单词 | right |
释义 | right [英 [ra?t] 美 [ra?t] ] right的意思、解释 过去式:righted; 过去分词:righted; 现在分词:righting; 复数形式:rights; right 基本解释 right 副词立刻,马上; 向右,右边; 恰当地; 一直 形容词正确的; 合适的; 右方的; 好的,正常的 名词权利; 右边; 正确,正当; 右手 及物动词纠正; 扶直,使正; 整理; 补偿 不及物动词(船舶等)复正,恢复平稳 right 同义词 形容词truevalidfaultlessgoodpropersuitablesoundlawfulcorrectexactaccuratefittingperfectjust 动词correct right的解释 right 反义词 right 形容词incorrectfalsewrongmistakenimproperinappropriateunjustleft right right 相关词组 right是什么意思 1. right enough : 果然如此, 果真; 2. right away : 立刻, 马上; 3. be in the right : 站在正义一边; 4. right and left : 向左右两边, 从左右两边, 到处, 四面八方; 5. get right : 恢复正常; 6. right on : 对啊, (美)(非正式)你说得对啊, 老于世故的, 知情的; 7. in the right : 站在正义的一边; 8. right or wrong : 不管如何; 9. right along : 继续地; 10. in ones own right : 凭本身的头衔; 11. right now : 就在此时; right 相关例句 形容词 1. right 1. Learn to say the right at the right time. 学习在适当的时候说适当的话。 副词 1. right的翻译 1. I did all my sums right. 我把算术题全部算对了。 2. Go right to the end of the street, and then turn left. 走完这条街再向左拐。 名词 1. 1. The man standing on her right is her brother. 站在她右边的那个人是她兄弟。 right 情景对话 交换名片 right的反义词 A:Do you have a calling card ? 您有名片吗? B:Yes , right here. 有的,就在这儿。 right A:Here‘s one of mine. 喏,这是我的。 B:Thanks. 谢谢。 乘出租车1 right在线翻译 A:Where can I catch a taxi? 哪里我可以叫到出租车? B:The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there. 出租车站台就在左边转角处。 找人 right的意思 A:Is Mr. Smith in his office? 史密斯先生在办公室吗? B:I’m sorry. He’s (in a meeting/ not at his desk right now/ out). 抱歉。他(正在开会/不在位子上/出去了)。 right 网络解释 1. 向右:说明; 首先大家看见绿色的标明, 那是指定方向的值, 大家可以把它调整为; 可选值为向上(up) 向下(down) 向左(left) 向右(right) ! 粉红色的表明是数字, 数字大就滚动的快, 小就慢! 红色的表明就是要贴人对方的地址, right 双语例句 1. right 1. No matter what you would like to be or not to be, youmust admit that his decide was right. 不管你愿意还是不愿意,你都必须承认他的决定是对的。 2. For the number that I`ll wear in the NBA, I`m keeping it a secret for right now…what I can tell you is I`m already planning it. 不过我在NBA里面要求什么号码的话,现在还是个秘密,不过我可以告诉你们的是,我已经有所打算了。 3. The notice of real estate registration system is a sort of creditor`s right with intense character of property right, and the system of China features its administrative property. 内容摘要:不动产预告登记是一种带有浓厚物权色彩的债权,我国不动产登记制度同时又有类似行政的特色。 4. right什么意思 4. The Tao receiver actually comes with a car and home kit, along with headphones and a random assortment of other stuff to let you do everything you want, right out of the box. 道接收器实际上是与汽车和家庭包,连同耳机和一个随机各种各样的其他东西,让您尽一切您想要的,正确的方块。 5. I see. We'll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir. 我知道了。我们调查之后马上给你答复。 6. We'll look into it and get back to you right away. 我们会调查这件事情并且马上给你答复。 7. We wll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir. 我们调查之后马上给你答复。 8. We'll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir. 我知道了——1105号。我们调查之后马上给你答复。 9. right的意思 9. Yeah, I'll write it up right now. 是的,我现在就去写 10. B: All right. I`ll come again. 好的,我下次会再来的。 11. right的解释 11. I'm sure everything will be right again the next time you come. 我保证下次您再来时一切都会好的。 12. right的意思 12. If you want to become a very successful entrepreneur, you must start a business right away. 如果你想成为一名成功的企业家,你就必须马上开始你的运作。 13. right的翻译 13. To deal with the use of both sides of the face, the left side are concave thumb position, the use of anti-network design, the right side to support the design and ring for intense and long-lasting comfort to provide the best games and the most control of. 两侧面采用磨沙处理,左侧面有拇指内凹位置,采用网点防滑设计,右侧面的设计亦能够承托无名指和尾指,为激烈而持久的游戏提供最佳的舒适性和最强的掌控性。 14. I'll have the car waiting at the entrance, will that be all right? 