单词 | rill |
释义 | rill [英 [r?l] 美 [r?l] ] rill的意思、解释 过去式:rilled; 过去分词:rilled; 现在分词:rilling; 复数形式:rills; rill 基本解释 名词小河,小溪; (地表或岩石表面)冲蚀而成的水沟 动词像小河一般流 rill在线翻译 rill 相关例句 不及物动词 1. 1. A spring rills down by the gorge. 泉水潺潺地流下山峡。 名词 1. 1. From west to east streams down the tumbling rill. 这翻滚的小坝从西向东流去。 rill 网络解释 1. 小河:彻底的根除(eradicate) MM 全部逛商店(mall),街道全部有书店(stall),里面书店在安装(install),喝水全部到大厅 (hall),哥哥全部有胆量(gall),弟弟全部在闲荡(dally),专家全部变碎片(spall) 小花生病变小河(rill), 哥哥河边来烤肉(grill), 2. 2. 倾斜工祖:rigidity 刚度 | rill 倾斜工祖 | rill cut 倾斜分层 3. 小溪:rigidity 刚性 | rill 小溪 | rill erosion 细沟侵蚀 4. 小溝;細流:righting reflex 翻正反射;正位反射 | rill 小溝;細流 | rill erosion 細流侵蝕 rill 双语例句 1. It shows that runoff is closely correlated with the features of individual precipitation, and it is also affected by vegetation within a short period of time. Raindrop erosion, sheet flow erosion and rill erosion on the slope are the main soil erosion patterns; sediment yield occurs mainly in flood season. Human activity and individual precipitation are two important factors that control the soil erosion at a small watershed. Comprehensive management on the slope in a small watershed is an efficient measure of water and soil conservation. 分析表明,小流域的产流方式容易随次降雨条件的变化而变化,植被因素在较小时间尺度内就会影响产流;产沙主要来源于坡面上的溅蚀、片蚀和细沟侵蚀,时间主要集中在汛期;人类活动以及次降雨条件是控制小流域侵蚀产沙的重要因素;在小流域内进行坡面的综合治理是水土保持的有效措施。 2. rill 2. Surface erosion occurs mainly in farmland, sparse grassland and woodland, is the rainfall and runoff erosion on the surface is relatively uniform, including the raindrop erosion, sheet erosion and rill erosion. 面蚀主要发生在坡耕地、稀疏牧草地和林地,是降水和径流对地表相对均匀的侵蚀方式,包括雨滴侵蚀、片蚀和细沟侵蚀。 3. Slope farmland; Interrill erosion; Rill erosion; Raindrop kinetic energy 坡耕地;细沟间侵蚀;细沟侵蚀;雨滴动能 4. rill在线翻译 4. The water in this rill is very clean. 这条小溪里的水非常清澈。 5. The study of erosion is focused on the rill erosion process. 对侵蚀问题的研究集中于细沟侵蚀上。 6. A dynamic rill erosion model is established according to the dynamic theory of sedimentation and soil erosion. 根据泥沙运动力学及土壤侵蚀学的基本理论和知识,建立了细沟侵蚀的动力学过程模型。 7. You get me up on that gangway and you rill out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, ... 陆地?对我来说,陆地是艘太大的船,是位太美的美女。 8. But be the best little scurb by the side of the rill 但一定要做溪边最好的一丛小灌木 9. rill 9. It grows as steadily as the rill oozes out of the ground. 它像小泉源的水从地下淙淙的冒出来一样。 10. This patio is crossed by a small rill connecting a stone basin with a square reflecting pool adjacent to the living room. 这个天井是越过一小细沟连接石盆地与方形反映泳池旁的客厅。 11. 11. Running down the Broadwalk from the charming Mirror Pool is a curving Rill. Its shape was inspired by the meadering path taken by the River Tywi苔维, which flows just a kilometer north of the Garden. 从迷人的镜子世界沿著宽阔的走道往下走是弯曲的小溪,这些蜿蜒小溪是来之苔维河,在花园北面生长著上公里长鲜花的河流。 