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take it easy take lying down take note of take off take-off
take on take out takeover take over take pains
take part take part in take place take risks take root
take sb off take sb out take shape take sth apart take sth back
take sth down take sth in take sth into account take sth off take sth on
take sth out take sth over take sth up take stock take stock of
take the place of take the plunge nonpareil non-renewable nonsense
nonsensical nonthreatening noodle noodles noodles
noon noonday no one noose take to
take to heart take to sb take to sth take turns take up
taking tale talent talented talent show
talisman talk talk about talkative talk back
talk down to talk into talk of talk out of talk over
talk show tall taller tallest tally
talon tambourine tame tamp tamper
tampon tan tangential tangible tangle
tangle with tango tangy tank tanker
tantalize tantamount tantrum tap tape
taper tape recorder tapering tapestry tapeworm
tar tardiness tardy tare target
tariff tarn tarnish tarpaulin tarry
tart task taste tasteless tasty
tattered tattle tatty taught taunt
taut tauten tautological tavern tawdry
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