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词语 烂熟

烂熟(làn shú)

Pronunciation: làn shú

Basic Meaning: extremely familiar

Detailed Explanation: 烂熟 (làn shú) means to be extremely familiar with something, to the point of knowing it inside out. It implies that one has mastered a particular skill or subject to such an extent that it has become second nature.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe someone who has a deep understanding of a certain topic or skill, and can perform it effortlessly. It can also be used to express the idea of something being overly familiar or repetitive.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient times. It is believed to have come from the story of a famous musician named Boya and his friend Zhong Ziqi. According to the legend, Boya played the zither, an ancient Chinese musical instrument, and Zhong Ziqi, who was also a musician, understood the music perfectly. They became close friends because of their shared understanding and appreciation for music. When Boya played, Zhong Ziqi could anticipate every note and rhythm, as if he had memorized it by heart. This story is often used to illustrate the deep connection and understanding between two individuals.

Structure of the Idiom: 烂熟 (làn shú) is a compound idiom made up of two characters. 烂 (làn) means "rotten" or "overripe," while 熟 (shú) means "cooked" or "well-done." Together, they convey the idea of something being extremely familiar or well-mastered.

Example Sentences:

1. 他对这个话题烂熟于心,可以随时回答任何问题。

(Tā duì zhè gè huà tí làn shú yú xīn, kě yǐ suí shí huí dá rèn hé wèn tí.)

He is extremely familiar with this topic and can answer any question at any time.

2. 他对这个地区的路线烂熟于心,不需要地图。

(Tā duì zhè gè dì qū de lù xiàn làn shú yú xīn, bù xū yào dì tú.)

He is so familiar with the routes in this area that he doesn't need a map.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 烂熟 (làn shú), you can imagine a rotten fruit that has been cooked to perfection. This visual image can help you associate the idiom with the idea of something being extremely familiar or well-mastered.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of being extremely familiar with something, you can explore other related idioms such as 熟能生巧 (shú néng shēng qiǎo), which means "practice makes perfect," and 熟悉 (shú xī), which means "to be familiar with."

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

- Children: 我对这个游戏烂熟了,我可以教你怎么玩。

(Wǒ duì zhè gè yóu xì làn shú le, wǒ kě yǐ jiāo nǐ zěn me wán.)

I am extremely familiar with this game, I can teach you how to play.

- Teenagers: 这首歌我听了很多遍,已经烂熟于心了。

(Zhè shǒu gē wǒ tīng le hěn duō biàn, yǐ jīng làn shú yú xīn le.)

I have listened to this song many times, and I know it by heart now.

- Adults: 我对这个项目的细节烂熟于心,我可以给你提供帮助。

(Wǒ duì zhè gè xiàng mù de xì jié làn shú yú xīn, wǒ kě yǐ gěi nǐ tí gōng bāng zhù.)

I am extremely familiar with the details of this project, I can provide assistance to you.





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