12. rill的反义词 12. The relation between rill flow hydraulics parameters and additional sediment in rill channel caused b y up-slope runoff was analyzed. 上方来水对细沟水流水力学参数(流速、水力半径、雷诺数、弗劳德数和阻力系数)有重要影响。 13. A minor erosion channel is called a rill, a larger channel a gully. 较小的侵蚀沟渠叫作小溪,再大一点的就是溪谷。 14. In this model, calculation of sediment transport is in grid to grid and effect of gravity erosion is taken into account. Then the two models are coupled, in which, slope grid is parted into rill and interrill, channel grid is parted into channel and slope based on calculation width of runoff-concentration. 在此基础上,根据泥沙分离速率与径流分离能力、挟沙力、实际输沙率之间的函数关系,建立了考虑重力侵蚀影响的逐网格输沙计算的分布式产输沙模型,并将产汇流和产输沙模型进行了耦合。 15. In this study, a physical-process-based model for predicting rill erosion is developed, encompassing water flow continuity equation, hydrodynamics equation, sediment transport equation, for a well-defined rill channel. 结果表明,模型预测值和实测值具有很好的一致性,改进的模型参数计算方法能够准确地反映土壤可蚀性参数与水流输沙能力对细沟侵蚀过程的调控作用。 16. And a statistic model among the additional sed iment in rill channel and relative increment of rill flow velocity and Reynolds number, as well as relative decrement of rill flow Daycy-weisbach coefficient was established. 定量分析了细沟水流水力学特征参数(流速、雷诺数和阻力系数)与上坡来水引起坡下方净侵蚀产沙量的关系,建立了净侵蚀产沙量与细沟水流流速、雷诺数和阻力系数统计模型。 17. In Digital Watershed Model, this process is generalized into four parts, water and sediment yield models for hill-slopes, gravitational erosion model for gully ares, and discharge routing and sediment transport model for rill and channel. 在数字流域中,将流域水沙过程概化为坡面产流产沙、沟坡区重力侵蚀、沟道水沙运动及河道水沙输运四部分。 18. rill 18. The experiment results showed that the sediment from up-slope was completely transported, runoff from up-slope caused the additional sediment delivery at down-slope rill erosion channel. 结果表明,坡上方来沙量不但被径流全部搬运,且坡上方来水在坡下方细沟侵蚀槽引起另外的侵蚀产沙量S。 19. Or again, note the meanderings of some purling rill as it babbles on its way, tho'quarrelling with the stony obstacles, to the tumbling waters of Neptune's blue domain, 'mid mossy banks, fanned by gentlest zephyrs, played on by the glorious sunlight or'neath the shadows cast o'er its pensive bosom by the overarching leafage of the giants of the forest. 113再则,请注意那打着漩涡蜿蜒曲折地哗哗淌去的泪泪溪流与拦住去路的岩石搏斗,在习习西风轻拂下,冲向海神所支配的波涛汹涌的蔚蓝领国;沿途,水面上荡漾着灿烂的阳光,两边的堤岸爬满青苔,森林中的巨树那架成拱形的繁叶,将荫影投射于溪流那忧郁多思的胸脯上。 20. Concentrator spiral chute is a scientific product with much concentrating experience in produced by our company. It is the best concentrating equipment, especially for concentrating of the sand ore of seas hare, riverside sand, rill and etc. 玻璃钢旋转螺旋溜槽是综合了螺旋选矿机、螺旋溜槽、摇床、离心选矿机的特点,于1977 年研制成的一种新型国内首创的设备,是采矿、选矿的最佳设备,特别是海滨、河畔、砂滩、溪道的砂矿开采更为理想。 rill 英英释义 noun 1. a small channel (as one formed by soil erosion) 2. a small stream Synonym: rivuletrunrunnelstreamlet |
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