单词 | shrinkage |
释义 | shrinkage [英 [??r??k?d?] 美 [??r??k?d?] ] shrinkage的意思、解释 shrinkage 基本解释 名词收缩,皱缩,缩水; 跌价; 抽缩 shrinkage 网络解释 1. shrinkage 1. 缩水:这个词跟缩水(Shrinkage)听起来有那么一点相似. 所以这里我们有必要澄清一点--缩水和Cost Down不是同一回事. 为什么这么说呢?某显卡厂商的市场推广人员告诉我们,对于Cost Down的实施,首先由产品经理(Product Manager)进行产品规划, 2. 缩水率:模具为双色模时地一射成名一般手机模具在设计时: 材料为PC时,缩水率(shrinkage)为: 5/1000 材料为PC+ABS时,缩水率(shrinkage)为: 5.5/1000 材料为TPU(橡胶)时,缩水率(shrinkage)为: 8~20/1000 模具为铁件上注塑件时,注意,请不要放缩水! 3. 干缩:本软体採用验证过的等值构架技术 (Equivalent Frame Technology) 并提供下列功能:5.计算单向版系统的挠度 (deflection) 时可以考虑开裂 (cracking) 情况1.计算因潜变 (creep)、乾缩 (shrinkage) 与预力鬆弛 (relaxation) 所导致 shrinkage 双语例句 1. The most encouraging development is the shrinkage of China's current account and trade surpluses. 最令人鼓舞的进展,是中国经常账户盈余和贸易顺差的收窄。 2. The influence of steam-system key factors on the Long-term volume stability, including shrinkage and creep, of C50 high- performance concrete is systematic studied and the comprison expression between the internal humidity and self-contraction of C50 high-performance concrete is established in the Steam- environment. 系统研究蒸养制度各个关键因素对于C50管片混凝土的抗氯离子扩散性能的影响,并采用灰色关联分析方法对混凝土的氯离子扩散系数与其关联因子进行灰色关联分析,找出影响混凝土抗氯离子渗透性的主要因素。 3. shrinkage的反义词 3. Finish crack of lightgage steel joist - lightweight panel for partition and suspended ceiling system is caused by shrinkage and expansion of panel and internal stress variation of the system. 轻钢龙骨轻质板材墙体及吊顶开裂是由于板材的缩胀、系统内应力等造成的。 4. The cells with CPE changes exhibited detachment from the monolayer, cell rounding and shrinkage. 巨细胞病毒在体外细胞培养中可诱导ECV304血管内皮样细胞的凋亡。 5. shrinkage的翻译 5. So less gas is given off in the mould than with rimming steel, but enough bubbles form at the top of the ingot to counteract most of the shrinkage 所以,在钢锭模内析出的气体没有沸腾钢多,但又在钢锭头产形成足够的气泡抵消大部分钢的收缩。 6. 6. Electron microscopic examination showed that the spinal cords were normal in group N and A, slight edema of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum in group B, loosened fibrous layers in medullary sheath, edema and local degeneration of neuraxis in group C, and shrinkage of nuclear membrane, serious edema of ER, vacuolus change of mitochondria and local demyelination in group D. 电镜结果显示,N组和A组脊髓超微结构正常;B组线粒体、内质网轻度水肿;C组脊髓髓鞘纤维板层结构疏松,轴索肿胀,局灶变性;D组脊髓神经元细胞核膜皱缩,线粒体空泡样变,内质网肿胀严重,局灶性脱髓鞘改变。 7. RESULT: High stress distribution in adhesive layer could be induced by volumetric shrinkage of composite resin. 结果:树脂固化时体积收缩率越大,在黏结层产生的应力越大;树脂的弹性模量越大,黏结层的应力越大。 8. By analyzing welding effect of test bars, guide rails, oil cylinder s and crankshafts, the results show the casting defect repair machine is feasible in repairing sand holes and dispersed shrinkage of castings. 通过对试棒焊补效果的显微分析及对机床导轨、油缸、曲轴修复结果的检验和分析,表明铸造缺陷修补机在修补铸铁材质零件的砂眼、缩松方面是可行的;修补后铸件无裂纹、无硬点、无明显分界线。 9. Expansive soil is a natural geological body with lots of fissuring and distinguishable swelling-shrinkage characteristics. It`s nonideal embankment filler totally said. 膨胀土是自然地质形成过程中产生的一种多裂隙性并具有显著胀缩性的地质体,总体来说,是一种非理想的路堤填筑材料。 10. Powdered acrylonitrile butadiene rubber was used as a low shrinkage additive to modify sheet moulding compounds based on unsaturated polyester, and the effects of the addition level of PNBR on the mechanical properties of modified SMC were investigated. 以粉末丁腈橡胶作为低收缩添加剂改性不饱和聚酯基片状模塑料,考察PNBR用量对改性SMC物理性能的影响。 11. Shrinkage is packaging business card printing and membership card making ink film as a result of leveling and failures. 缩孔是包装制卡和会员卡制作墨膜因流平不良而出现的故障之一。 12. Shrinkage in isolated, resulting in the failure of many of the original. 在孤立的缩孔故障中,导致缩孔的原,因很多。 13. The results show that the optimized process can ensure castings progressive solidification, eliminate the shrinkage and the porosity. 模拟结果显示,优化工艺实现了轮毂的顺序凝固,消除了缩孔、缩松 14. shrinkage是什么意思 14. The nonlinearities of self-anchored cable-stayed suspension bridge are studied. The influences of shrinkage and creep of concrete, rise-span ratio and girder camber on the system have been also discussed. 