单词 | weigh |
释义 | weigh [英 [we?] 美 [we?] ] weigh的意思、解释 过去式:weighed; 过去分词:weighed; 现在分词:weighing; weigh 基本解释 weigh的翻译 及物动词称…的重量; 权衡,考虑; 用手掂估; 使吃重 不及物动词具有重要性; 重量为; 起锚; 成为…的重荷 名词权衡; 称重量 weigh 相关词组 1. weigh in : 称重量, 参加; 2. weigh out : 称出; 3. weigh down : 压低, 过度忧虑; 4. under weigh : 在进行中; 5. weigh in with : 有把握地提出; weigh的反义词 weigh 相关例句 及物动词 1. He weighed the parcel by hand. 他用手掂一掂那一包包裹的重量。 2. Do you often weigh yourself? 你常称体重吗? 3. The branches of the pear tree were weighed heavily with fruit. 梨树的树枝给沉甸甸的果实压弯了。 不及物动词 1. weigh是什么意思 1. How much do you weigh? 你体重多少? 2. weigh的近义词 2. Her suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. 她的建议对作出这一决定起了重要作用。 weigh 情景对话 在邮局 A:Id like to buy some stamps for this letter. 我想买这封信的邮票。 B:Let me just weigh it first. 请先让我称一称。 A:How much will it be? 要多少钱? weigh B:Are you sending it by regular or by speed? 你要寄平信还是快递? A:Just the regular. 平信就好了。 weigh是什么意思 B:Thatll be four yuan. 四元。 A:How long will it take for my mail to reach its destination? 我的信件到达目的地要多久? B:Just two days. 只要两天。 A:Thanks. 谢谢。 weigh在线翻译 B:Good day. 再见! A:Good day also to you. 再见! 在邮局 weigh的翻译 A:Would you please weigh this letter to see what the postage is? 麻烦您称一下这封信,看看需要多少邮资,好吗? B:Do you want to send it by ordinary or registered mail? 您是要寄普通信还是挂号信? A:By ordinary air mail, please. 请给我寄普通航空信。 B:Anything of value in it? 里面有什么值钱的东西吗? A:A postal order for four hundred dollars. 一张400 美元的邮政汇票。 B:In that case, you’d better have it registered. 既然那样,您最好寄挂号信。 A:Will I be informed when my friend gets the letter? 当我朋友收到这封信后,我会被通知吗? B:Yes, when your friend gets it, he’ll sign a receipt, which will be sent to you by mail. Then you can be sure it’s been received. 是的,当您的朋友收到信后,他将签一张收据,这张收据会寄给您,您就可以确定他收到了。 weigh什么意思 A:All right, I’ll have it registered, then. 好,那我就寄挂号信。 weigh 网络解释 1. 称重:在模型中,零部件(Widget)要经过称重(Weigh)、冲洗(Wash)、加工(Produce)和检测(inspect)四个工序的操作. 执行完每一步操作后,零部件通过兼有运输器和缓存器的输送链传递至下一步操作;经过检测以后零部件脱离模型; 2. 重:知识和信息的综合作用过程构成了另一种别样的控制模式:既有知识存储的容量、指向、权重(weigh)都是视人而殊的,接受信息流的途径、内容也各有不同,尤其是处于我们这个多元化的社会环境中, 3. 3. 权重:知识和信息的综合作用过程构成了另一种别样的控制模式:既有知识存储的容量、指向、权重(weigh)都是视人而殊的,接受信息流的途径、内容也各有不同,尤其是处于我们这个多元化的社会环境中, weigh 双语例句 1. 1. Always weigh the degree of security maintained by your hosting provider against the security you expect to provide in-house. 把从你宿主机供应商获得的安全性能与你内部的安全性能作比较。 2. weigh的解释 2. 1Formulation of Rubber Compounds in parts by weigh. 用重量分数表示的橡胶混合物的配方。 3. Weigh the empty cup, position it under the chute, and slowly pour the powder from a height of 5.1 cm (2 inches) above the funnel through the volumeter, at a rate suitable to prevent clogging, until the cup overflows. 称空杯重,放在斜道下面,将粉末慢慢的从5.1 cm(2英寸)高处通过一个漏斗倒入体积计直到粉末溢出,倾倒速度以防止筛孔堵塞为准 4. Transfer the filtrate to a tared beaker, evaporate to dryness without charring, dry at 105 for 1 hour, cool in a desiccator, and weigh: the difference between the weight of the residue and the weight obtained from a blank determination does not exceed 12.5 mg (0.25%). 将滤液转入已称重的烧杯,105°下干燥1小时,在不烧焦的前提下使其蒸发至干,在干燥器中冷却,称重。测得的残渣重量与空白测定中得到的残渣重量之差不超过12.5 mg (0.25%)。 5. weigh的翻译 5. How to weigh the property value and establish one set of complete accounting methods systems has the extremely important theory significance and the future application value. 如何衡量企业的无形资产价值,建立起一套完整的会计核算方法、体系具有十分重要的理论意义和未来的应用价值。 6. So in this design the method of exchange the hydronium is used to deal with the weigh metals waste water. 具有出水水质好,污泥量少,能耗少,且水可回用,金属可回收的长处。故本设计采用离子交换法进行重金属废水的处理。 7. I am very protective of my time and weigh the pros and cons of everything I do. 我很保护我的时候,权衡利弊得失一切,我做的。 8. It says|a woman five feet four|ought to weigh between 110 and 123 pounds. 例如,一名身高五尺四的女子体重应该在110至123磅之间。 9. weigh的反义词 9. Burros reach an average height of over a meter and can weigh more than 225 kilograms. 小毛驴的身高平均可超过一米,体重能达到225公斤以上。 10. You have eight balls all of the same size. 7 of them weigh the same, and one of them weighs slightly more. 你有10只同样大小的球,其中有7个有相同的重量,有1个比其他的都重一点。 11. weigh的解释 11. You have eight balls all of the same size. 7 ofthem weigh the same, and one of them weighs slightly more. 你有8个一样大小的球,其中7个的重量是一样的,另一个比较重。 