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词语 般配

般配(bān pèi)

Pronunciation: bān pèi

Basic Meaning: well-matched; compatible

Detailed Explanation: 般配 is a Chinese idiom that refers to two things or people being well-matched or compatible with each other. It implies that they complement each other and are a perfect match.

Usage Scenarios: 般配 is often used to describe a harmonious and compatible relationship between people, such as a couple, friends, or business partners. It can also be used to describe the compatibility of colors, flavors, or other elements.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the "Analects of Confucius." In the book, Confucius used the phrase "君子般配" (jūn zǐ bān pèi) to describe the ideal relationship between husband and wife.

Structure of the Idiom: 般配 is a compound word formed by combining the two characters "般" and "配."

Example Sentences:

1. 他们俩真是般配,互相补充,一起做事效率很高。

(They are well-matched, complementing each other, and they are very efficient when working together.)

2. 这两种颜色非常般配,搭配在一起非常美观。

(These two colors are very well-matched and look very beautiful when combined.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 般配, you can associate it with the image of two puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together, symbolizing a perfect match or compatibility.

Extended Learning: To further explore the concept of compatibility, you can learn about other related idioms, such as "心有灵犀一点通" (xīn yǒu líng xī yī diǎn tōng) which means "to have a telepathic understanding" or "to be on the same wavelength."

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我和小明是般配的好朋友,我们一起玩得很开心。

(Me and Xiaoming are well-matched best friends, we have a lot of fun playing together.)

2. Teenagers: 她和他真是般配,不仅外表相似,兴趣爱好也很相投。

(She and him are really well-matched, not only do they look alike, but their interests and hobbies also align.)

3. Adults: 这个团队的成员都很般配,各自拥有不同的专长,共同完成了一个成功的项目。

(The members of this team are all well-matched, each having different expertise, and they have successfully completed a project together.)





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