我让车停在门口等着,这样行吗? 15. I'll go and check our stock right now. 我现在就去看看我们的存货 16. right 16. I'm sorry, but this is the largest one we have in stock right now. 抱歉,但这是我们现有存货中最大的一个。 17. right在线翻译 17. Administered; yet, notwithstanding, by the right use of this ordinance, the g race 洗礼的功效并不是在洗礼那一刻注定55。虽然如此,若这个圣礼施行的合 18. right是什么意思 18. Double right-thumb click with a left-panel twist. 双击右拇指同时扭左面板 19. I think that Red Bull and Toro Rosso is on the right way. 我认为红牛车队和红牛之队位于正确的道路上。 20. Whate ve r he said was right. 无论他说什么都是对的。 right 词典解释 正确的;适当的;可接受的(CORRECT, APPROPRIATE,OR ACCEPTABLE) 1. 对的;正确的;符合事实的 If something is right, it is correct and agrees with the facts. e.g. That's absolutely right... 那绝对正确。 e.g. Clocks never told the right time... 钟表显示的时间从来都不准确。 rightly She attended one meeting only, if I remember rightly. 如果我没有记错的话,她只参加了一次会议。 2. 合适的;恰当的;准确的 If you do something in the right way or in the right place, you do it as or where it should be done or was planned to be done. e.g. Walking, done in the right way, is a form of aerobic exercise... 走路,如果方法正确的话,也是一种有氧健身运动。 e.g. They have computerized systems to ensure delivery of the right pizza to the right place... 他们已经实现了系统的计算机化,以保证比萨的送货准确无误。 3. (地方)为大众接受的;(人)正派的,体面的 If you say that someone is seen in all the right places or knows all the right people, you mean that they go to places which are socially acceptable or know people who are socially acceptable. e.g. He was always to be seen in the right places... 他总是会出现在一些体面的地方。 e.g. Through his father, he had met all the right people. 他通过父亲认识了很多正派的人。 4. (说法或想法)正确的,对的 If someone is right about something, they are correct in what they say or think about it. e.g. Ron has been right about the result of every General Election but one... 罗恩对于历届大选结果都预测对了,只有一次除外。 e.g. Is that true? Was she right?... 那是真的吗?她说得没错吗? rightly He rightly assumed that the boy was hiding. 他猜对了,那个男孩躲起来了。 5. (选择、行动、决定等)正确的,最好的,最合适的 If something such as a choice, action, or decision is the right one, it is the best or most suitable one. right是什么意思 e.g. She'd made the right choice in leaving New York... 她离开纽约的决定是正确的。 e.g. The right decision was made, but probably for the wrong reasons... 作出的决定是正确的,但理由可能是错误的。 rightly She hoped she'd decided rightly. 她希望自己作出了正确的决定。 6. 正常的;没有问题的;令人满意的 If something is not right, there is something unsatisfactory about the situation or thing that you are talking about. e.g. Ratatouille doesn't taste right with any other oil... 普罗旺斯杂烩用其他任何油炒出来的味道都不正宗。 e.g. The name Sue Anne never seemed quite right to Molly... 莫莉总觉得休·安妮这个名字不太好听。 7. 对的;正当的;有理的;合乎道德的 If you think that someone was right to do something, you think that there were good moral reasons why they did it. e.g. You were right to do what you did, under the circumstances... 在这种情况下,你做的是对的。 e.g. The president was absolutely right in ordering the bombing raid. 总统下令发动空袭是绝对合乎道义的。 rightly The crowd screamed for a penalty but the referee rightly ignored them... 观众强烈要求罚球,但是裁判作出了公正的决定,对此没有理会。 Education, quite rightly, is currently at the forefront of the political agenda. 目前教育被排在政治议程的首位,这样做非常恰当。 8. (活动或行动)符合道德的,正当的 Right is used to refer to activities or actions that are considered to be morally good and acceptable. e.g. It's not right, leaving her like this... 就这样离开她是不对的。 e.g. Fox hunting is popular among some people in this country. It doesn't make it right though... 这个国家有些人喜欢猎狐,但是这并不能使其变得名正言顺。 rightness Many people have very strong opinions about the rightness or wrongness of abortion. 很多人都对堕胎是否合乎道义有强烈的意见。 9. 