单词 | enmity |
释义 | enmity [英 [?enm?ti] 美 [??nm?ti] ] enmity的意思、解释 复数形式:enmities; enmity 基本解释 名词敌意; 仇恨; 敌视; 敌对的状态 enmity enmity 同义词 名词hatehostilityloathingdislike enmity 反义词 enmity的反义词 名词amityfriendship enmity 相关例句 名词 1. He felt enmity towards his sister. 他对他姐姐怀有敌意。 2. She is at enmity with her neighbors. 她与邻居不和。 enmity 网络解释 1. 敌意:阴谋(conspiracy)的概念取代了敌意(enmity),这产生了一种心态,在这种心态中,现实--真实的敌意或友谊--不再凭本来的含义被经验和理解,而是自动假设它意指别的东西. 2. 敌意, 憎恨:amity 友好, 亲善关系 | enmity 敌意, 憎恨 | comity 礼让, 礼仪, 团结, 联合 3. 敌意,仇恨:amity 亲善 | enmity 敌意,仇恨 | ample 漫步,缓行 4. 不和,敌意,反目,憎恨:abhor,痛恨,厌恶,憎恶 | enmity,不和,敌意,反目,憎恨 | hate,仇恨,厌恶,憎恶,憎恨 enmity 双语例句 1. And while this state of enmity lasted, exogamous tribes never could get wives except by theft or force. 而且当这种敌对状态持续,异族结婚的部落除了由偷盗和暴力决不会获得妻子。 2. 2. He trotted through the sand, enduring the sun's enmity, crossed the platform and found his scattered clothes. 他忍着骄阳的毒焰,小步跑过沙滩,横穿过高山沙滩的平台,找到了他东一件西一件的衣服。 3. Nobody can deny the fictitious society in these game to be mixed by antagonism, force libidinal dictate, because this eager for quick success and instant benefit, kind and enmity is factional and trenchant, bristly, brutal players are chill. 没人能够否认这些游戏中的虚拟社会由对抗、暴力和欲望主宰,玩家们因此急功近利、恩怨分明、派系林立、残酷冷漠。 4. For Spirits when they please Can either Sex assume, or both; so soft And uncompounded is thir Essence pure, [425] Not ti'd or manacl'd with joynt or limb, Nor founded on the brittle strength of bones, Like cumbrous flesh; but in what shape they choose Dilated or condens't, bright or obscure, Can execute thir aerie purposes, [430] And works of love or enmity fulfill. V2:跟他同来的有古河幼发拉底和埃及、叙利亚界河之间的神祗,男的总名巴力,女的通称亚斯他录:原来天上的精灵为男为女可如意,也可以兼有两性,因为他们的素质柔软轻纯,不必裹紧四肢和关节,也不必笨重的肉体和脆骨撑持;他们可以随心所欲地变形,或伸或缩,或明或暗,随意飞行,随爱憎的不同,遂行各种工作。 5. You are a enmity fetch among innumerability. Foolish and clumsiness are your epitaph. 你是无数冤魂中的一个,愚蠢和笨拙是你的墓誌铭。 6. Looking back on the history between Britain and France, we always see hostility and competition between the two countries, from hundred-year kindness and enmity, contending for hegemony, to the continuing fighting overseas. 回溯历史,从英法百年恩仇,到英法百年争霸,再到持续的英法海外争夺,英法两国一直处于敌对和竞争的状态中。 7. He said, Others see me silent, destitute, unworthy of being envied, which instead makes less occasions to contract enmity with other. 他说:「别人看我默默无闻,身无分文,不值得妒嫉,这样我反而少了与人结怨的机会,真是再好不过。 8. enmity 8. The distance is not far away between love and hate, happiness and suffering, and the heaven and the hell. Will the consequences be good or bad, the key is on how to communicate with other people, would you be friendly or contract enmity here and there? 喜欢与憎厌,快乐与痛苦,天堂与地狱,它们彼此之间相距并不遥远,是善果还是恶果,关键是怎样为人处世,是与人为善呢,还是到处与人结怨? 9. Bessie was the kind of girl that could enhance your performance as easily as she could enervate it. I recall an incident enmity between them made James as weak as a wet noodle. 贝西能轻而易举地提高你的比赛成绩,同样也能轻而易举地使你无力回天。 10. 10. In fact, Mr McCain was one of the two main sponsors of immigration reform, a brave stance that earned him the enmity of Mr Limbaugh. 实际上,麦凯恩正是移民改革的两位主要支持者之一,而他强硬的立场甚至让他和林保结下了梁子。 11. The Spirit of God, persistently resisted, is at last withdrawn from the sinner, and then there is left no power to control the evil passions of the soul, and no protection from the malice and enmity of Satan. 上帝的灵若是一直被罪人拒绝,最后只好从他身上收回;此后这人就再没有能力控制自己心中的邪情恶欲,也没有保障可以脱离撒但的凶恶与仇恨了。 12. Allah, I ask you for constancy along the way and for resolution in walking the right path and thank you for your goodness and that I worship you in the best sense and I ask of you to give me good from everything you know and keep me from every evil you know and I ask you to forgive all my sins that you know for you are knowledgeable of all things and I ask of you security for me, my family, and all my companions and I seek refuge with you from every despot, from every deceiver and tyrant, from every wizard and every unjust person, from every envier and every traitor, from every conspirator and every enemy, from every one who rants and raves, from every trickster and every gloater and from everyone who conceals enmity from me. 