinking machine, especially an improved anti-pollution drinking machine for secondary pollution of drinking water. 本发明涉及一种饮水机,尤其是涉及一种对防止饮用水二次污染的防污染饮水机等结构的改良。 7. His wife told him time and again to give up drinking. 他妻子几次三番要他戒酒。 8. I was not drinking.... 我是不再喝了。。。。 9. drinking的反义词 9. I just don't know how to say, that I wish you would stop drinking. 我不知道该说什么好,我只希望你别再喝了。 10. I can't live without drinking. 我不喝活不了。 11. Now I use the EEE PC on and off all day, it is constantly switched on and connected to my wireless LAN in my house, every time I leave the house it gets thrown into my bag along with my mobile phone, if I find myself with a few minutes to spare during the day, maybe drinking coffee in a cafe or waiting for a doctor in the hospital then I can whip it out and get some work done. 现在我用电器和电子设备的PC和关闭所有一天,它是不断开著的,并连接到我的无线局域网在我的房子,每一次我离开家,它得到扔进我的袋子连同我的手机,如果我发现自己与几分钟备件在白天,也许喝咖啡,在一间咖啡厅或等待医生在医院里的话,我可以鞭出来,并得到了一些工作,做了。 12. drinking的反义词 12. Is back to milk, weaning, when his mother back to drinking milk will help. 大麦芽是回奶的,断奶的时候妈妈喝了有助回奶的。 13. 13. He often sat in a small bar drinking considerable more wine than was good for his health. 他经常坐在小酒馆里,喝过量的酒。这不利于他的身体健康。 14. This fun and interactive workshop is a great way to introduce intuition skills. It starts with a short introduction on intuition development followed by the drinking of traditional Greek coffee. This coffee is unfiltered so that coffee grounds are left inside the cup after drinking forming random patterns. When you look at the patterns you may see an image such as a face, an animal, a number, etc. These images appear because your subconscious influences your conscious mind and so is trying to send you a message. 這場有趣的咖啡占卜派對,是一個很好的方法來發展你的直覺力,這個派對會從一個簡短的介紹開始,透過傳統的希臘咖啡來開發你的直覺力,這是一杯未經過濾的咖啡在喝完咖啡之後,殘渣會留在杯子裡形成一些不規則的圖騰,當你看到這些圖案時,你可能會看見一些圖像(例如一張臉,一種動物,或是數目等等)這些圖像出現的原因是你的潛意識,影響你的意識試著傳遞訊息給你。 15. The dry wind that blows towards Uva during this period gives the teas a copper colored infusion with a very smooth, pronounced taste and wonderful aroma which can be enjoyed also as a self drinking tea. 在这一时期干燥的风给乌瓦茶带来红铜色的茶色,汤色橙红明亮,并使其具有了爽滑、浑厚的口感,虽较苦涩,但回味甘甜,香气极高,即适合直接饮用又适合冲泡奶茶。 16. Objective: To examine point prevalence of alcohol drinking pattern such as hazardous, harmful, dependent drinking among medical students at Khon Kaen University 目的 :调查 Khon Kaen 大学医学生的饮酒方式,如危险性、有害性或依赖性饮酒等的时点患病率。 17. And exposed way, the vegetable intake of pollutants to the health risk was the largest, followed by drinking water intake for health risks caused by pollutants. 而暴露途径方面,以蔬菜摄入污染物造成的健康风险为最大,其次为饮水摄入污染物造成的健康风险。 18. As usual drinking took precedence over eating, so I for one was really drunk! 象往常一样,喝酒多过吃东西,我真的喝醉了,醉到差点打掉生日蛋糕! 19. He was in the habit of smoking while drinking, which did great harm to his health. 他习惯边喝酒边抽烟,这大大损害了他的身体。 20. You can also imbibe it slowly in small sips to enjoy the beauty of drinking tea and make your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. 在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤烦益思、振奋精神,也可以细啜慢饮,达到美的享受,使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界。 drinking 词典解释 1. 喜欢饮酒的;经常饮酒的;贪杯的 Someone's drinking friends or companions are people they regularly drink alcohol with. drinking 单语例句 1. By contrast, sunscreen use and drinking alcohol appeared correlated with lesser skin damage. 2. They were drinking champagne by the end of the tournament as they went on to lift the trophy. 3. The villagers have stopped taking water from Liujiang River for drinking after cadmium pollutants were detected in the river's tributary upstream - Longjiang River. 4. Cadmium has polluted up to 300 kilometers of the Longjiang River in the Guangxi region and threatened the drinking water of millions of people. 5. Compared with the control animals, those drinking caffeine had a 95 percent increase in apoptosis in damaged cells. 6. One way we might regularly perceive calcium is when it comes to minute levels found in drinking water. 7. The Drinking Tea Day will be on the Grain Rain day according to the Chinese lunar calendar from now on. 8. Yu says activated carbon could remove more than 95 percent of microcystins in drinking water. 9. A few leap from the screen and into reality, mostly as drinking games or goofy poses to imitate for the camera and post online. 10. On the accompanying audio discs, you can hear the shake of ice inside a drinking glass. drinking的翻译drinking 英英释义 noun 1. the act of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess e.g. drink was his downfall Synonym: drinkboozingdrunkennesscrapulence 2. the act of consuming liquids Synonym: imbibingimbibition |
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