阐述了自锚式斜拉—悬索协作体系桥的非线性特征,分析混凝土收缩徐变、矢跨比和拱度对协作体系的影响。 15. Through finite element analysis, it is concluded that the crack during construction is mainly due to the shrinkage of concrete, the stage during construction is not primary stage of cracking, but it will affect the cracking state of slabs in the use. 采用ANSYS有限元软件对最不利楼板进行了应力理论分析,得出施工阶段的开裂主要是由于混凝土的收缩引起的,施工阶段不是楼板开裂的主要阶段,但对后期楼板是否裂缝有一定的影响。 16. 16. Shrinkage and cracking are the primary factors influencing the durability of modern concrete. In order to evaluate the effect of the mineral admixtures on the concrete shrinkage and cracking properities, a lot of tests were conducted by the ring test method and shrinkage experiment. 收缩、开裂是影响现代混凝土耐久性的主要因素,为评价掺合料对混凝土收缩、开裂的影响,通过圆环开裂试验、收缩试验来评定矿物掺和料对混凝土收缩开裂的性能。 17. The result shows that the shrinkage and the porosity are eliminated; the progressive solidification is achieved; the size and placement of riser and gating system in the last process is reasonable. 结果表明:最终工艺中冒口、浇注系统的尺寸和位置是合适的,实现了顺序凝固,消除了缩孔、缩松缺陷,有效解决了生产过程中出现的问题,保证了铸件质量。 18. I The cross-sectional area of the runner must be sufficient to permit the freezes and for packing pressure to be applied for shrinkage compensation if required, Because of this, runners below 2 mm (3/32 in) diameter are seldom used and even this diameter is normally limited to branch runners under 25mm (1 in) in length. 流道的横截面积必须满足允许熔体在流道冻结之前通过和充满型腔,并且使得补缩所需要的保压压力能作用到型腔。因此很少使用小于2毫米(3/32in)直径的流道,甚至这种尺寸的流道通常限于在长度在25毫米以下的分流道上使用。 19. This platen dryer deploys the PLC system to control the breathing process of veneer drying. It can adjust breathing frequency and duration according to respective conditions; thus ensure a complete shrinkage and exhalation. 热压干燥机用PLC系统设置了单板干燥过程中的呼吸程序,使用时可根据不同的情况确定呼吸频率和呼吸时间,让单板充分收缩及散发水分。 20. shrinkage 20. The chip after spinning and drawing has a shrinkage of 20~40% in boiling water. The spinning speed is above 4500 m/min. 将此纤维透过织物设计制成纺织品,具超蓬松感或致密感,并有特殊光泽。 shrinkage 词典解释 1. 缩小;收缩;减少 Shrinkage is a decrease in the size or amount of something. e.g. Allow for some shrinkage in both length and width. 长、宽上都预留出一定的缩水量。 e.g. ...a shrinkage in industrial output. 工业产量的减少 shrinkage 单语例句shrinkage的翻译 1. The union also complains that flight schedule changes have caused rest deprivation and shrinkage of income for cabin crews. 2. Jiang said automakers'profit shrinkage would be difficult to check in the fourth quarter of this year as vehicles sales would continue to slide. 3. But a " shrinkage " factor that may include uninhabitable areas like walls or common areas shared with neighbours often comes into play. 4. As a result, the real estate and labour markets can only see a continual shrinkage in price. 5. The shrinkage has been blamed for a surge in dental problems caused by crooked or overlapping teeth. 6. And it was the first time the organization has seen an aggregate shrinkage in its members economies since it started keeping records in 1970. 7. And it was the first time the organization has seen an aggregate shrinkage in its member economies since it started keeping records in 1970. 8. Sources from the law firms showed that investment losses and profit shrinkage have directly impacted family stability and sparked property dispute among couples. 9. According to experts, current glacial shrinkage is primarily due to climate warming. 10. Yao said the shrinkage will lead to an " overdraft " of glacier storage, causing a disaster in the global ecosystem. shrinkage是什么意思shrinkage 英英释义 noun 1. the act of stealing goods that are on display in a store e.g. shrinkage is the retail trade's euphemism for shoplifting Synonym: shoplifting 2. the amount by which something shrinks 3. process or result of becoming less or smaller e.g. the material lost 2 inches per yard in shrinkage Synonym: shrinking |
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