扭转;矫正;(使)恢复正常 If you right something or if it rights itself, it returns to its normal or correct state, after being in an undesirable state. right的反义词 e.g. They recognise the urgency of righting the economy... 他们认识到了复苏经济的紧迫性。 e.g. Your eyesight rights itself very quickly. 你的视力恢复得非常快。 10. 纠正;改正;弥补 If you right a wrong, you do something to make up for a mistake or something bad that you did in the past. e.g. We've made progress in righting the wrongs of the past... 我们在纠正过去的错误方面取得了进展。 e.g. Having spent 25 years righting his own mistakes, he is anxious that children should not waste opportunities. 他花了25年的时间弥补自己的过失,因此他非常渴望孩子们不要错失良机。 11. 把…扶正;把…摆正;(使)直立 If you right something that has fallen or rolled over, or if it rights itself, it returns to its normal upright position. e.g. He righted the yacht and continued the race... 他调正了快艇,继续比赛。 e.g. The helicopter turned at an awful angle before righting itself. 直升机在恢复平稳之前倾斜得很厉害。 12. (材料)正面的 The right side of a material is the side that is intended to be seen and that faces outwards when it is made into something. 13. 进展顺利;发展正常 If you say that things are going right, you mean that your life or a situation is developing as you intended or expected and you are pleased with it. e.g. I can't think of anything in my life that's going right... 我想不起我的生活中有任何一帆风顺的事情。 e.g. I was pleased with my performance on Saturday — everything went right. 我对自己星期六的表现挺满意——一切顺利。 14. (道德上或法律上)有理的,合理的,正确的,说得通的 If someone has behaved in a way which is morally or legally right, you can say that they are in the right. You usually use this expression when the person is involved in an argument or dispute. right是什么意思 e.g. She wasn't entirely in the right... 她并非完全占理。 e.g. Legally, the local tax office is in the right. 从法律的角度来说,当地税务局的做法是无可厚非的。 15. 纠正;更正 If you put something right, you correct something that was wrong or that was causing problems. right什么意思 e.g. We've discovered what's gone wrong and are going to put it right. 我们已经发现了存在的问题,准备加以纠正。 16. 白马王子;梦中情人;理想的伴侣 You can use Mr Right ,Miss Right, or Ms Right to talk about the kind of person that you imagine you will marry or spend the rest of your life with. right在线翻译 e.g. She confesses to having trouble finding Mr Right. 她承认找不到自己的白马王子。 e.g. ...bachelors searching for Ms Right. 寻找真命天女的单身汉们 17. heart in the right place -> see heart it serves you right -> see serve on the right side of -> see side 方向和政治派别(DIRECTION AND POLITICAL GROUPINGS) The spelling Right is also used for meanings 3 and 4. 拼写Right亦用于义项3和4。 1. 右边;右侧;右面 The right is one of two opposite directions, sides, or positions. If you are facing north and you turn to the right, you will be facing east. In the word 'to', the 'o' is to the right of the 't'. e.g. Ahead of you on the right will be a lovely garden... 在你右前方会有一个美丽的花园。 e.g. He looks to his left, up at the screen, then to his right. 他朝左边看了看,抬头望向屏幕,然后又看了看右边。 2. 右边的;右侧的 Your right arm, leg, or ear, for example, is the one which is on the right side of your body. Your right shoe or glove is the one which is intended to be worn on your right foot or hand. 3. 右翼分子;右翼政党 You can refer to people who support the political ideals of capitalism and conservatism as the right. They are often contrasted with the left, who support the political ideals of socialism. e.g. The Tory Right despise him... 保守党右翼分子鄙视他。 e.g. The right attacks me for being irreligious. 右翼分子抨击我没有宗教信仰。 4. (政治上的)右翼 If you say that someone has moved to the right, you mean that their political beliefs have become more right-wing. e.g. They see the shift to the right as a worldwide phenomenon. 