真主啊,我求你一路坚定我的脚步,让我有决心走正路。感谢你的仁慈,我要确确实实的敬拜你,从一切你所知的事中求要好处,求你让我避开你所知的邪恶,宽恕你所知道的我所有的罪,因你是知晓一切的。我求你赐我,我得家人和一切的伙伴安全,向你求庇护,免受一切恶霸,欺诈者,暴虐之人,术士,不义之人,嫉妒者,叛徒,阴谋者,敌人,狂吼乱叫者,**,幸灾乐祸者和暗藏敌意者的伤害。 13. enmity的近义词 13. We should overcome the worst that the tyrant's enmity can do. 我们应该战胜暴君的残暴所带来最坏的情况。 14. enmity的意思 14. Among the Gods there was great enmity between King Gao Xin and his rival King Fang. 在众神当中,高辛帝与他的对手番王之间存在极大的敌意。 15. enmity的反义词 15. The Meng soup also called forgetting-affection water, after drinking it, then forget you last n this life, all the love hate affection enmity, all life''s gain loss sink and emerge, all will gone with this soup. 孟婆汤又称忘情水或忘忧散,一喝便忘前世今生。一生爱恨情仇,一世浮沉得失,都随这碗孟婆汤遗忘得干干净净。 16. Personal enmity must be forget at a time of national crisis. 民族危机当头,必须捐弃个人恩怨。 17. In A. D. 1162 JinGuo, in the desert south of oppression, and is involved in every tribe of endless between mutual enmity. 公元1162年,在金国的压迫下的大漠南北各个部落之间,正卷入无休止的相互仇之中。 18. enmity是什么意思 18. As an organization, mozilla objects Microsoft also supporting Microsoft in the both neither in this action, the rich that although Mozilla is presiding, last weeks of apparitor Mitchell Baker publish has said the word of unusual enmity to Microsoft in the guest. 作为一个组织,Mozilla在这个行动中既不反对微软也不支持微软,尽管Mozilla首席执行官Mitchell Baker上个星期发表的博客中对微软说过非常仇恨的话。 19. How many earth-shattering events happen in our lives? More or less everything is like a speck of dust: no matter whether in life or death, love or desire, gratitude or resentment, friendship or enmity, when you look back they're all just trivial matters. 尘世有几许何堪动地震天,一切还不过去似微尘,生死爱欲,恩怨情仇,回头再看,都不过是一堆破事儿。 20. 20. He begins his reign wracked with guilt and fear and soon becomes a tyrannical ruler, as he is forced to commit more and more murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion. 他开始困扰他的统治与内疚和恐惧,并很快成为一个残暴的统治者,他是被迫犯下谋杀案越来越多,以保护自己免受敌意和怀疑。 enmity 词典解释 1. 敌意;仇恨;愤恨 Enmity is a feeling of hatred towards someone that lasts for a long time. e.g. I think there is an historic enmity between them... 我觉得他们之间的仇恨由来已久。 e.g. President Mitterrand arrived in Hanoi yesterday to bury old colonial and cold war enmities. 密特朗总统昨天到达河内,以期结束长久以来殖民战争和冷战造成的敌意。 enmity 单语例句enmity的反义词 1. Any attempt to inflate China's clout will only serve to mislead public opinion and sow the seed of suspicion or enmity. 2. After constantly fighting for the sword, the boy understood that hateful revenge is not the way to dissolve the enmity. 3. India and Pakistan began a peace process last year aimed at ending decades of enmity, dominated by their territorial dispute over Kashmir. 4. " I strongly believe that we must not live perpetually in enmity, " he said. 5. Hamas and Fatah are bitter rivals whose enmity deepened after the Islamists violently seized control of Gaza from Fatah security forces in June. 6. All parties should consider whether their next move will reduce enmity and contribute to regional stability and the building of mutual trust. 7. He noted that some people who were " unfriendly " toward China in Australia were trying to create enmity and widen any rift between the nations. 8. The leaders of the two Koreas held a historic summit in June 2000, and agreed to end their decades of enmity. 9. The grudges or even enmity from the latter toward the former pose a potential danger for social unrest. 10. It is to be hoped his visit has helped to build the mutual trust that is instrumental in dispelling suspicion and enmity. enmity 英英释义 noun 1. the feeling of a hostile person e.g. he could no longer contain his hostility Synonym: hostilityill will 2. a state of deep-seated ill-will Synonym: hostilityantagonism |
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