12. No, in heart you perform injustice; You weigh out the violence of your hands on earth. 58:2 不然,你们是心中谋行不义;你们在地上称出你们手所行的强暴。 13. weigh 13. For the purpose of using the redundancy information, the weigh least square localization algorithm was provided, and also it was compared to the lime-Only-Localization algorithm. 为了更充分的利用冗余的观测信息,提出一种基于加权最小二乘的双基地声呐定位优化算法,并与传统的基于波达时间定位算法进行了比较。 14. How much do you think I weigh...? 你认为我有多重? 15. I do not know how much I weigh, but it is too much 我不知道自己到底有多重,不过超重是肯定的了。 16. Keep both knees straight. Flex forward from hips and allow body weigh to drop over front leg. Pull kneecaps up toward hips. 双膝伸直。从髋部前屈上体,让身体重心过腿,膝盖骨向上对髋。 17. And you will find the facts weigh down to favor you in time.. 这个事实,你就会找到你的体重下降,在时间 18. weigh的解释 18. Remember, it is not the burdens of life that weigh us down, it is how we handle them. 你们的支持就是我们的动力,如果你有好的美文,可以通过论坛短信息告诉我们,让更多人分享哦! 19. Don't let them cause you to carry a grudge and let their actions weigh you down. 不要让他们导致你心怀怨恨,也不要让他们的行为令你沮丧。 20. That's why we can go so fast: our souls don't weigh us down. 所以我们才能走得那么快,因为我们缺失了灵魂的重量。 weigh 词典解释 1. 有…重;重 If someone or something weighs a particular amount, this amount is how heavy they are. weigh e.g. It weighs nearly 27 kilos (about 65 pounds)... 它重近27千克(约65磅)。 e.g. This little ball of gold weighs a quarter of an ounce... 这个小金球重0.25盎司。 2. 称…的重量;称 If you weigh something or someone, you measure how heavy they are. e.g. The scales can be used to weigh other items such as parcels. 这台秤可以用来称包裹等其他物品。 3. 认真考虑;权衡;斟酌 If you weigh the facts about a situation, you consider them very carefully before you make a decision, especially by comparing the various facts involved. e.g. She weighed her options... 她在各种选择间权衡斟酌。 e.g. He is weighing the possibility of filing criminal charges against the doctor... 他正在仔细考虑对那个医生提起刑事诉讼的可能性。 4. 斟酌(字句) If you weigh your words, you think very carefully before you say something. weigh e.g. He said the words very slowly, as if weighing each one of them. 他说话非常慢,好像每个字都要仔细斟酌。 5. 使烦恼;使忧虑 If a problem weighs on you, it makes you worried or unhappy. weigh的反义词 e.g. The separation weighed on both of them... 分离使他们两人都十分苦恼。 e.g. She knows how your brother's disappearance weighs upon you. 她知道你哥哥的失踪让你有多忧虑。 6. 对…有(重大)影响 Something that weighs heavily in a situation has a strong influence or important effect on it. e.g. Current economic hardships weigh heavily in young women's decisions to find salaried work... 目前的经济困难大大影响着年轻妇女在寻找有薪水的工作时的决定。 e.g. Human life weighed more with him than purity of policy... 人类生命对他而言比政策的纯洁性更重要。 weighed down I was too weighed down by guilt to eat the sweet. 我满怀内疚,吃不下甜食。 相关词组:weigh downweigh inweigh outweigh up weigh 单语例句 1. Weigh down the cabbage by putting a heavy object on top and leave to soak about two to three hours until they turn limp. 2. Its aluminum body makes the car weigh 150 kg lighter than its counterparts, which results in more fuel economy and higher performance. 3. This being the case, institutions of higher learning have to carefully weigh the need for expanding enrollments. 4. As the Liu family gathers each year to celebrate the festival, so they also weigh up the benefits of finding new wealth in China's distant cities. 5. The steadfast plunge of the Chinese stock market shows how heavily worries over climbing inflationary pressures weigh on local investors. 6. As for enhancing control, the tax authorities should weigh the impact of tightened tax collection on consumer behavior. 7. Such manhole covers would weigh more and be difficult to carry, also it will have less steel so less commercial value for a thief. 8. The IMF cautioned that weaknesses in advanced economies will weigh on external demand, as well as on the terms of trade of commodity exporters. 9. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of a philanthropist's actions, especially because charity is still in its developing stages in China. 10. Intense domestic discussions have taken place to weigh the pros and cons of currency revaluation in line with the country's internal and external conditions. |
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