他们认为政治上的右翼倾向是一个世界现象。 5. 是…的得力助手;是…的左膀右臂 If someone is at a person's right hand, they work closely with that person so they can help and advise them. right e.g. I think he ought to be at the right hand of the president. 我想他应该成为总统的得力助手。 权利(ENTITLEMENT) 1. 权利;权益 Your rights are what you are morally or legally entitled to do or to have. e.g. They don't know their rights... 他们不知道自己的权利。 e.g. You must stand up for your rights. 你必须维护自己的权利。 2. (做某事或拥有某物的)权利 If you have a right to do or to have something, you are morally or legally entitled to do it or to have it. e.g. ...a woman's right to choose... 女性的选择权 e.g. People have the right to read any kind of material they wish. 人们有权利阅读自己喜欢的任何东西。 3. 版权;改编权 If someone has the rights to a story or book, they are legally allowed to publish it or reproduce it in another form, and nobody else can do so without their permission. e.g. An agent bought the rights to his life... 一个经纪人购买了他的传记的出版权。 e.g. He'd tried to buy the film rights of all George Bernard Shaw's plays. 他曾尝试买下萧伯纳所有戏剧的电影改编权。 4. 按理说;按道理 If something is not the case but you think that it should be, you can say that by rights it should be the case. e.g. She did work which by rights should be done by someone else. 她做了理应由别人做的事情。 5. 靠自己努力;凭借自身才能 If someone is a successful or respected person in their own right, they are successful or respected because of their own efforts and talents rather than those of the people they are closely connected with. e.g. Although now a celebrity in her own right, actress Lynn Redgrave knows the difficulties of living in the shadow of her famous older sister... 虽然女演员琳恩·雷德格雷夫现在依靠自己的能力出了名,但她明白生活在大名鼎鼎的姐姐的阴影里有多不容易。 e.g. Their baby is a person in his own right. 他们的宝宝是个很独立的人。 6. 保留…的权利 If you say that you reserve the right to do something, you mean that you will do it if you feel that it is necessary. right什么意思 e.g. He reserved the right to change his mind... 他保留了改变主意的权利。 e.g. The ministry said it reserved the right to take whatever action necessary. 该部表示保留采取任何必要行动的权利。 7. 在…的权限之内;有权 If you say that someone is within their rights to do something, you mean that they are morally or legally entitled to do it. e.g. You were quite within your rights to refuse to co-operate with him. 你完全有权拒绝跟他合作。 话语用法(DISCOURSE USES) 1. (用于引起注意或表示已经完成一件事情,接下来可以开始另一件事情)好的,对 You use right in order to attract someone's attention or to indicate that you have dealt with one thing so you can go on to another. e.g. Right, I'll be back in a minute... 好的,我一会儿就回来。 e.g. Wonderful. Right, let's go to our next caller. 太棒了。好的,我们接听下一个电话。 2. (用于确认所说的话是否正确)对吗,是吗,对吧 You can use right to check whether what you have just said is correct. e.g. They have a small plane, right? 他们有一架小飞机,对吧? e.g. So if it's not there now, the killer has it. Right? 如果它现在不在那里,就在凶手那里。是吧? 3. (用于表示倾听某人的话并表示接受或理解)嗯,对,是 You can say 'right' to show that you are listening to what someone is saying and that you accept it or understand it. e.g. 'Your children may well come away speaking with a bit of a broad country accent' — 'Right.' — 'because they're mixing with country children.' “你的孩子们走的时候可能会带点儿浓重的乡下口音。”——“嗯。”——“因为他们现在和乡下孩子打成一片。” 4. see also: all right 5. 好极了;对极了 You say 'right on' to express your support or approval. e.g. He suggested that many of the ideas just would not work. But the tenor of his input was 'Right on! Please show us how to make them work'. 他认为这些想法有很多根本就不会奏效。但是他说话的大意却是“好极了!请告诉我们怎么让它们见效”。 6. 好的;没问题 If someone says 'right you are', they are agreeing to do something in a very willing and happy way. e.g. 'I want a word with you when you stop.' — 'Right you are.' “等你停下来的时候,我想跟你说句话。”——“好的。” 用于强调(USED FOR EMPHASIS) 1. (地方、位置或时间)准确地,恰当地,精确地 You can use right to emphasize the precise place, position, or time of something. e.g. The back of a car appeared right in front of him. 汽车尾部正对着他。 e.g. ...a charming resort right on the Italian frontier... 就在意大利边境上的一个美丽的度假胜地 2. 直到;一直到;径直 You can use right to emphasize how far something moves or extends or how long it continues. e.g. ...the highway that runs through the Indian zone right to the army positions... 穿过印第安人居住区直达军队阵地的公路 e.g. She was kept very busy right up to the moment of her departure... 她一直忙得不可开交,直到出发的那一刻还在忙。 3. 完全地;彻底地 You can use right to emphasize that an action or state is complete. e.g. The candle had burned right down... 这根蜡烛完全烧尽了。 e.g. The handle came right off in my hand. 把手一下子就从我的手中脱落。 4. 完全的;彻头彻尾的;严重的 You can use right to emphasize a noun, usually a noun referring to something bad. e.g. He gave them a right telling off... 他狠狠地责备了他们一通。 e.g. England's European Championship plans are in a right mess. 英格兰队的欧洲锦标赛作战计划乱七八糟。 5. 就在…之后/就在…之前 If you say that something happened right after a particular time or event or right before it, you mean that it happened immediately after or before it. e.g. All of a sudden, right after the summer, Mother gets married... 突然,刚过夏天,妈妈就结婚了。 e.g. She then decided right before the opening to make a dramatic announcement. 然后就在开幕式开始之前,她决定要宣布一件激动人心的事情。 6. 我马上就到/我马上回来 If you say I'll be right there or I'll be right back, you mean that you will get to a place or get back to it in a very short time. right e.g. I'm going to get some water. I'll be right back. 我去拿点水。马上就回来。 7. 立刻;立即;马上 If you do something right away or right off, you do it immediately. e.g. He wants to see you right away... 他想马上见你。 e.g. I knew right away she was dead... 我马上就知道她死了。 8. 现在;此时此刻 You can use right now to emphasize that you are referring to the present moment. right在线翻译 e.g. Right now I'm feeling very excited... 现在,我觉得非常激动。 e.g. I'm warning you; stop it right now! 我警告你,马上住手! 用于称号(USED IN TITLES) 1. (用于英国的某些尊称中,表示级别或地位高) Right is used in some British titles. It indicates high rank or status. e.g. ...The Right Reverend John Baker. 约翰·贝克牧师阁下 e.g. ...the Right Honourable Lynn Jones MP. 尊敬的林恩·琼斯议员阁下 right 单语例句right的意思 1. What I got was the sense that Chinese business leaders and government officials welcome private equity done the right way. 2. But finding the right talent for the new business was a problem for Sun, a newcomer to the machine tool sector. 3. In practice it is not easy to get the balance right between feasible business models and their social impact. 4. We are right to question business leaders and whether we can trust their intentions, judgment and capabilities to do the right thing. 5. And nobody wants to see China's economy go bust, right? 6. Lakers forward Caron Butler partially tore the tendon in his right pinky in the second quarter. 7. But developing the habit of pressing the right button can save electricity and the time of both the person pressing the button and others. 8. The collarless gowns are buttoned down the front or on the right and are embroidered with floral patterns. 9. But Gramps refused to buy into the new sterling and hankered after his old money, right up to his passing in 1996. 10. Lukoil said it had the right to buy its partner's stake in Turgai before CNPC took over PetroKazakhstan. |
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